segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

O livro "Formar Professores / Desenvolver Bibliotecas Escolares"

Autores | Amália Bárrios, Ana Melo e Maria José Vitorino

O Theka – Projecto Gulbenkian de Formação de Professores Responsáveis pelo Desenvolvimento de Bibliotecas Escolares foi uma iniciativa da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian que teve como objectivo chamar a atenção para a importância de que se revestem as bibliotecas escolares no processo de aprendizagem e para a necessidade que elas funcionem em condições adequadas sob a responsabilidade de professores devidamente preparados.

O projecto desenvolveu-se entre 2004 e 2008 e formou 76 docentes dos primeiros níveis do sistema educativo por regiões educativas do país.

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

Tomada de posição pública da BAD sobre o Acesso Livre ao Conhecimento

Tomada de posição pública da BAD sobre o Acesso Livre ao Conhecimento


1. A Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas (BAD), enquanto estrutura representativa dos profissionais de informação e documentação portugueses, associou-se desde cedo ao movimento Open Access que promove o Acesso Livre ao conhecimento e informação científica, tendo apoiado convictamente a defesa e disseminação das iniciativas Open Access em Portugal.
2. Deste modo, e como sequência natural de outras iniciativas da Associação no domínio do Open Access, quer no âmbito dos Congressos Nacionais BAD – como a Declaração do Estoril sobre o acesso à informação (2005) ou as conclusões do último Congresso em Guimarães (2010) – quer ainda nas atividades da sua Secção de Bibliotecas do Ensino Superior ou em ações propostas no plano de formação contínua, a BAD associa-se ao evento internacional “Open Access Week 2011”.
3. Esta iniciativa constitui-se como um evento global que pretende promover a divulgação de ações e projetos no domínio do acesso livre ao conhecimento, nomeadamente a disponibilização de resultados científicos e académicos em repositórios institucionais, a publicação de revistas científicas em acesso livre e a disponibilização de recursos educativos abertos.
4. O Conselho Diretivo Nacional da BAD pretende assim distinguir e valorizar publicamente o trabalho desenvolvido por todos os profissionais de informação e documentação na promoção do livre acesso à informação, em particular no âmbito da criação e operacionalização de repositórios institucionais em acesso aberto, destacando de forma significativa o sucesso do projeto RCAAP – Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal que o tornaram num exemplo referenciado internacionalmente.
5. Sendo Portugal, por via da ação dos profissionais envolvidos no movimento Open Access, um caso de sucesso europeu e uma referência e exemplo de boa prática a nível internacional, torna-se absolutamente necessário alertar para o muito que ainda há a fazer. Várias são as instituições portuguesas de Ensino e Ciência que ainda não disponibilizam em acesso aberto a sua informação científica e académica, e em muitas outras, já dotadas de infraestruturas tecnológicas para o fazer, o crescimento tem-se revelado incipiente, e escasso o investimento dos seus responsáveis institucionais, não dotando as bibliotecas e os serviços de informação e documentação dos meios necessários para o seu desenvolvimento e particularmente não apostando em mandatos ou políticas que promovam o acesso aberto.
6. O Conselho Diretivo Nacional da BAD considera urgente para o sistema científico português a necessidade de reforçar o acesso livre ao conhecimento, garantindo a disponibilização generalizada da informação produzida com financiamento público. Apelamos por isso aos responsáveis políticos e institucionais de Portugal para que amplifiquem as recomendações já delineadas, nomeadamente pelo Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (declaração de Novembro de 2006) e pela Associação das Universidades Europeias (Março de 2008), e em particular a aplicação de orientações similares às que são seguidas nas instituições financiadoras da União Europeia que afirmam que a investigação financiada com dinheiros públicos deve ser largamente difundida através da publicação em livre acesso de dados e documentos científicos.
7. Assumimos, assim, o compromisso de continuar a acompanhar atenta e criticamente a evolução em Portugal neste domínio, considerando que o acesso livre ao conhecimento é uma das alavancas do progresso e desenvolvimento económico a nível europeu e mundial.

O Conselho Diretivo Nacional da BAD
26 de Outubro de 2011

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Bibliografia Acesso Aberto

Propiedad intelectual versus conocimiento. el debate sobre "acceso abierto"Relaciones [en línea] 2005, XXVI (Sin mes) : [fecha de consulta: 4 de octubre de 2011] Disponible en: <> ISSN 0185-3929

 "Building an Australasian Commons : Creative Commons case studies vol. 1."  vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
A collection of 60 case studies of the use of Creative Commons licensing in different sectors, including: music, social activism, film, visual arts, collecting, government, publishing and education.

"Advice to Authors: A guide to copyright and local deposit of full text." UCD Library vol., n. (2011).  pp.:
This guide addresses some frequently asked questions about repositories and intellectual property rights, and points to additional sources of information. It is not intended as a source of legal advice.

Amelotti, Ercole "Protocollo OAI-PMH negli Open Archive e applicazione CDSware per la rappresentazione dei relativi dati bibliografici." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2004).  pp.:
This work of experimental thesis considers an actual reality that concerns, from a few years, with the process of scientific communication: Open Archives and the OAI initiative (Open Archive Initiative). The interest for such matter has sprung from the reading of an article, published on the News-bulletin of the SIMAI (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics) by Dott.ssa Antonella De Robbio, Responsible of the library of the CAB (Center of athenaeum for libraries) beside the University of the Studies in Padua, in which some open problems were underlined related to the communication of the research results inside the academic scientific community. Particularly this thesis focuses the attention on the OAI protocol for the metadata harvesting developed by the same organization. Are so evidentiated technical aspects related to the computer communication through the web, giving particular importance to the Data Provider subject, that is the active actor in such communicative process. Another important treated aspect is made up of OAI-Rights: internal initiative of the same OAI, which investigates on a new reality that is the guardianship of the intellectual ownership right regarding the bibliografical metadata. The experimental part of this work consists in the application of the CDSware software (Cern Document Server Software) for the web representation of bibliographical records imported by the library managerial system Aleph 500. Particularly, the realization of such part is focused on the use of a CDSware internal module: BibFormat, that allows the creation of representation formats related to bibliographical data stored in the system for the end user.

Augustyn, Stefan, Stefan Bräu, et al. "Freie Netze. Freies Wissen : Ein Beitrag zum Kulturhauptstadtjahr Linz 2009." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Free networks. It has never been easier to connect people and remix their (digital) works. Free networks help to use and expand these potentials by the inclusion of all people. Free knowledge. Access to digital networks does not automatically mean access to knowledge. Free access to knowledge, however, is the fundament of innovation and emancipation. New digital possibilities in this area often go hand in hand with new barriers. In this book, seventeen authors depict the diverse areas of application of Free Networks and Free Knowledge. Each of the nine chapters also includes interviews with experts or pioneers in the field such as Richard Stallman or Lawrence Lessig. At the end of the chapters the authors suggest concrete projects as a contribution to the year 2009, when Linz - the home town of the authors - is going be the European capital of culture.

Bustos-Gonzalez, Atilio, Antonio Fernandez-Porcel, et al. "Guidelines for the creation of institutional repositories at universities and higher education institutions = Directrices para la creación de repositorios institucionales en universidades y organizaciones de educación superior = Diretrizes para criação dos repositórios institucionais nas universidades e organizações de educação superior." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
The ALFA programme of the European Commission (Latin America Academic Training) promotes and supports cooperation activities between universities of both continents1. The universities who are members of the ALFA Network Babel Library2 assume, as part of their mission, the search for excellence and educational quality. In the initial work proposal, it was determined, as one of the expected results, to write a document, as Guidelines, about the development of services based on the use of new information and communication technology. The Institutional Repository (IR) is understood as an information system that collects, preserves, disseminates and provides access to the intellectual and academic output of the university community. Nowadays,the IR is a key tool of the scientific and academic policy of the university. On the other hand, access to the full text of the digital learning objects makes the repository become a fundamental support tool for teaching and research, whilst at the same time multiplying the institution?s visibility in the international community. Within this scenario, it is the university libraries that must lead the implementation of the IRs to enhance the university?s educational competitiveness, because of their experience in information management in all its forms and contact with knowledge.

Carr, L. Deroure D. Harnad S. Hey J. Hey T. Hitchcock S. and C. Oppenheim "Written Evidence to 2003 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee." ECS EPrints Repository vol., n. (2004).  pp.:
The UK should maximise the benefits to the British tax-payer from the research it funds by mandating not only (as it does now) that all findings should be published, but also that open access to them should be provided, for all potential users, through either of the two available means: (1) publishing them in open-access journals (whenever suitable ones exists) (5%) and (2) publishing the rest (95%) in toll-access journals whilst also self-archiving them publicly on their own university's website. (1) Open access (worldwide) to UK research output maximises the impact (ie, visibility, usage, application, citation) of UK research output, enhancing the productivity and progress of UK (and worldwide) research, thereby maximising the return on the UK tax-payer's support for research. (2) The unified open-access provision strategy supported by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, the Berlin Declaration, and other such current movements involves two complementary strategies OAJ and OAA: (OAJ) Researchers publish their research in an open-access journal if a suitable one exists, otherwise (OAA) they publish it in a suitable toll-access journal and also self-archive it in their own research institution's open-access research archive. So why is the Science and Technology Committee inquiry into scientific publications considering only open access journals (OAJ), rather than also considering, at least as seriously, mandating university-based provision of open access to their own (peer-reviewed, published) research output (OAA)? (3) It would be a great mistake (and the press release already suggests some risk of making it) if open-access provision were to be mistakenly identified only, or even primarily, with OAJ (open access journal publishing). There are still far too few open-access journals, whereas OAA self-archiving has the power to provide immediate open access for all the rest of UK research output. The UK government can do a great deal to maximise the access to and the impact of UK research output through government research funding policies and through HEFCE influence over academic institutional policy through research assessment and funding, in particular, by extending existing publish-or-perish policy to mandate open-access provision. (4) What parliament should mandate is accordingly open-access provision for all funded research.

Cartagena, Universidad Politécnica De "Política institucional de acceso abierto a la producción científica, educativa y cultural de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena: Acceso, visibilidad, impacto y preservación de la producción científica, académica, educativa y cultural de la UPCT en Internet." Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena vol., n. (2010).  pp.:
La publicación de artículos publicados en revistas científicas o de textos presentados en encuentros de expertos (congresos, seminarios, etc.) en acceso electrónico abierto en Internet, se está convirtiendo en un sistema de publicación complementario al tradicional en revistas de editoriales científicas, actas de congresos, etc. Archivar una copia de las publicaciones que emanan de las actividades de investigación en depósitos electrónicos abiertos, presenta los siguientes beneficios: - Aumenta la difusión de los resultados de las investigaciones: más visibilidad para el autor y para sus resultados. - Favorece el impacto de las publicaciones: más citas a los autores y a las publicaciones.
- Incrementa la visibilidad de las instituciones a las que están vinculados los autores: mejora el posicionamiento institucional. Hasta hace unos años, la práctica de archivar en depósitos electrónicos abiertos estaba limitada por las políticas de las editoriales científicas. Actualmente, la casi totalidad de las editoriales, autorizan al autor a depositar una reproducción de la publicación en un depósito electrónico abierto, temático o institucional.
Chýla, Roman "What open source webpublishing software has the scientific community for e-journals?" E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Ch²la, Roman (2007) What open source webpublishing software has the scientific community for e-journals?. In Proceedings CASLIN 2007, Stupava (Slovak Republic). Nowadays a scientific community can use different electronic publishing systems for the e-journals (journal management systems). Open-source ones were developed solely for e-publications' management and now, in 2007, we can say three of them are of general use for e-journals: Digital Publishing System (DPubs), ePublishing toolkit (ePubTk), Open Journal System (OJS). There exists also different content management systems (CMS), yet those were not primarily built for e-journals and are usable only with a special publication module. Finally, the third option is to pay for a service of different publishers and providers with their own publication systems. This paper deals with comparison of the first two options: specialised systems for e-journals on one side and general CMS on the other side. With examples of open-source publication systems we want to compare their advantages and disadvantages, area of aplication, and their functions for the management of the e-journal publishing process.

Cívico Martín, Rafaela and José Carlos Villadóniga Gómez "La gestión de los derechos de autor de las tesis doctorales en acceso abierto." Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía vol. 15, n. (2009).  pp.:
Se expone brevemente la experiencia que la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Huelva está llevando a cabo en materia de derechos de autor, para la edición de las tesis doctorales en Arias Montano: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Huelva. Se ofrece una visión de cómo proteger los derechos de autor de las tesis, con referencias al contrato de edición electrónica, así como a las licencias Creative Commons. Asimismo, se describe el proceso a seguir para publicar e incorporar las tesis leídas a Arias Montano. Se concluye que el contrato de edición electrónica es un mecanismo que aporta ventajas tanto a la Universidad como a los autores. A la Universidad le permite poner en acceso abierto una parte importante de su producción científica, y a los autores les ofrece la posibilidad de publicar su tesis con total garantía de sus derechos, así como la accesibilidad, difusión y visibilidad que permiten los actuales repositorios abiertos (OAI).

Coates, Jessica M. "Creative Commons : the next generation : Creative Commons licence use five years on." SCRIPTed vol. 4, n. 1 (2007).  pp.:
Since its launch in 2001, the Creative Commons open content licensing initiative has received both praise and censure. While some have touted it as a major step towards removing the burdens copyright law imposes on creativity and innovation in the digital age, others have argued that it robs artists of their rightful income. This paper aims to provide a brief overview and analysis of the practical application of the Creative Commons licences five years after their launch. It looks at how the Creative Commons licences are being used and who is using them, and attempts to identify likely motivations for doing so. By identifying trends in how this licence use has changed over time, it also attempts to rebut arguments that Creative Commons is a movement of academics and hobbyists, and has no value for traditional organisations or working artists.

Cobcroft, Rachel S., Jessica M. Coates, et al. "Asia and the Commons : case studies 2008."  vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
A collection of case studies of individuals and organisations utilising open models in the Asia Pacific and associated regions. The case studies represent activities in nine countries, broader regions such as the Arab nations, and global efforts towards sustainability and social justice, revealing creative ways of participating in the commons. Featured are remix artists, performers, open source software programmers, film makers, collecting institutions and publishing houses focused on democracy and change, who demonstrate a diverse set of motivations to engage with the shared ideals of openness and community collaboration.

Commons, Creative "The Power of Open " Creative Commons vol., n. (2011).  pp.:
Creative Commons es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que desarrolla,  gestiona y proporciona infraestructura jurídica y técnica con el objetivo de maximizar la  innovación, el intercambio y creatividad digital. Las licencias Creative Commons ofrecen una alternativas simple y normalizada al paradigma tradicional del lema “todos los derechos reservados” de los derechos de autor tradicionales. The Power of Open recoge recoge la práctica llevada a cabo por diferentes  organizaciones y autores que utilizan licencias Creative Commons como ProPublica una asociación de las empresas más grandes del mundo de medios de comunicación ganadora del premio Pulitzer de periodismo de investigación o el cineasta Vicent Monn. La amplitud de usos de las licencias Creative Commons es tan grande como la creatividad de los individuos y las organizaciones para abrir su contenido, el arte y las ideas con el resto del mundo, convirtiendo el hecho de compartir en su valor fundamental para muchas obras que fueron previamente sólo disponibles en el marco de todos los derechos reservados. El objetivo del libro es que ayude a muchas personas a conocer y adoptar licencias  Creative Commons para que sus contribuciones al patrimonio intelectual pueden proporcionar el mayor beneficio posible a todas las personas.

Cordón Garcia, José Antonio, Julio Alonso Arévalo, et al. "La propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor en bibliotecas y centros de información: revistas digitales y acceso abierto." Javier Torres Ripa y José Antonio Gómez Hernández (coords). El copyright en cuestión : Diálogos sobre propiedad intelectual. Bilbao:Deusto, 2011 vol., n. (2011).  pp.:
El sector del libro se define en términos económicos como un oligopolio por sectores: algunos grandes grupos controlan el mercado y muchos
pequeños editores se sitúan en los márgenes. Estos márgenes ocupan su lugar dentro del sistema; constituyen laboratorios para el descubrimiento y lanzamiento de autores sin asumir el riesgo financiero inherente al lanzamiento y comercialización de un libro. Son los grandes grupos los que recuperan a los autores exitosos gracias a su potencial financiero y publicitario.

Covey, Denise Troll "Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and Provide Open Access to Books
by Denise Troll Covey."
Digital Library Federation. Council on Library and Information Resources vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
The contemporary academic library and its users have an appetite for digital copies of books that far outstrips the willingness and ability of publishers to provide such access. In the science disciplines, contemporary and historical journal literature is becoming widely available in digital format, albeit at considerable cost. Access to the scholarly record in digital form is already transforming the manner in which science disciplines communicate, publish, research, and review excellence. This widespread access is not the case for the mass of works in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. Yet it is in these disciplines that the utility of older scholarly books and journal articles tends to be the greatest. Scholars have great interest in digital access to even the very earliest primary works of literature, history, philosophy, religion, and culture that have appeared in print.

De Robbio, Antonella "Open access e copyright: il copyright scientifico nelle produzioni intellettuali di ricerca." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2006).  pp.: aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the collectivity. Copyright Management in higher education is a strategic issue because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly works created at the university. Whatever the situation regarding ownership of copyright, university policies should balance the interests of stakeholders by reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities. A variety of approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to faculties. Copyright laws - customized on musical and cinematographic environment - are often inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding the management of intellectual works created at universities. Nowadays, inside scholarship communication world, the copyright is perceived as very strong legal barrier, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination of intellectual research output, and most intellectual content (90%) are hindered inside editorial platforms. Furthermore authors, but also Universities, not always are awake about difference between authorship and ownership with disastrous consequences about rights ceased to third market actors which limit or slowdown the dissemination processes and negatively influences the impact on the community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. For this reason authors must take the control of their right and learn to determine the conditions under which her or his work is made available on open access, choosing to deposit a copy of a work in a repository or publish in an open access journal. On the other side the universities, in particular in Italy, should put as priority the identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. This direction is a crucial step toward the development of policies or agreements that seek to assure to the University and their authors the ability to use and manage the works in fulfillment of their most important interests.

Fernández Morales, Isabel "El impacto de los archivos de e-prints en la comunicación científica entre los investigadores españoles: aceptación y uso." Jornadas Españolas de Documentación vol. 9, n. (2005).  pp.: discute la significación de los archivos de e-prints entre los científicos del CSIC, en un contexto donde la función de las revistas científicas tradicionales está siendo puesta en duda por los investigadores y el entorno académico. A través de una encuesta, una revisión bibliográfica y la navegación por sitios web estratégicos dedicados a los e-prints en todo el mundo se llega a la conclusión de que este nuevo modelo de comunicación no ha penetrado aún entre nuestros investigadores ni entre sus instituciones. Las causas que se desprenden de este estudio tienen que ver con: Desconocimiento de las ventajas de este sistema de publicación; arraigada cultura de publicación en revistas tradicionales con sistema de evaluación por expertos; infravaloración de estas publicaciones para evaluar la producción científica; miedo a perder el control sobre la propiedad intelectual. Sin embargo, los encuestados afirman mayoritariamente que los e-prints pueden redundar en una productividad científica más alta.

Fitzgerald, Anne M. "Open access policies, practices and licensing : a review of the literature in Australia and selected jurisdictions."  vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
The full economic, cultural and environmental value of information produced or funded by the public sector can be realised through enabling greater access to and reuse of the information. To do this effectively it is necessary to describe and implement a policy framework that supports greater access and reuse among a distributed, online network of information suppliers and users. The objective of this study was to identify materials dealing with policies, principles and practices relating to information access and reuse in Australia and in other key jurisdictions internationally. Open Access Policies, Practices and Licensing: A review of the literature in Australia and selected jurisdictions sets out the findings of an extensive review of published materials dealing with policies, practices and legal issues relating to information access and reuse, with a particular focus on materials generated, held or funded by public sector bodies. The report was produced as part of the work program of the project “Enabling Real-Time Information Access in Both Urban and Regional Areas”, established within the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI).

Fitzgerald, Anne M. "Overview : open access policies, practices and licensing : a review of the literature in Australia and selected jurisdictions."  vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
Governments generate a vast and important flow of information and content which is produced by their employees and contractors, or by other organisations that receive government funding, across a very broad range of scientific, social, cultural and economic activity. The term “public sector information” (PSI) is used here in a broad sense to include information and data produced by the public sector as well as materials that result from publicly-funded cultural, educational and scientific activities. It can include policy documents and reports of government departments, public registers, legislation and regulations, meteorological information, scientific research databases, statistical compilations and datasets, maps and geospatial information1 and numerous other data and information products produced by government for public purposes. The importance of ensuring that such information flows to those who want access to it in order to use and reuse it is increasingly recognised. The value of PSI derives from its use. A great deal of the information and content generated by governments and publicly-funded researchers is of value and relevance to the broader community. Properly used, as well as contributing to social and economic development, advancing education, research and innovation, it enhances public health and safety, creates opportunities for engagement between government and citizens, fosters transparency of governance and promotes democratic ideals. It is an essential foundation of an informed, participatory society and provides a foundation for evidence-based policy and decision-making, for example, in the planning and delivery of health and social welfare programs. The ability of the global community to address pressing challenges in the environmental, economic, health, cultural, and other fields is dependent on realising the full potential of this information and data, which demands improved levels of access and clearer reuse rights.

Fitzgerald, Anne M. "Open access and public sector information : policy developments in Australia and key jurisdictions." Access to Public Sector Information : Law, Technology & Policy vol., n. (2010).  pp.:
This book chapter considers recent developments in Australia and key jurisdictions both in relation to the formation of a national information strategy and the management of legal rights in public sector information.

Fitzgerald, Anne M., Brian F. Fitzgerald, et al. "Enabling open access to public sector information with Creative Commons Licences : the Australian experience." Access to Public Sector Information : Law, Technology & Policy vol., n. (2010).  pp.:
This chapter considers how open content licences of copyright-protected materials – specifically, Creative Commons (CC) licences - can be used by governments as a simple and effective mechanism to enable reuse of their PSI, particularly where materials are made available in digital form online or distributed on disk.

 Fitzgerald, Anne M., Kylie M. Pappalardo, et al. "Practical Data Management: A Legal and Policy Guide."  vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
This guide has been produced to meet the demand for resources to assist researchers with data management. It is designed to help researchers and database managers understand the legal, management and policy questions that arise in relation to research data. The guide is based on the recommendations made in chapter 10 of Building the Infrastructure for Data Access and Reuse in Collaborative Research: An Analysis of the Legal Context (2007) OAK Law Project and Legal Framework for e-Research Project.

Fitzgerald, Brian F. "Copyright 2010: The Need for Better Negotiability/Usability Principles." Knowledge Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
Creative economy guru, John Howkins, has a plan for a project over the next few years culminating in a congressional styled conference in London in 2010. It will celebrate, commiserate and investigate three hundred years of copyright law in England, since the passing of the Statute of Anne in 1709, and most importantly will chart a course for the future. This chapter considers three principles that might be invoked to make copyright material more legally accessible in the digital environment and thereby starts a journey towards Copyright 2010.

Fitzgerald, Brian F., Jessica M. Coates, et al. "Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons."  vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons brings together papers from some of the most prominent thinkers of our time on the internet, law and the importance of open content licensing in the digital age. Drawing on material presented at the Queensland University of Technology conference of the same name in January 2005, the text provides a snapshot of the thoughts of over 30 Australian and international experts – including Professor Lawrence Lessig, Futurist Richard Neville and the Hon Justice Ronald Sackville – on topics surrounding the international Creative Commons, from the landmark Eldred v Ashcroft copyright term decision to the legalities of digital sampling in a remix world. Edited book: Contributors include: Richard Neville, Professor Arun Sharma, Mark Fallu, Professor Barry Conyngham AM, Greg Lane, Professor Brian Fitzgerald, Nic Suzor, Professor Lawrence Lessig, Professor Richard Jones, Professor Greg Hearn, Professor John Quiggin, Dr David Rooney, Neeru Paharia, Michael Lavarch, Stuart Cunningha, Dr Terry Cutler, Damien O’Brien, Renato Ianella, Carol Fripp, Dennis MacNamara, Jean Burgess, The Hon Justice James Douglas, The Hon Justice Ronald Sackville, Linda Lavarch MP, Tom Cochrane, Ian Oi, Dr Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Keith Done, Sal Humphreys, John Banks

Fitzgerald, Brian F., Anne M. Fitzgerald, et al. "Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project Report No. 1: Creating a legal framework for copyright management of open access within the Australian academic and research sector." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
This Report analyses the copyright law framework needed to ensure open access to outputs of the Australian academic and research sector such as datasets, articles and theses. It is written in the context of an increasing recognition, in Australia and internationally, that access to knowledge is a key driver of social, cultural and economic development and that publicly funded research should be openly accessible. With the objective of enabling access to knowledge, this Report proposes the development of clear protocols for copyright management (designed as practical and effective tools) for implementation in the Australian academic and research sector The Report explains that with the rise of networked digital technologies our knowledge landscape and innovation system is more and more reliant on best practice copyright management strategies. Furthermore in the 21st century these strategies need to accommodate both the demands for open sharing of knowledge and traditional commercialisation models. To this end, this Report examines the way in which practices for managing copyright, interact with the new web based frameworks that have developed for knowledge creation and dissemination. It focuses on specific areas that are central to the promotion of innovation and creativity in Australia, with emphasis on various types of repositories. More specifically, this Report provides an overview of the principles of copyright law, the concept of open access to knowledge, the recently developed open content models of copyright licensing and proposes a framework for enhancing the management of copyright interests in research and academic output (including electronic theses and dissertations (ETD)). The Report describes a forward work program which, upon implementation, will provide the platform for the development of systems and practices designed to effectively promote open access to knowledge within the Australian academic and research sector. The Report calls upon Australian research and funding institutions to consider their commitment to open access and articulate this in clear polices and copyright management frameworks. It proposes a survey of researchers about their understanding of, attitudes towards and experience with publishing agreements and the provision of model agreements that can facilitate open access and commercialisation objectives. The Report details a methodology for cataloguing and better understanding publishers’ attitudes towards open access. This list aims to be interoperable with the existing SHERPA list based in the UK and accessible through a web interface known as the OAK List. Finally the Report looks at copyright management of open access to ETD and makes proposals for better managing this process. In all of these endeavours the OAK Law Project aims to undertake work that will be of relevance to and can be utilised by key stakeholders.

Fitzgerald, Brian F. and Kylie M. Pappalardo "The Law as Cyberinfrastructure." CT Watch Quarterly vol. 3, n. 3 (2007).  pp.:
The Law as Cyberinfrastructure considers open licensing models for use in collaborative endeavour through networked cyberinfrastructure. Open content licensing for copyright material is considered, with examples of the use of open content licensing from two major scientific research publication projects. The most common of the open content licensing models, Creative Commons, is described and the potential use of Creative Commons for databases is demonstrated. Open patent licensing is also examined and the perceived benefits and risks of open patent licensing are discussed.

Fitzgerald, Brian F. and Jason F. Reid "Digital rights management (DRM): managing digital rights for open access." Handbook On The Knowledge Economy vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
When one mentions the term digital rights management (DRM), the immediate perception is of a copyright owner seeking to further exploit their product for economic reward. This article explains the nonrivalrous nature of information and how intellectual property rights can also be used to manage digital content for open access. In short DRM should be seen as being capable of facilitating not only restricted access but also facilitating open access. The paradigm shift proposed is for us to conceptualise DRM as being about the management of intellectual propert rights either for an open or restrictive purpose.

Franceschini, Maria Grazia, Federico Meschini, et al. "L'Open Archive della Tuscia: un ponte tra docenti e biblioteca." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol. 10, n. 28 (2009).  pp. 5-26.
This paper illustrates the experience made at Tuscia University about both the creation and the administration of an institutional repository. Unitus DSpace, this is the name of the open archive, has been created by means of collaboration between academic staff and librarians, and has been in function since 2005. A particular attention has been given to doctoral thesis, upon which the work of librarians has been focused on, having a constant and active cooperation with the competent administrative staff. Other issues which have been handled are promotion of open access movement in the university, metadata standards, copyright, and more technical aspects. Next step is an analysis and review of the results so to constantly improve Unitus Dspace.

Gadd, Elizabeth "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-archiving Key Findings of the RoMEO Project." D-Lib Magazine vol. 9, n. 9 (2003).  pp.:
Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing [of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end, the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 2002–2003, specifically looked at the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service Providers [Open Archives Initiative, 2002a].

Gadd, Elizabeth, Charles Oppenheim, et al. "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-archiving Key Findings of the RoMEO Project." D-Lib Magazine vol. 9, n. 9 (2003).  pp.:
Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing [of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end, the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 2002–2003, specifically looked at the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service Providers.

 Gadd, Elizabeth, Charles Oppenheim, et al. "RoMEO studies 1: the impact of copyright ownership on academic author self-archiving." Journal of Documentation vol. 59, n. 3 (2003).  pp.:
This is the first of a series of studies emanating from the UK JISC-funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open-archiving) which investigated the IPR issues relating to academic author self-archiving of research papers. It considers the claims for copyright ownership in research papers by universities, academics, and publishers by drawing on the literature, a survey of 542 academic authors and an analysis of 80 journal publisher copyright transfer agreements. The paper concludes that self-archiving is not best supported by copyright transfer to publishers. It recommends that universities assert their interest in copyright ownership in the long term, that academics retain rights in the short term, and that publishers consider new ways of protecting the value they add through journal publishing.

Geist, Michael "Unlocking Access." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
We hold the key to unlocking access! This dynamic presentation covers open access in the broader context of the potential of the internet. Reasons for providing open access include: it's required (for example, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research open access policy), it's easy, and there are many benefits. Discusses open licenses, open digitization methods, new means of delivering content, open content and collaborative content development. This presentation includes many examples of interesting open access projects, particularly within the Canadian context, such as the IDRC digital library, Alouette Canada, OA books such as In the Public Interest, the Public Knowledge Project and Open Medicine, YouTube and more.

Giunti, Maria Chiara "The pirate from Koenigsberg: why closed source software is not worth of copyright protection." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Pievatolo, Maria Chiara (2007) The pirate from Koenigsberg: why closed source software is not worth of copyright protection. According to Kant, property applies only to touchable things, among which he includes the works of art. For the very principle of private property, a legitimate purchaser has the right to replicate and to share them without restrictions. Kant recognizes copyright only on written texts, by conceiving them as speeches that exclusively authorized spokespersons - the publishers - may convey to the public in the name of their authors. The rights of the authorized publishers, however, are justified only if they help the public to get the texts. In a Kantian environment, open source software would be worth of copyright protection, because it can be conceived as a speech meant to human beings. On the contrary, Kant would treat closed source programs as works of art, without according them copyright protection, because, as none is allowed to read and to understand them, they cannot be conceived as a speeches meant to the public. Closed source programs are like sealed books that no one is allowed to read: why do we keep on taking for granted that they are worth of copyright protection?

Giusti, Marisa R. De, Maria Marta Vila, et al. "SeDiCI: Servicio de Difusión de la Creación Intelectual." Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia vol. 31, n. 2 (2008).  pp. 187-202.
This paper resents the intellectual creativity dissemination service (SeDICI) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) from the point of view of the goals that led UNLP to its creation. The steps carried out to start up this institutional repository are described in great detail; in particular, the easiness provided by Celsius-DL the software developed at the UNLP, which supports the SeDICI portal. Adapted from the source document.

Harper, Georgia K. "OA, IRs and IP: Open Access, Digital Copyright and Marketplace Competition." University of Texas at Austin Libraries vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
The fundamental concerns about intellectual property for open access institutional repositories are not about who owns what rights, or who can do what with them, or what you have to require contributors to give your institution to be sure you’ve got the rights you need to provide open access to their works. Those guidelines are readily devised and applied. The copyright conundrum created by open access is more basic than this: Is it appropriate, is it even necessary, and certainly, is it the best way going forward, to artificially make our works difficult to find and access and saddle them with high prices in an era when people all over the world could quickly know about our current research results through the Web for no more than the cost to them of their own infrastructure to find and read our works? For more than 200 years copyright law has enabled, and scholars and their publishers have depended on, the mechanism of state-granted monopoly, "creating artificial scarcity" to give publishers a period of time during which they can charge higher prices than the market would otherwise dictate and recover their costs of publishing plus a profit in most cases. But today we have instant access to digital creative works, and easy, world-wide distribution for almost no cost for the reader beyond the cost of computers, internet access and electricity. In this world, the monopolistic mechanism of "artificial scarcity" turns what is one of the most important, most critical advantages of the digital world into something to be fought tooth and nail. The solution isn’t stronger and longer copyrights. It more likely will emerge from massive experimentation to find satisfactory business models that can fund the creation of works, still a costly undertaking, without sacrificing the digital benefit of relatively free distribution to anyone and everyone who might desire to access our works.

Hoorn, Esther "Towards good practices of copyright in Open Access Journals: A study among authors of articles in Open Access journals." University of Groningen vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
Aim of the study: This study aimed to identify good practices in copyright management in Open Access journals with an emphasis on the authors’ attitudes and viewpoints. Methods: In preparation of a qualitative and quantitative study among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals both a literature survey and a series of interviews with Open Access publishers and copyright experts were carried out in order to identify the main issues in copyright as well as good practices in copyright in Open Access journals. These results were used in a qualitative study among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals (12 interviews) and a quantitative study by means of a websurvey among 1200+ authors mainly from medical and life sciences (with a response of 355 academics, 29%).
Labastida Juan, Ignasi and César  Iglesias Rebollo "Guía Sobre Gestión De Derechos De Autor Y Acceso Abierto En Bibliotecas, Servicios De Documentación Y Archivos." SEDIC vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
A raíz de una conferencia organizada por SEDIC y realizada en Madrid sobre el acceso libre se nos pidió que reuniéramos toda la información volcada en aquel acto en un texto o una publicación. Hoy en día el movimiento de acceso libre al conocimiento y a la cultura se ha convertido en un movimiento de dimensión mundial con seguidores en diferentes sectores de la sociedad. Aquí queremos exponer una visión de este movimiento y de sus relaciones con la propiedad intelectual y las licencias para contenidos abiertos que sirva de herramienta informativa para cualquier persona interesada pero especialmente para el colectivo de bibliotecarios, archiveros y documentalistas que muchas veces son la punta de lanza de este movimiento en muchas instituciones.

Lorenzo-Escolar, Nieves "La ley de propiedad intelectual y su repercusión en la actividad de las bibliotecas." Revista Española de Documentación Científica vol. 32, n. 4 (2009).  pp. 34-45.
Se analizan las repercusiones que la legislación y las nuevas tecnologías tienen en las bibliotecas en relación a la propiedad intelectual. También se examina el papel que han de tener las bibliotecas en la gestión de aspectos de la propiedad intelectual y las opciones alternativas de publicación en el ámbito académico (Open Access, repositorios)

Marconi, Claudio "Open Access e archivi aperti: nuove modalità di diffusione della letteratura scientifica." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
Knowledge as primary good of modern society is a topic widely discussed, so that the latter is often defined in terms of the first as "information society". But what about its particular form which much of today well-being depends on: scientific knowledge? Scholar needs to publish. Academic careers depend on publishing and without scientific pubblications it would not be possible for those who decide to undertake research, build anything: "we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants". Scholar, however, soon learns that the traditional scientific publications, except for the text adopted as manuals, are by no means profitable. Equally, the resulting texts are not public but private. In the hands of the publishers they become subject to restrictive policies aimed at maximizing profit, not at dissemination, as any scholar would like. Libraries are forced to buy back for their users something their colleagues have produced without any expectation, except the broader circulation. A third party, the publisher, becomes the filter and a real obstacle to dissemination of scientific knowledge. The argument presented here is based on this paradox, in the belief that speech technology and markets affect the word itself, suggesting a review of recent developments which have affected the scientific communication system and discussing the movement for Open Access to scientific literature, whose goal is precisely the reconciliation between the cultural practices of scholars and the economy these practices are based on.

Morrison, Heather "Open Access, Authors' Rights and the Commons." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
Open Access (OA) is beginning to open up interesting conversation about scholarship and copyright. There are already more than 3,300 fully open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals listed in DOAJ, many millions of items available in open access archives. Research funders, universities and faculty themselves are requiring OA. A traditional copyright transfer agreement in which all rights are assigned by the author to the publisher, does not make sense in this environment. Most publishers are modifying how they work with authors. One approach is a more liberal copyright policy, which leaves some rights with the author. Some publishers use a license to publish approach, leaving copyright with the author and clarifying rights to publish. Many authors are negotiating copyright, whether individually or through the use of Authors' Addenda. Some publishers and authors are using Creative Commons licenses.
 Pappalardo, Kylie "Understanding open access in the academic environment: a guide for authors." Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
This Guide - Understanding Open Access in the Academic Environment: A Guide for Authors - has been undertaken as an initiative of the DEEWR funded Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project and implements the recommendations of the OAK Law Project Report No. 1: Creating a Legal Framework for Copyright Management of Open Access Within the Australian Academic and Research Sector. It aims to provide academic authors with an overview of the concept of and rationale for open access to research outputs and how they may be involved in its implementation and with what effect. In doing so it considers the central role of copyright law and publishing agreements in structuring an open access framework as well as the increasing involvement of funders and academic institutions. The Guide also explains different methods available to authors for making their outputs openly accessible, such as publishing in an open access journal or depositing work into an open access repository.

Pappalardo, Kylie  and Anne M. Fitzgerald "A Guide to Developing Open Access Through Your Digital Repository." OAK Law Project vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
This Guide has been undertaken as an initiative of the DEST funded Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project. It aims to assist academic institutions in developing open access policies and legal and management frameworks for the effective development and operation of digital
repository infrastructure. The Guide implements the recommendations of the OAK Law Project Report No. 1: Creating a Legal Framework for Copyright Management of Open Access Within the Australian Academic and Research Sector. In particular, the Guide examines issues relating to the international open access movement and the implementation of open access policies for digital repositories, the operation of copyright law and copyright licensing of material deposited into digital repositories and the relationships - both legal and otherwise - between authors, publishers, repositories and end-users.

Pappalardo, Kylie M., Anne M. Fitzgerald, et al. "A Guide to Developing Open Access Through Your Digital Repository."  vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
A guide to Developing Open Access Through Your Digital Repository assists universities and education institutions in formulating an open access policy for their digital repository. The guide explains how to establish digital repository infrastructure in an institution and describes best practice legal and management frameworks for this important asset. Copyright issues are are considered in detail so that academic material can be legally deposited in and made available through a digital repository. The guide encourages Australian academic institutions to consider their commitment to open access and articulate this in clear policies and copyright management frameworks.

Pappalardo, Kylie M., Brian F. Fitzgerald, et al. "Understanding Open Access in the Academic Environment: A Guide for Authors."  vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
The OAK Law Project aims to facilitate seamless access to knowledge and improve social, economic and cultural outcomes. This guide aims to provide practical guidance for academic authors interested in making their work more openly accessible to readers and other researchers. The guide provides authors with an overview of the concept of and rationale for open access to research outputs and how they may be involved in its implementation and with what effect. In doing so it considers the central role of copyright law and publishing agreements in structuring an open access framework as well as the increasing involvement of funders and academic institutions. The guide also explains different methods available to authors for making their outputs openly accessible, such as publishing in an open access journal or depositing work into an open access repository. Importantly, the guide addresses how open access goals can affect an author’s relationship with their commercial publisher and provides guidance on how to negotiate a proper allocation of copyright interests between an author and publisher. A Copyright Toolkit is provided to further assist authors in managing their copyright.

Rodríguez Gallardo, Adolfo "Elementos que fundamentan el acceso abierto." Investigación Bibliotecológica vol. 22, n. 44 (2011).  pp. 161-182.
Las bibliotecas han soportado durante más de dos décadas el constante incremento habido en el costo de las publicaciones periódicas que ponen a disposición de sus comunidades. No se trata sólo de una cuestión financiera, el trasfondo es una grave interferencia en la comunicación científica que ha sobrepasado la esfera del trabajo bibliotecario. El costo de las suscripciones de la comunicación científica, ha sido analizado por aquellos a quienes afecta más significativamente: científicos y académicos, quienes han concluido que la solución al problema son las publicaciones científicas de acceso libre. Se intenta determinar que los principales factores que fundamentan el paradigma del acceso abierto identificando los intereses que se mueven alrededor de este modelo y de la publicación comercial. Se encontró que las iniciativas, declaraciones y proyectos del acceso abierto favorecen el ingreso irrestricto a la información por parte de la comunidad científica y se analizan y argumentan, con relación al costo de la información, las restricciones derivadas del derecho de autor, la calidad de la información, y los aspectos tecnológicos entre los que se encuentran la interoperatividad y la normalización. También se identifican acciones concretas de algunas de las publicaciones de acceso libre que han sido puestas en marcha

Rojas, M. Alejandra  and Sandra  Rivera "Guía de Buenas Prácticas para Revistas Académicas de Acceso Abierto." FRIDA vol., n. (2010.).  pp.:
El propósito de esta guía es apoyar el trabajo editorial de una revista académica de acceso abierto para el cumplimiento de normas y estándares de calidad requeridos por los servicios de indización tanto locales como internacionales. Hemos identificado para este fin, los principales estándares de publicación y recopilado las buenas prácticas que garantizan a las  revistas elevar su visibilidad y tener mejores opciones de ser aceptadas en índices, bases de datos y directorios. Por otra parte en el capítulo 3, destaca el énfasis en presentar y sistematizar aquellos recursos digitales que las nuevas tecnologías han incorporado recientemente al trabajo editorial, por ejemplo, plataformas de gestión editorial, la adopción de protocolos de interoperabilidad, los formatos más usados para la publicación de artículos en línea, todo esto con el fin de familiarizar a los editores con la tecnología que ayuda a mejorar la visibilidad y la calidad de una revista.
Sturges, Paul "The internet and Academic freedom." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Sturges, Paul (1999) The internet and Academic freedom. In Proceedings 8th Panhellenic conference of Academic libraries, pp. 113-126, Rhodes (GR). The principle of academic freedom is central to the true functioning of the uni­versity, It asserts the right of scholars and teachers to communicate their ideas and research results, free of interference on political or other grounds unconnected with the quality of what they might say. This includes the freedom to choose and pursue iines of investigation on academic grounds alone. The principle therefore implies the need for information services and resources for the academic commu­nity to be free of intervention on non-aca­demic grounds. Academic librarians have recognized this need and have defen­ded their role as providers of open and uncensored document collections and access to other resources. The internet, as a means of obtaining a great range and quantity of information worldwide, is poten­tially crucial to the practice of academic freedom. However» for libraries as provi­ders of access to the Internet and libra­rians as intermediaries searching the World Wide Web (WWW) on behalf of their users there are issues to be addressed. The Internet is a largely unregulated commu­nication and information medium. It gi­ves access to material including some which is allegedly harmful (pornography, hate speech, etc.), is unendorsed as to quality and accuracy, is of doubtful pro­venance and ownership, or may indeed have been created in a spirit of mischief. It also permits communication that may or may not be secure, could be used for harmful purposes and might contain mi­sinformation. There is pressure for con­trol of the Internet from commerce, inte­rest groups of various kinds, and go­vernments. The academic library is a key forum for the negotiation and resolution of these difficulties and contradictions. It is important that this is done with both a strong vision of the value of the internet and an appropriate respect for academic freedom.
Vercelli, Ariel "Creative Commons y la Profunidad del Copyright. Enredando(enero)." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
Descripción del proyecto Creative Commons como un intento de promover un ethos basado en la posibilidad de compartir con el vecino (tal como lo viene afirmando Richard Stallman desde hace varios años), en la educación pública y en la interactividad creativa. Se sintetizan los tipos de licencias CC, y su relación con el copyright.
Vives-Gràcia, Josep "Aspectos de propiedad intelectual en la creación y gestión de repositorios institucionales." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2005).  pp. 267-278.
Recent technical advances have allowed for the emergence of different means for making information available through open access. Although these initiatives usually are non-profit, they still must respect intellectual property issues inherent to literary, technical or scientific works. This article offers some recommendations which, while respectful of authors? rights, can permit information to be made available in open access for the entire user community. Conscious of the many scenarios possible, we have focused on the creation of an institutional repository containing documents generated within the organisation.

Yamey, Gavin and Calestous Juma "Improving Human Welfare: The Crucial Role of Open Access." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol. 29, n. 5 (2006).  pp. 163-165.
Developing countries are increasingly improving their capacity to use scientific and technical knowledge to solve local problems. They are investing in communication infrastructure and improving technology policies. For such measures to be effective, those countries also need greater access to the world’s pool of knowledge. Restrictions on access to scientific and health information are hindering progress, particularly in the world’s least-developed countries, and are impeding efforts toward global development. Essential information is locked away behind such barriers as journal subscription charges or individual article download fees. Journal articles are typically subject to restrictive copyright licenses that prevent reproduction, distribution, translation, or the creation of derivative works, all of which would help published work to be used for innovation. These restrictions are compounded by infrastructure inadequacies and lack of incentives for increasing the use of scientific and technologic knowledge in solving challenges in developing countries.

Zanni , Andrea "Wiki, Creative Commons e Open Access. Collaborare per Condividere Conoscenza." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
The presentation introduces the Open Access movement and offers a general overview of Creative Commons licenses. It explores the relationships among wiki and Open Access, illustrating similarities, differences and mutual influences.

Zanni , Andrea "Wiki, Creative Commons e Open Access. Collaborare per Condividere Conoscenza." Wiki e Open Access. Collaborare per Condividere Conoscenza,Milano (Italy) vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
Fonte: InfoDoc

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Conferência na Universidade Portucalense 13 out. 18h30

 Karen Hartman

Organização: BAD Norte, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade Portucalense.
Apoio: Embaixada dos EUA
Local: Universidade Portucalense, auditório 201
Data: 13 de Outubro, 18h30.

A entrada é livre mas necessita de inscrição.
Diplomas de participação: sócios da BAD, alunos e colaboradores da Universidade Portucalense: 5 euros; público em geral: 7,5 euros
Bibliotecária com larga experiência na direcção de bibliotecas universitárias e na gestão de serviços de informação do Estado, Karen Hartman é  actualmente Information Resource Officer (IRO) em Roma,  depois de ter desempenhado as mesmas funções, na área da tecnologia aplicada, em  Washington, DC.  Entre 2008 e 201 foi professora auxiliar na University of Maryland’s School of Library and Information Science.  De 2003 a 2008 trabalhou em Nairobi (Quénia) e Pretória (África do Sul).  Antes de 2002, foi directora da biblioteca da University of Mary Washington’s College of Graduate and Professional Studies em Fredericksburg, Virgínia e trabalhou como bibliotecária de referência nas bibliotecas da  University of Mary Washington’s e da American University do Cairo (Egipto).
É detentora de um Mestrado em Library and Information Science pela University of Michigan e licenciou-se em Literatura Inglesa na Michigan State University.  Publicou, em co-autoria com Ernest Ackermann, professor de Informática na University of Mary Washington, vários manuais universitários, tendo o primeiro, Searching and Researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web, de 1997, atingido a sua 5.ª edição em 2010.

segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011

Novidades do Projeto EU Kids Online

Disponível a publicação do Relatório Final do Projeto EU Kids Online, saído na Conferência final do Projeto EU Kids Online II (2009-2011), e do Mini-Report incidindo sobre Crianças Desfavorecidas, a sair nos próximos dias. Estes e outros relatórios estão disponíveis no site, onde se encontram também apresentações em ppt (pdf) e comunicações daquela Conferência.

Uma terceira fase do Projeto EU Kids Online (2011-2014), vai iniciar-se no próximo dia 1 de Novembro. Um dos seus objectivos é a atualização da pesquisa realizada sobre crianças e internet, pelo que a organização deste projeto agradece toda a informação sobre investigação realizada depois de 2008, em qualquer área de saber.
A página portuguesa aqui

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Conferência “Current challenges and trends in U.S. university libraries”

Karen Hartman

Organização: BAD Norte, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade Portucalense.
Apoio: Embaixada dos EUA
Local: Universidade Portucalense, auditório 201
Data: 13 de Outubro, 18h30.

A entrada é livre mas necessita de inscrição.
Diplomas de participação: sócios da BAD, alunos e colaboradores da Universidade Portucalense: 5 euros; público em geral: 7,5 euros
Bibliotecária com larga experiência na direcção de bibliotecas universitárias e na gestão de serviços de informação do Estado, Karen Hartman é  actualmente Information Resource Officer (IRO) em Roma,  depois de ter desempenhado as mesmas funções, na área da tecnologia aplicada, em  Washington, DC.  Entre 2008 e 201 foi professora auxiliar na University of Maryland’s School of Library and Information Science.  De 2003 a 2008 trabalhou em Nairobi (Quénia) e Pretória (África do Sul).  Antes de 2002, foi directora da biblioteca da University of Mary Washington’s College of Graduate and Professional Studies em Fredericksburg, Virgínia e trabalhou como bibliotecária de referência nas bibliotecas da  University of Mary Washington’s e da American University do Cairo (Egipto).
É detentora de um Mestrado em Library and Information Science pela University of Michigan e licenciou-se em Literatura Inglesa na Michigan State University.  Publicou, em co-autoria com Ernest Ackermann, professor de Informática na University of Mary Washington, vários manuais universitários, tendo o primeiro, Searching and Researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web, de 1997, atingido a sua 5.ª edição em 2010.

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Steve Jobs | 1955-2011

Steve Jobs 

"Lembrar que estarei morto em breve é a ferramenta mais importante que eu encontrei para me ajudar a fazer grandes escolhas na vida. Porque quase tudo – todas as expectativas externas, todo o orgulho, todo o medo de errar – cai diante da face da morte." 
Steve Jobs

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

Mês Internacional das Bibliotecas Escolares

Cartaz oficial para o Mês Internacional das Bibliotecas Escolares
Tema: School Libraries Empower Learners for Life

Download dos documentos aqui: ou aqui

Página Nacional - RBE:
24 de outubro será o Dia da Biblioteca Escolar

Vivam as Bibliotecas Vivas!

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

El Profesional de la Informacion - número 5

Volume 20, Number 5 / September-October 2011

This article is a sample.   Inteligencia competitiva: logros y desafíos pp. 489 - 494
  Alessandro Comai
  Vigilancia tecnológica en pymes industriales del metal: conocimiento, aplicación y medición de sus beneficios pp. 495 - 502
  Daniel Pérez-González and Emilio Placer-Maruri

  Aplicaciones emergentes de inteligencia competitiva en las universidades pp. 503 - 509
  Montserrat Garcia-Alsina, Eva Ortoll, Alexandre López-Borrull
  Recuperación y tratamiento de opinión movilizada para el análisis del clima social pp. 510 - 515
  Naiara Sagarminaga-Gutiérrez and Agustí Canals-Parera
  Implementación de un modelo de administración de capital humano en un grupo de investigación pp. 516 - 526
  Fredy-Eduardo Vásquez-Rizo and Jesús Gabalán-Coello
  Redes sociales para la inteligencia competitiva. Propuesta de un índice sintético pp. 527 - 532
  Pilar González-Gálvez, Carina Rey-Martín, Víctor Cavaller-Reyes
  Estudios sectoriales de vigilancia tecnológica para la comunidad empresarial e investigadora de Andalucía pp. 533 - 541
  Björn Jürgens and Víctor Herrero-Solana
  Umap, inteligencia colectiva extraída de las redes sociales pp. 542 - 547
  Eneko Astigarraga, Josu Azpillaga, Luis Fernández, et al.
  Infosociabilidad: monitorización e investigación en la web 2.0 para la toma de decisiones pp. 548 - 554
  Miguel Del-Fresno-García
This article is a sample.   Tesauros y ontologías en sistemas de información documental pp. 555 - 563
  Lluís Codina and Rafael Pedraza-Jiménez
  ¿Hacia un nuevo paradigma bibliotecario? El nuevo orden digital pp. 564 - 570
  Concha Varela-Orol
  Gestión eficiente del correo electrónico: una experiencia corporativa pp. 571 - 576
  Anna Sainz-Aloy and Cristina Soy-Aumatell
  Inspec, una base de datos esencial para la física y la ingeniería pp. 577 - 582
  Charles Martínez
  Devuélveme la voz. Proyecto de la Universidad de Alicante para la recuperación de las emisiones de Radio París de la época Franquista pp. 583 - 588
  Francisco Rojas-Claros, Enrique García-Rico, Andrés Vallés-Botella, et al.
  MIAR: hacia un entorno colaborativo de editores, autores y evaluadores de revistas pp. 589 - 596
  Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Marta Somoza-Fernández, Cristóbal Urbano