quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

VI Conferências do Cenáculo

A Biblioteca 2.0
oportunidades e desafios para as bibliotecas do século XXI
18 de Novembro de 2010
Sala de Leitura da Biblioteca Pública de Évora

Convidado Olivier Le Deuff
Universidade Europeia da Bretanha

Library 2.0 and the Culture of Information

Our speech will be divided in two different parts.
First, we will try to show the genesis and the evolution of the library 2.0 concept. We conducted a survey to understand the professionals' perception of a currently outdated concept. It seems that the biggest evolution with web 2.0 tools is the necessary development of new skills for the librarians in a digital environment. Maybe the new perspectives for library are more hybrids with web of data technologies.
In a second part, we would like to demonstrate that Culture of information is both a possible translation and a more ambitious vision of information literacy.
Information literacy has three different historical ways:
The economic design: the term information literacy has been used for the first time by Paul Zurkowski, president of the Information Industry Association (IIA) in 1974. He wished that employees would be better trained in management of information.
The librarianship influence: it is by far the best known, it represents the bulk of publications. It is especially after the text of the ALA (American Library Association) 1989.
The civic dimension: in 1976 the librarian Major Robert Owens defined information literacy as a civic skill ensuring the sustainability of democratic institutions.
The third way of information literacy has not been well developed in the end, especially considering its historical and theoretical foundations are the components of information literacy. To better understand this dimension of citizenship, a return to the Enlightenment and the encyclopedic project is necessary. The civic dimension of information literacy is based on the maturity of Understanding and the maturity with technical objects (Simondon, 1989).

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