El concepto de OPAC 2.0 ha sido ya estudiado con anterioridad (Breeding, 2007; Casey, 2007; Margaix-Arnal, 2007, Maniega, 2008; Macias, 2008) y se puede entender como la aplicación de las tecnologías y las actitudes de la Web 2.0 al catálogo bibliográfico. En primer lugar las tecnologías 2.0 son una más de las piezas que ayudan a mejorar la experiencia del usuario (junto a otras como la Usabilidad, la Arquitectura de la Información, etc.). En segundo lugar si sus datos son más abiertos el OPAC puede posicionarse mejor entre las herramientas de recuperación de información utilizadas por los usuarios. En tercer lugar el uso de información social y el aprovechamiento de la inteligencia colectiva ayudarán a reforzar el papel del OPAC como una herramienta de descubrimiento de información y no sólo como localizador de documentos ya conocidos. Ahora bien, para que el usuario aporte información al sistema es necesario el cuarto objetivo: que el OPAC sea una herramienta útil y que la información que aporte el usuario revierta en un beneficio directo para sus propios objetivos.
"TECHLIBplus OPAC for Windows release 2.0." Computers in Libraries vol. 15, n. 9 (1995). pp. 14.
Reports on Information Dimensions Inc.'s release of TECHLIBplus OPAC for Windows 2.0. Provision for a common interface to information; Software features; Contact information.
"Oclc 2.0." Cataloging & classification quarterly vol. 45, n. 4 (2008). pp. 109-111.
This article presents information on OCLC 2.0, a kind of cataloging code. It is sometimes referred to as the Next Generation Catalog, OPAC 2.0 and Dis-Integrated Library System. OCLC has been promoting a new WorldCat Local service, which leverages the metadata and data-mining capabilities of WorldCat while customizing the interface with local branding and search parameters. Because of the growing number of contributing libraries and its absorption of the RLG Union Catalog, the WorldCat database has grown in size to 85 million bibliographic records.
"Chilifresh launching opac-based social network." Library Journal vol. 134, n. 8 (2009). pp. 17-18.
This article discusses the efforts of ChiliFresh to help to open up the online public access catalog developed by SirsiDynix. Scott Johnson, the chief executive of ChiliFresh described products including a review engine that allows library users to write reviews of books that will be introduced by ChiliFresh. Efforts to encourage user-generated content for OPACs as part of library 2.0 are described.
Monográfico dedicado a Catálogos de últiam generación. Special issue: Next generation OPACs
Atkins, S. S. and C. L. Weible
"Needles in a haystack: using interlibrary loan data to identify materials missing from a library's collection." Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services vol. 27, n. 2 (2003). pp. 187-202.
A study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library examines data from unfilled ILL requests to determine the status of materials housed in the Main Bookstacks of the library's collection. The study focuses on ILL requests that were not filled due to material missing from the collection. Results of the study identified training issues with staff and student employees, indicated that high use materials were more subject to loss, recognized that overcrowding of the collection contributed to error, and noted that maintenance shifting of materials created additional problems for locating materials. Analysis of the data resulted in a suggested procedure to use unfilled ILL requests to update the library's OPAC for more accurate representation of the status of materials in the collection.
Cabezas-Clavijo, l., D. Torres Salinas, et al.
"Ciencia 2.0: catálogo de herramientas e implicaciones para la actividad investigadora." El Profesional de la Información vol. 18, n. 1 (2009). pp. 72-80.
Se introduce y analiza el concepto de Ciencia 2.0 a través de sus principales propiedades: la participación y la colaboración del usuario así como el libre intercambio de información por medio de aplicaciones web. Se detallan los tipos de aplicaciones que representan las funciones más destacadas de la web 2.0 para investigadores: redes de blogs, revistas con gestión de contenidos 2.0, gestores de referencias online y etiquetado social, open data y reutilización de la información, redes sociales y audio y vídeo-ciencia. Finalmente se discuten los principales factores que inciden en el uso de estas herramientas así como las implicaciones que la adopción generalizada de estos servicios y aplicaciones causarían en la tarea investigadora; The concept of Science 2.0 is introduced and analysed based on its principal characteristics: user participation and collaboration, as well as free information exchange by means of web applications. A categorisation of tools for main web 2.0 functionalities for scientists is detailed: blog networks, journals with 2.0 tools, online reference managers and social tagging, open data and information reutilisation, social networks, and audio and video-science. Main factors influencing the use of these tools are presented. Finally, the consequences for scientific activity of general adoption of these services and applications are discussed.
Cam, G. and C. Gonzáles Cam
"C. Gestión e implementación de herramientas y servicios bibliotecarios virtuales en la Web 2.0, 2007." Coloquio Internacional de Bibliotecarios, Gualajara (México) vol. 4, n. (2007). pp. 26-28.
El presente artículo hace una introducción de las nuevas herramientas virtuales que se encuentran disponibles para brindar servicios en la Web 2.0., y en especial, se lista algunas aplicaciones de administración de contenidos y bibliotecas digitales, como el uso de podcast, blogs y otras herramientas. Habla sobre servicios de referencia, y la evolución de las Opacs 2.0, con la interacción de los usuarios como Library Thing.
Cansino, G. R., M. F. Sánchez, et al.
"Una nueva alternativa para consultar bases de datos bibliográficas de forma remota." Biblioteca Universitaria: Revista de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas de la UNAM vol. 2, n. 2 (2007). pp. 115-126.
El documento describe las características y funcionamiento de una aplicación web cuyo objetivo es realizar búsquedas de manera simultánea en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas, las cuales se caracterizan por estar en diferentes plataformas de sistemas operativos y arquitecturas de software para automatización de bibliotecas.
Chalon, P. X., E. Di Pretoro, et al.
"OPAC 2.0: Opportunities, development and analysis." European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries vol., n. 11 (2008). pp.:
Web 2.0 has raised new expectations from the library users : after reading a book, they wish to rate it, provide some comments or review about it and tag it for themselves or for others. They also expect to discover other interesting books thanks to the contribution of other people. Those functions, summarized under OPAC 2.0, are now provided by several Integrated Library Systems (ILS), at least partially. But, due to the slow development of some products, other paths were also explored: Content Management Systems (CMS) or specific software. CMS does provide the required functionalities like tagging and commenting. Some pioneers thus decided to develop a new Web OPAC based on CMS. Another approach was to build an OPAC that is independent from any ILS and which offers the required functionalities. In this paper, we propose to review the options available for the librarians wishing to offer Web 2.0 functionalities to their users. We also provide a synthesis of our own experience in implementing an OPAC 2.0 into our Library.
Coyle, K.
"The Library Catalog in a 2.0 World." The Journal of Academic Librarianship vol. 33, n. 2 (2007). pp. 289-291.
In my previous column I presented some past views of the future of the library and the library catalog. Writing on the threshold of the computer revolution, most of those futurists correctly foresaw a library and catalog that could be accessed from the user’s office or home. Some even predicted the eventual dissolution of the physical library, with all documents and all services being digital. But none of them envisioned the rise of a vibrant information environment entirely outside of libraries: the World Wide Web. Our users have shifted their attention from the library to other sources of information. The question today is not how do we get users into the library, but how can we take the library to the users. The answer will necessarily involve a transformation of the library catalog.
Flimm, O.
"Die open-source-software OpenBib an der USB Köln-Überblick und Entwicklungen in Richtung OPAC 2.0." Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis vol. 31, n. 2 (2007). pp. 185-192.
This article describes the Open Source portal software OpenBib, a project that was started by the author in 1997 and is being used in different projects at the University Library of Cologne (USB). After a basic overview of the origins, technology and the application at the USB the article describes some additional features such as RSS feeds, mashups, tagging, tag clouds, use analyses, drilldowns as well as catalogue enrichment. Many of these are characteristic for OPAC 2.0.
Gavrilis, D., C. Kakali, et al. "Enhancing Library Services with Web 2.0 functionalities." European conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries vol., n. 12 (2008). pp.:
In this paper, a prototype of an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is presented. This new OPAC features new functionalities and utilizes web 2.0 technologies in order to deliver improved search and retrieval services. Some of these new services include social tag annotations, user opinions and ranks and tag-based similarity searches. The prototype is evaluated by a user group through questionnaires, interviews and with the system's integrated logging mechanism. The results are encouraging enough and show that Library 2.0 technologies seem to be acceptable by the majority of the users.
Gavrilis, D., C. Kakali, et al.
"Enhancing library services with Web 2.0 functionalities." Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries vol. 5173, n. (2008). pp. 148-159.
In this paper, a prototype of an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is presented. This new OPAC features new functionalities and utilizes web 2.0 technologies in order to deliver improved search and retrieval services. Some of these new services include social tag annotations, user opinions and ranks and tag-based similarity searches. The prototype is evaluated by a user group through questionnaires, interviews and with the system's integrated logging mechanism. The results are encouraging enough and show that Library 2.0 technologies seem to be acceptable by the majority of the users.
John, H.
"The VuFind implementation at Villanova University." Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 1 (2009). pp. 93-105.
Purpose – This case study seeks to document the experiences of Villanova University's Falvey Library staff as they developed and implemented the VuFind open source discovery tool for libraries. It aims to address the decision to hire a programmer for the library, the decision to make the VuFind software open source, and the library's development and implementation processes. Design/methodology/approach – The author interviewed, recorded, and corresponded with members of the library staff on multiple occasions over a five-month period during the ramp-up to, and just after, the launch of the new software. The paper is complemented by three podcasts created from the interview material that are available online. Findings – The creators of VuFind took a relatively informal approach to library software development. However, the resulting software has been well received, both by the library development community and Villanova University. Keys to this success were close attention to user expectations deriving from their experiences using widely available web-based search tools and applications, a continuous process of sharing work and soliciting input, and rapid improvements to the software. The open source development process facilitated the sharing and collaboration that made this rapid improvement possible. Practical implications – Other libraries that are considering the possibility of developing their own software may find Villanova's experience and approach useful in determining where to focus their planning and concentrate their resources. Originality/value – The case study will be of interest to persons engaging in or considering whether to engage in open source development of a library application. It will also appeal to library administrators interested in learning about the technology planning or software development.
Kim, Y.-M. and J. Abbas
"Adoption of Library 2.0 Functionalities by Academic Libraries and Users: A Knowledge Management Perspective." The Journal of Academic Librarianship vol. 36, n. 3 (2010). pp. 211-218.
This study investigates the adoption of Library 2.0 functionalities by academic libraries and users through a knowledge management perspective. Based on randomly selected 230 academic library Web sites and 184 users, the authors found RSS and blogs are widely adopted by academic libraries while users widely utilized the bookmark function.
Lim, L.
"LINC+: Our leap towards a Web 2.0 OPAC interface." National University of Singapore vol., n. (2008). pp.:
As internet search engines compete with online library catalogues as the source of information, the NUS Libraries faces the ultimate challenge of being the preferred gateway for finding information. We respond to this by providing user-centred information services and have begun our journey of revitalising our OPAC to make materials more easily accessible to our users. We leap from a Web 1.0 LINC (Library Integrated Catalogue) towards a Web 2.0 OPAC by offering a new menu of features to delight the millennial generation of users. Encore is our new discovery services platform which offers Web 2.0 features such as faceted search and tagging. The new Popular Choices feature suggests items based on circulation and community popularity while Patron Ratings and Community Reviews provide yet another channel of discovery for the user. Encore promises to transform the user experience by going beyond the conventional online library catalogue and strategises the quest for information in a single search interface.
Maness, J. M.
"Library 2.0 theory: Web 2.0 and its implications for libraries." Webology vol. 3, n. 2 (2006). pp. 2006.
This article posits a definition and theory for "Library 2.0". It suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as "Web 2.0" will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries, they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper applies the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds, and mashups might intimate changes in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access
Maniega, D.
"Opac 2.0: el futuro dentro de una realidad tangible." Anuario ThinkEPI vol., n. (2008). pp. 41-45.
El opac ha estado en el ojo del huracán durante bastantes años, evolucionando para dotar a los programas gestores de más funcionalidades pensando en la accesibilidad, entendida como la capacidad de recuperar la información. Es lógico imaginar que esto ha sido en pro del usuario; pero si lo analizamos con detenimiento veremos que los opacs tienen bastantes deficiencias en ese sentido. Hay que dejar que realmente se abran al usuario, que sean auténticas herramientas vertebradoras del acceso a la información, bibliográfica o no, donde el usuario participe de su crecimiento y enriquecimiento. En este artículo se abordan algunos de los puntos débiles presentes en la gran mayoría de catálogos, ofreciendo algunas pistas para la intersección entre los procesos de innovación tecnológica que se puedan aplicar y, la participación social al amparo de la tan conocida hoy en día Web 2.0
Marchitelli, A. and T. Piazzini
"OPAC, SOPAC e social networking: cataloghi di biblioteca 2.0?" Biblioteche Oggi vol. 26, n. 2 (2008). pp.:
In this article are compared traditional OPAC systems, enriched OPAC, social OPAC and social cataloguing systems. The aim is to underline new theoretical trends and to offer a taxonomic outline of such tools, according to the interaction level granted to users and to the chance to manage user’s generated contents from the point of view of the application of Web 2.0 tendencies to libraries, in the Library 2.0. At the end, a brief review of softwares, open source and not, that seem promising for this future application.
Margaix Arnal, D.
"Conceptos de web 2.0 y biblioteca 2.0: origen, definiciones y retos para las bibliotecas actuales." El Profesional de la Información vol., n. (2007). pp. 95-106.
This article provides an overview of web 2.0 and library 2.0. An analysis is offered of some of the successful websites that led to the new concept of web 2.0. The essential characteristics of this type of site are reviewed, such as employing important technological innovations and novel ways of interacting with users. The second part of the paper analyzes the significance of library 2.0 as a web 2.0 for libraries. After a brief review of the principal definitions, a new one is proposed. Examples are given of some of the 2.0 services that libraries are currently offering or could offer in the future.
Margaix-Arnal, D.
"El Opac 2.0: las tecnologías de la Web 2.0 aplicadas a los catálogos bibliográficos." CALSI vol., n. (2007). pp.:
En esta comunicación se hace un estudio de la aplicación de las tecnologías y las actitudes propias de la Web 2.0 a los catálogos bibliográficos de las bibliotecas, lo que se ha dado en denominar OPAC 2.0. Para ellos se realiza una breve conceptualización de que es la Web 2.0 y las tecnologías y actitudes que se le vinculan. Después se hace un breve repaso de las innovaciones que han destacado OPACs a lo largo del tiempo. Se hace un repaso por los principales OPACs que están implementando funcionalidades 2.0. Una vez revisadas las propuestas actuales y en base a la bibliografía, se analizan las funcionalidades deseables en un OPAC 2.0. El trabajo finaliza con una propuesta, acompañada de imágenes, de cómo sería un OPAC 2.0
Margaix-Arnal, D.
"El OPAC 2.0. Puerta de acceso a los contenidos de la biblioteca." Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas vol. 4, n. (2008). pp. 24-26.
Desde que la web 2.0 tomó las portadas de los semanarios más importantes del mundo se ha convertido en un tema, más que de moda, inevitable. Se ha estudiado la Web 2.0 desde múltiples perspectivas y ha sido objeto de estudio en las más diversas áreas del conocimiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las funcionalidades 2.0 y ver cómo están afectando o pueden afectar al producto clave de cualquier biblioteca: su OPAC. Se analizan cuáles han sido los cambios más relevantes de los OPAC desde su aparición, cómo está influyendo la Web 2.0 analizando algunos ejemplos. En la parte final del trabajo se propone un modelo de aplicación de estas tecnologías a un catálogo bibliográfico.
Margaix-Arnal, D.
"El OPAC 2.0: Puerta de Acceso a los Contenidos de la Biblioteca." Ministerio de Cultura (Spain) vol., n. (2008). pp. 237-246.
In this paper there becomes a study of the application of the technologies and the attitudes of the Web 2.0 to the bibliographical catalogues of libraries, which has been given in naming OPAC 2.0. For it there is realized a brief conceptualization of which it is the Web 2.0 and the technologies and attitudes that link themselves him. Later there is done a brief revision of the innovations that OPACs has emphasized throughout the time. A tour is realized by the principal OPACs that are implementing functionalities 2.0. Once checked the current offers and on the basis of the bibliography, the desirable functionalities are analyzed in an OPAC 2.0. The work finishes with an offer accompanied of images, of how it would be an OPAC 2.0
Margaix-Arnal, D.
"Lectura, universidad y recursos 2.0." Educación y Biblioteca vol., n. 165 (2008). pp. 83-88.
El fomento de la lectura entre los universitarios es una de las nuevas funciones que las bibliotecas Universitarias están asumiendo como propias. La Universidad actual ya no se concibe como un mero centro de investigación y capacitación profesional. Sin perder de vista estas funciones nucleares, actualmente buscan una formación integral de la persona, rescatando valores humanistas olvidados durante tanto tiempo.
Margaix-Arnal, D.
"L’OPAC Social i la participación dels usuaris als catàlegs bibliogràfics= EL OPAC Social y la participación de los usuarios a los catálogos bibliográficos." Item: Revista de biblioteconomia i documentació vol., n. 50 (2009). pp. 17-30.
Aquest article fa una revisió de l’OPAC i els canvis que l’estan afectant actualment com a conseqüència de la evolució que ha tingut la pròpia web amb un especial èmfasi en la participació de l’usuari. Començant per una revisió de que és l’OPAC s’analitzen els canvis actuals, i la bibliografia més destacada al respecte. S’avalua la possibilitat de permetre la participació de l’usuari, les formes d’aquesta participació i les tecnologies que la fan possible. Es fa un repàs dels principals programaris que permeten construir un OPAC Social. Després de descriure també les limitacions a aquesta participació es descriuen els principals projectes desenvolupats a l’Estat espanyol en diferents tipus de biblioteques.
Mendes, L. H., J. Quiñonez-Skinner, et al.
"Subjecting the catalog to tagging." Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 1 (2009). pp. 30-41.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the implementation of LibraryThing for Libraries (LTFL) in an academic library and analysis of usage of LTFL data and their potential for resource discovery in the catalog. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the literature on social tagging and incorporation of third-party user-generated metadata into the library catalog. It provides an assessment based on the analysis of total absolute usage figures and frequency of use of LTFL data. Findings – Based on the data available, usage of LTFL data in the catalog is low, but several possible contributing factors are identified. Originality/value – The paper contributes to the literature on the implementation of LTFL in an academic library and provides usage statistics on LTFL data. It also provides directions for future research about tagging in the catalog.
Missingham, R., R. Brettell, et al.
"Accessing information in a parliamentary environment: is the OPAC dead?" Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 1 (2009). pp. 42-56.
Purpose – Access to library collections in an era where users want to “get” rather than “find” offers particular challenges. This paper seeks to explore users' needs for bibliographic records in a primarily full text environment. Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes the need for access to parliamentary and library information from the Australian Parliament and its use by Senators and Members. It then outlines the approach taken to develop and implement a new search system, ParlInfo, which applied a repository and search system that provides integrated access to bibliographic and full text information. Launched in September 2008, it offers facets, alerts, RSS feeds and other Web 2.0 functionality to both the Australian public and Parliamentary Network users accessing library collections and parliamentary collections. Findings – The paper offers insights into solutions which meet the information needs of Senators and Members and the public; and the application of library/web 2.0 solutions. It is relevant to organisations seeking to offer a single gateway to their collections. Research limitations/implications – The paper offers an approach based on understanding the whole needs of users, rather than applying a traditional assumption that resource discovery should be based only on catalogue records through an OPAC. Practical implications – The paper provides a model based on integrated access to resource through metadata, full text “crawled” from web sites and full text resources, such as Hansards, that can be applied in many organisations. Originality/value – The paper's value is in thinking about how the catalogue can be “turned inside out” for the twenty-first century users' needs.
Mönnich, M. and M. Spiering
"Adding Value to the Library Catalog by Implementing a Recommendation System." D-Lib Magazine vol. 14, n. 5/6 (2008). pp.:
Recommender systems are useful tools for adding a reference component to a library catalog, and they help develop library catalogs that serve as customer-oriented portals, deploying Web 2.0 technology. Recommender systems are based on statistical models, and they can lead users from one record to similar literature held in the catalog. In this article we describe the recommender system BibTip, developed in Karlsruhe University, and we discuss its application in libraries.
Morillo-Velarde Serrano, J.
"Aquabrowser en CEUNET: implantación de un sistema de recuperación de la información adaptado a las necesidades de una red de bibliotecas heterogéneas." SEDIC vol., n. (2006). pp. 169-180.
This paper describes the libraries network of CEU University and the installation of a novel system of bibliographical search, using AquaBrowser software.
Ortega, M.
"Un usuario desconcertado es un usuario perdido: funcionalidades del OPAC 2.0, 2009." Unpublished)[Other] vol., n. (2009). pp.:
El OPAC ( On Line Public Access Catalog ) de una biblioteca es una herramienta esencial para los usuarios. En los últimos años, con el auge de las tecnologías participativas que son herramientas surgidas por el uso de la web social, se ha pensado en utilizarlas y aplicarlas a las bibliotecas para comunicarse, formar e informar , integrar al usuario en los servicios. Como consecuencia aparece el OPAC 2.0 u OPAC social: la transformación del rígido catálogo tradicional en uno más familiar para el usuario, un catálogo que aprovecha las ventajas que ofrece la web. El nuevo cambio, es la implementación de las tecnologías 2.0 permitiendo una mayor reutilización de sus contenidos y la participación de los usuarios.Este concepto ha sido estudiado con anterioridad por muchos autores y se puede entender como la aplicación de las tecnologías y las actitudes de la web 2.0 al catálogo bibliográfico. Es importante justificar la necesidad de este tipo de aplicaciones e identificar qué puede aportar la web a los OPAC.En este trabajo se realiza una reflexión acerca de lo que hoy debería ser el catálogo en línea de una biblioteca y no lo que realmente es en la mayoría de los casos: una caja de búsqueda con algunas posibilidades hipertextuales cuya filosofía está basada en una tradición bibliotecaria básicamente conservadora. La evolución de los OPACs se quedó estancada con la aparición de la Web e incluso sufrió un fuerte retroceso respecto a los sistemas existentes a comienzos de los 90. Sorprendentemente no se ha hecho casi nada en cuanto a su diseño aún a pesar de la extraordinaria evolución sufrida en la World Wide Web desde 1995. Una vez revisadas las propuestas actuales y los modelos existentes y en base a la bibliografía, se analizarán las funcionalidades deseables de un OPAC 2.0.
Prat, P., P. Jiménez, et al.
"Bibliotecnica. La Biblioteca Digital de la UPC. Drupal como gestión de contenidos 2.0." E-prints UPC vol., n. (2009). pp.:
En 2004 Dale Dougherty de O'Reilly Media acuñaba el termino web 2.0 para hacerse eco de la revolución que estaba empezando en esos momentos en la red. En general, la red, deja de ser un mero aparador de contenidos para hacer partícipe de ellos a los usuarios y hacerlos dueños de la información que depositan.
Redden, C. S.
"Social Bookmarking in Academic Libraries: Trends and Applications." The Journal of Academic Librarianship vol. 36, n. 3 (2010). pp. 219-227.
This paper presents an exploration of the potential utilization of social bookmarking web sites by academic libraries. These web sites, which allow users and organizations to create accounts for bookmarking online content, provide academic libraries tools to collaborate and network, organize and share electronic resources and teach information literacy.
Roca, J.
"The transformation of integrated library management systems. / La transformacio dels sistemes integrats de gestio bibliotecaria." Item vol., n. 43 (2006). pp. 91-107.
The most recent transformations of online catalogues are described with specific examples given: the new generation catalogue at North Carolina State University and the work being carried out by the library service of the University of California to redefine the structure of services offered through their catalogue. The main features of the current Web 2.0 are described and how it is applied to Library 2.0 as a background for these transformations. All of these changes represent a (Revolution in the sense that users are considered the central and primary objective of the services and resources offered by the library. (Author abstract)
Sierra, T., J. Ryan, et al.
"Beyond OPAC 2.0: library catalog as versatile discovery platform." The Code4Lib Journal vol. 1, n. (2007). pp. 10.
North Carolina State University has developed an Application Programming Interface (API) “platform”, called CatalogWS, to provide web service access to catalog search and availability services. This project was motivated by the realization that the discovery of library collections should not be limited to a single catalog application, and such a platform could support the efficient creation of novel interfaces based on consistent services. Some technical discussion of the CatalogWS architecture is provided, including a technical description of web service protocols implemented. Several applications providing discovery in novel contexts have already been developed based on CatalogWS, and are described in some depth. CatalogWS has helped create a culture of experimentation and enabled a larger group of staff to work with library catalog data and services in new and interesting ways.
Sokvitne, L. O.
"Redesigning the OPAC: Moving Outside the ILMS1." ARL Proceedings vol. 37, n. 4 (2006). pp. 246-259.
The need to develop new OPACs that meet the needs of users better is becoming well acknowledged. How libraries can transform their OPACs to modern web friendly formats is not yet clear. This paper describes the State Library of Tasmania’s experience in developing a new OPAC by exporting bibliographic data to a software package outside the ILMS. Issues involved with the provision of a user-oriented, browsable, or facet-driven interface are described, the two most important ones for libraries being how to change cataloguing processes so as to deliver the required data and search functionality, and how to share evaluative and usage data about our resources.
Steele, T.
"The new cooperative cataloging." Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 1 (2009). pp. 68-77.
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the social phenomenon known as tagging and its use in libraries' online catalogs, discussing folksonomies, social bookmarking, and tagging web sites. The paper also seeks to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a controlled vocabulary such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings, and how tagging can assist the LCSH in information retrieval. LibraryThing and the University of Pennsylvania's PennTags are examined. Design/methodology/approach – Review of recent literature in print and online, as well as browsing Library OPACs using tagging, was the basis for the paper. Findings – The paper concludes that access to information is the main purpose of cataloging, and use of both traditional methods of cataloging as well as interactive methods such as tagging is a valid method for reaching library users of the future. Originality/value – The paper lists many problems and concerns of which to be aware, if a library should choose to adopt tagging for their catalog. It looks at the options of using outside web sites to provide the tags as well as creating tagging systems on the library's web site itself. The focus of the paper is how libraries can use tagging, as opposed to the phenomenon of tagging itself, as well as a discussion of how tagging compares with controlled vocabularies.
Steiner, E.
"OPAC – Reloaded." BIBLIOTHEK 2.0 vol., n. (2008). pp.:
Wenn man den Thesen von Tim O'Reilly1 folgt, ist „Web 2.0“ nicht nur eine Marketingworthülse oder eine Ansammlung von verschiedenen Internet-Technologien. Sicher gibt es Technologien und Strategien, die als Web 2.0-spezifisch gelten, wie die Modularität der Software, offene Schnittstellen, Rekombinierbarkeit der verschieden Anwendungen, kontinuierliche Veränderung („perpetual beta“), RSS/Atom, AJAX etc. Darüber hinaus umfasst der Begriff aber auch eine sehr starke soziale Komponente: Die Integration und Partizipation der NutzerInnen. Sie sind zugleich ProduzentInnen und NutznießerInnen der Inhalte und Strukturen, auf denen das Web 2.0 im Wesentlichen beruht. Dahinter steckt der Gedanke eines demokratischen „Mitmach-Webs“ voller emanzipierter NutzerInnen, die mit Freude und Engagement gestalten, erfinden und kommunizieren.
Sungwon, K.
"A mobile video service trial: TOEST." Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 1 (2009). pp. 134-150.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce Commercial Mobile Video Service Trial (TOEST) of Korea Telecom (KT), relaying experience related to the implementation of mobile video service for portable devices to libraries and information management organizations that are interested in this service. Design/methodology/approach – Research data used were collected from internal materials such as unpublished project reports, RFI, RFP, etc. written throughout the process of implementing projects. The information also draws on the author's experience and involvement in TOEST trial between 2005 and 2007. Findings – From the technical perspective, it was confirmed that technical advancements and environments that enable the implementation of mobile video service for portable devices have been fully established. The technical areas that need to be further improved are the advancements of battery capacity, low-power consumption technology, and functional improvement of the I/O slot in portable devices. Research limitations/implications – TOEST provides only download type service for portable devices such as PDAs and PMPs. Streaming type service for mobile phones has been performed only for the purpose of internal tests. Practical implications – For information management organizations and libraries, mobile video service for portable devices is cutting-edge technical service that can provide new customer value to users. Also, it is possible to apply profit models from the commercial point of view. Originality/value – The paper introduces various technical and environmental elements as specifically as possible, including practical things that we have experienced during the course of implementing mobile video service systems for portable devices. Experience in TOEST development would be helpful to information management organizations and libraries planning to provide mobile video service for portable devices.
Susanne Steiner, E.
"OPAC 2.0: Mit Web 2.0-Technologie zum Bibliothekskatalog der Zukunft?" Bearbeitungszeitraum vol. 1, n. 1 (2010). pp.:
The first part contains an introduction to the term Web 2.0 and to the basic conditions of the associated technical developments. Furthermore, some exemplary techniques of Web 2.0 are presented, including some exemplary applications. In the second part the discussion about library 2.0 is reconsidered as background of the more detailed discussion about Web 2.0 techniques in library catalogs, i. e. the OPAC 2.0. Different techniques, which can be used in the OPAC 2.0 are discussed. At last some exemplary OPACs are presented.
Vállez, M. and M.-C. Marcos
"Las bibliotecas en un entorno Web 2.0." Hipertext.net vol., n. 7 (2009). pp.:
Durante esta última década las bibliotecas, los CRAIs - y en general servicios de información documentales- han realizado un enorme esfuerzo para poder ocupar un papel destacado en la sociedad. Éstos, como organizaciones que gestionan información, han tenido que integrar en sus sistemas los cambios tecnológicos necesarios para adaptarse a los nuevos retos. Para ello han realizado importantes inversiones tanto en tecnología pues era necesario actualizar la infraestructura, como en formación de su personal. La actual presencia de los servicios de información documentales en la Web es importante y además está en constante evolución, al igual que la Web.
Wang, Z.
"Integrated Library System (ILS) Challenges and Opportunities: A Survey of U.S. Academic Libraries with Migration Projects." The Journal of Academic Librarianship vol. 35, n. 3 (2009). pp. 207-220.
An online survey was sent to academic libraries and consortia with an integrated library system (ILS) migration project, based on review of press releases from major U.S. ILS vendors. This study takes a systematic approach to provide a snapshot of the academic ILS market and key factors affecting the outcome of an ILS migration project. It reveals the challenges and opportunities facing academic libraries and ILS vendors in an environment with rapidly changing technology and increasingly sophisticated academic users.
Wilson, K.
"OPAC 2.0: Next generation online library catalogues ride the Web 2.0 wave! ." Online Currents vol. 21, n. 10 (2007). pp. 406-413.
In today’s fast moving world of technology, we can be sure that things will change, but we can’t predict the next biggest development. Web 2.0 started as a brainstorming conference on new web applications emerging from the ashes of the Internet
dot.com collapse in 20011. Web 2.0 includes concepts such as social networking and participation on the Internet, user community involvement and tagging, blogs, wikis and syndicated feeds or alerts. Some of the best known Web 2.0 sites offer a public space to record and categorise data and images using folksonomy tagging for subject keywording. At Flickr (
http://flickr.com) you can store, tag, share and retrieve your photo images online, in
Del.icio.us (
http://del.icio.us) tag your bookmarked web sites, and on Library Thing (
http://librarything.com), catalogue books to keep track of what you’ve read. Amazon.com fine tuned the incorporation of user feedback and engagement into search results and online shopping. Google has turned around user expectations of search and discovery, while challenging the role of libraries in providing access to information with its digitization program.
Vivam as bibliotecas vivas!