segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Comunicado de Anabad-Galicia pelo corte nos orçamentos das bibliotecas públicas


A Asociación ANABAD-Galicia que agrupa os profesionais dos servizos de arquivos, bibliotecas e centros de documentación de Galicia, quere manifestar a súa preocupación coa situación actual das partidas orzamentarias destinadas ás bibliotecas públicas.
No mes de abril celébranse dúas datas importantes para a promoción do libro e da lectura: o 2 de abril Día Internacional do Libro Infantil e o 23 de abril, Día Internacional do Libro. Ao redor destas datas moitas bibliotecas organizan actividades destinadas a celebrar estas efemérides e para isto aproveitan as axudas que a Xunta de Galicia facilita a través dos programas de cofinanciamento.
O Cofinanciamento é un modelo de axudas no que a Xunta de Galicia aporta unha cantidade económica en función do orzamento que cada concello determine para as súas bibliotecas. Principalmente realízanse dous programas de cofinanciamento:
  • o modelo de cofinanciamento para Adquisicións de fondos documentais e
  • o modelo de cofinanciamento para a realización de actividades de animación, o programa Letras Vivas.
Este ano, ao recorte nos orzamentos realizado polos Concellos nas bibliotecas e na cultura, debido á situación económica dramática na que se encontran moitos deles, súmase o recorte realizado pola Dirección Xeral do Libro, Bibliotecas e Arquivos que supón un corte dramático para moitas bibliotecas públicas que contan, en boa medida, con estas axudas para poder realizar actividades e incrementar os seus fondos.
1) O programa de cofinanciamento para a adquisición de fondos documentais realizado pola Xunta de Galicia, en colaboración co Ministerio de Cultura, foi directamente eliminado das axudas para o ano 2011 para bibliotecas públicas municipais.
Este convenio entre a Xunta e o Ministerio ascendía a 2,5 millóns de euros (ao 50% entre as dúas entidades) e significou un grande incremento dos fondos documentais nos últimos anos nas bibliotecas galegas, procurando acadar nelas a media, de entre 1,5 e 2,5 documentos por habitante, que marcan as recomendacións dos organismos internacionais: a IFLA e a UNESCO. (En Galicia encóntrase, con datos do 2009, en 1,62 doc./habitante).
No ano 2010 a partida xa se veu reducida, e mediante este convenio foron distribuídos perto de 1 millón de euros, do que se beneficiaron as bibliotecas de 111 concellos ás que se lles concederon axudas para a mellora da colección bibliográfica mediante a adquisición de fondos documentais.

Este ano moitos usuarios das bibliotecas non poderán desfrutar da lectura de novidades literarias ao ser eliminada esta partida. Ás bibliotecas só se enviarán fondos da compra que a Dirección Xeral realiza ás editoras galegas, e que chegan normalmente con moito atraso sobre a data de edición. O que poderían ser novidades convértense en libros xa obsoletos ou repetidos xa que, en moitos casos, as bibliotecas xa compraron con anterioridade eses mesmos títulos coa súa propia partida orzamentaria.
2) Por outro lado, o programa Letras Vivas é unha vantaxe tanto para as bibliotecas como para os creadores e animadores que participan do programa. Facilita o encontro entre os creadores e os usuarios e a realización de actividades de animación: música, teatro, obradoiros, contacontos, encontros con escritores... que en moitos casos non se poderían realizar en bibliotecas que, polo seu tamaño e orzamento, nunca poderían realizar por si propias.
No ano 2010, 107 bibliotecas municipais e as 6 bibliotecas nodais, desfrutaron das axudas para este programa de animación que levou ás bibliotecas 1.028 actividades con un orzamento de 354.589€
Con data de 12 de Abril foi enviada carta desde a Subdirección Xeral de Bibliotecas no que se avisa do recorte desta partida orzamentaria no que se especifica que se aportará un máximo de 459€ por biblioteca para a realización de actividades e pídeselle ás bibliotecas que estas actividades se concentren nos meses de abril e maio. Isto quere dicir que a partida deste ano para actividades de animación nas bibliotecas contará con ao redor de 50.000€ contando que o número de bibliotecas solicitantes sexa similar ao do ano 2010.
As bibliotecas non van poder realizar as actividades que tiñan previsto para este ano, xa que estaban programadas en función dunhas cantidades económicas que non van recibir e ademais progrmadas para ser realizadas ao longo do ano, e non concentradas nos meses de Abril e Maio como se propón desde a Subdirección xeral de Bibliotecas.
Moitas bibliotecas renunciarán a estas axudas ao non contar con tempo suficiente para poder organizar actividades, no período previsto desde a administración para esta primavera, o que significa unha falta de planificación na administración das súas partidas orzamentarias que deberían coñecerse con suficiente anterioridade.
3) Formación: o borrador da Lei de Bibliotecas de Galicia recolle como obriga da Dirección Xeral de Cultura a planificación dos sistemas bibliotecarios galegos e a formación dos profesionais das bibliotecas da rede. Sen embargo, o programa de formación do persoal que traballa nas bibliotecas foi eliminado para este ano. No ano 2010 realizáronse 15 actividades formativas nas que participaron 365 profesionais, actividades para as que se destinou unha cantidade de 62.000€.

Aínda entendendo que nunha situación de crise económica como a actual todos os servizos públicos deben recortar os seus gastos, ante estes feitos queremos denunciar:
  • O abandono que se produce nos servizos públicos de bibliotecas que ven en gran parte recortados os seus orzamentos non podendo prestar servizos de calidade.
  • O recorte dos gastos de cultura e bibliotecas realizado nos servizos de proximidade como as bibliotecas públicas mentres se destinan partidas a actividades de promoción da Biblioteca e do Arquivo de Galicia, na Cidade da Cultura, para un público pouco numeroso e con actividades máis específicas que non chega ao público en xeral, é dícir á maioría da cidadanía, ao contrario das actividades que se poderían realizar nas bibliotecas públicas.
  • As bibliotecas públicas son un servizo que crece ano a ano, tal e como se demostra nas estatísticas de bibliotecas públicas publicadas polo Ministerio de Cultura, as últimas correspondentes ao ano 2009. (
  • As bibliotecas están incrementando os seus usuarios e a demanda de documentos ante unha situación de crise no que a cidadanía busca aforrar diñeiro deixando de comprar documentos, que demandan nas bibliotecas, ou utilizando estas para a procura de información sobre ofertas de emprego, preparación de oposicións... Ante esta situación as bibliotecas non poden satisfacer esas demandas nin ofertar novos servizos.
  • Existe un desequilibrio na composición das plantillas do persoal das bibliotecas nodais. Por unha banda atopamos unha serie de postos eminentemente administrativos (auxiliares administrativos, subalternos, ordenanzas, etc.) que non son especialmente relevantes para o desenvolvemento do traballo bibliotecario. E por outra banda, as bibliotecas públicas carecen de postos que cubran as novas demandas e necesidades dos usuarios (informática, desenvolvemento de actividades culturais, etc.).
Das estatísticas do Ministerio de cultura para Galicia, podemos indicar aquelas que demostran o incremento nos últimos anos debido sobre todo aos programas de cofinanciamento:

Fondo documental
Visitantes nas bibliotecas
Préstamos por usuarios

Ante estes feitos propoñemos:
  • Que a Consellaría de Cultura se comprometa publicamente coas bibliotecas públicas e destine as partidas orzamentarias suficientes para desenvolver a política de promoción á lectura que lle corresponde ao un país do noso nivel de desenvolvemento.
  • Que a Dirección Xeral do Libro reconsidere o recorte nas partidas destinadas ás bibliotecas públicas, en especial ao cofinanciamento de adquisición de fondos e para as actividades de animación a través do programa Letras Vivas para que as bibliotecas conten con partidas suficientes para poder prestar con calidade os servizos para os que foron creadas.
  • Que se racionalicen os cadros de persoal das bibliotecas públicas tomando as medidas oportunas para reducir prazas administrativas creando no seu lugar prazas de auxiliares e de técnicos de bibliotecas e prazas, naqueles postos citados máis arriba, que cubran as demandas da cidadanía: informática, actividades culturais... Faise necesario tamén regularizar e profesionalizar a situación do persoal que traballa nas bibliotecas públicas municipais, en moitos casos en situación de precariedade e irregularidade.
  • Que as administracións públicas, Concellos e Xunta de Galicia, prioricen as partidas orzamentarias destinadas á cultura e ás bibliotecas públicas como medio de investir en educación, formación e ocio, como demandan as recomendacións internacionais e como medida de enfrentar a crise, facilitando o contar con cidadanía máis formada, como se recolle na Declaración de Murcia sobre la acción social y educativa de las bibliotecas públicas en tiempos de crisis (
  • A Lei do Libro e da Lectura de Galicia, especifica que o órgano asesor, o Consello do Libro, debe reunirse cunha periodicidade de 6 meses, do que o último celebrado foi en abril de 2010. Queremos desde ANABAD-Galicia solicitar tamén unha reunión con carácter de urxencia deste Consello asesor.
Para buscar solucións a esta problemática a Asociación ANABAD-Galicia solicitou, con data 18 de abril, reunión co Conselleiro de Cultura e co Director Xeral do Libro, Bibliotecas e Arquivos.

Na Coruña a 19 de Abril de 2011

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Fesabid´11 | Comunicações | Málaga


  1. Evaluar la comunicación de la bibliotecas en Facebook: una propuesta de un marco para el análisis. Luisa Alvim.
  2. Compromiso social: Establecimiento de una biblioteca en la región rural: Escuela Municipal de Don Orione. Mírian C. Scalabrini Rezende, Stela C. Medeiros Carvalho.
  3. Reflexiones de disciplina. Menciones de grado como estrategia de expansión de la Información y la Documentación. Alexandre López-Borrull, Eva Ortoll Espinet, Sandra Sanz Martos, Josep Cobarsí Morales.
  4. Análisis de las revistas electrónicas en la Universidad de Salamanca. Lourdes Gutiérrez Palacios.
  5. La rentabilidad de la información electrónica. Análisis del uso de suministradores multidisciplinares de la Universidad de León. Blanca Rodríguez Bravo, Mª Luisa Alvite Diez, Leticia Barrionuevo Almuzara, Isabel Olea Merino.  

25 maio de 16-18h Sala 2

  1. Agregación y clasificación de contenidos sindicados con la mínima asistencia técnica necesaria. Aplicación a un servicio de documentación parlamentaria. Francisco Sobrino Bescós
  2. Parlamento abierto ¿Nuevos servicios de información? Teresa Barata Aznar, Maria Fernanda del Rincón García.
  3. Perspectivas europeas en el desarrollo funcional de los sistemas de información: la agregación de datos del Europeana Data Model (EDM). Xavier Agenjo Bullón, Francisca Hernández.
  4. Innovación y acceso a los fondos cinematográficos en España. Análisis de las sedes web de las filmotecas (2000-2010). Susana Torrado Morales
  5. Perfiles profesionales del Documentalista en medios de comunicación audiovisual. Silvia Ripoll Mont, Luisa Tolosa Robledo. 

Fesabid´11 | Experiências profissionais | Málaga

Página de Fesabid´11
25 maio
  1. Gama, un nuevo gestor documental para la producción digital de contenidos audiovisuales. Eugenio López de Quintana Sáenz.
  2. ACK® Un producto de última generación para la gestión de la información: ejemplo de éxito de Tecnalia R&I. Marta González
  3. El efecto Bolonia en los estudios de Biblioteconomía y
    Documentación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación de la
    Universidad Complutense. Evaluación y valoración
    . Juan Miguel Sánchez Vigil, Juan Carlos Marcos Recio, María Olivera Zaldua.
  4. Estudio de la evolución bibliotecaria en España y
    actualización de recursos para profesionales y usuarios: El Anuario de
    Bibliotecas Españolas de la Fundación Alonso Quijano
    . Raúl Cremades.
  5. Communication in the library: the role of librarians. Ana Bela Martins, Cristina Cortês, Graça Gabriel.
  6. Atravesando fronteras: los programas de promoción a la traducción desde la biblioteca. Maruxa Monteserín Soto.
  7. Una aproximación a nuestro rol como formadores: de la teoría a la práctica. El caso de la Biblioteca de la EPSEVG de la UPC. Taïs Bagés, Francesc Carnerero, Adrià Martin.
  8. Wordpress, una herramienta libre para la creación de recursos documentales digitales. Raquel Álvarez Rodríguez, Araceli Corbo García. 
26 maio
  1. Empleo de mecanismos para la comunicación y participación del personal de la biblioteca.
    Gregorio García-Reche, M. Goretti Misas Gento, Juan Antonio Yáñez
    Caballero, M. Pilar Barranco Santos, Victoriano Peña Jurado, Alicia
    Lanzat González, Salvador Trujillo Santamara, Antonio Tomás Bustamante
  2. Servicios para dispositivos móviles en la biblioteca rector Gabriel Ferraté – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Javier Clavero, Miquel Codina, Andrés Pérez.
  3. COMUNITATXBM: la cooperación como valor referente de innovación y competitividad. Montserrat Álvarez Massó.
  4. Transparencia, pedagogía, confianza: la utilización de la web social en la administración local. El caso de Musquiz. Fernando Juárez Urquijo.
  5. PADICAT, el archivo de Internet. Ciro Llueca, Daniel Cócera, Natalia Torres, Gerard Suades, Ricard de la Vega.
  6. ADACYL, archivo documental de artistas de Castilla y León (MUSAC): Archivo digital de artistas. Araceli Corbo García.
  7. Ecomisiones: el portal de información parlamentaria del Servicio de Documentación de Las Cortes de Aragón. Carmen Borrajo Félez, Ana Gaspar Fuentes.
  8. Formación 2.0: experiencias en Bolívia y Perú. Carmen Horta García.
  9. Aprender a aprender desde la biblioteca: barreras sociales y
    culturales para una sociedad del conocimiento. Experiencias e
    impresiones de la Biblioteca Max Aub del Instituto Cervantes de Argel
    . Susana Escalante Durán.

    terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

    Seminario Elsevier | 26 maio | Málaga

    "Los Recursos de Elsevier y el futuro papel de los Bibliotecarios"
    Amsterdam, Abril del 2011. Distinguida señora / Estimado señor.

    Nos es grato dirigirnos a usted en esta ocasión para invitarle a participar en el seminario LibraryConnect que se celebrará en el Palacio de Congresos de Málaga en el ambiente de FESABID & DOCUMAT 2011, el día Jueves 26 de Mayo del presente año, desde las 09:30 hasta las 14:00 horas. Durante la jornada que proponemos, se tratarán diversos aspectos en torno al tema: "Los recursos de Elsevier y el futuro papel de los Bibliotecarios"

    Hemos escogido este tema debido a la importancia del mismo en el mundo Bibliotecario, estamos seguros que después de haber asistido a esta jornada su visión acerca de este tema será más amplia como complemento al programa global de

    Contaremos con ponentes de alto prestigio como,
    Isabel Bernal de la Unidad de coordinación de bibliotecas del CSIC. Ma. Luisa Álvarez de Toledo de la Universidad de Oviedo.  Cristina Gonzalez Copeiro del Villar de la fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología. Desde la Universidad de la Sapienza Roma hemos invitado a Dª Mary Joan Crowly. También contaremos con los más reconocidos ponentes de Elsevier.

    Esperamos haber despertado su interés y contar con su presencia, para ello le rogamos rellene nuestro formulario de inscripción en línea antes del día 16 de Mayo
    (Haga un CLIC aquí para entrar al módulo de inscripción)

    Sin otro particular, aprovechamos la ocasión para enviarle un cordial saludo.
    Su Grupo Elsevier

    09:30  Registro
    10:00  Bienvenida,
              Javier Arenas Ybarra,
              Gerente de Instituciones
    10:15  El rol del Bibliotecario en la
              adopción de los libros
              electrónicos (e-books)
              Dª Mary Joan Crowley
              Universidad de la Sapienza
    10:45  Hacia un modelo para
              integrar la gestión y la
              comunicación de la pro-
              ducción científica del
              Dª Isabel Bernal Martínez,
              Unidad de Coordinación
              De Bibliotecas CSIC.
    11:15  El papel del FECYT en la
              gestión de la información
              Dª Cristina Gonzales
              Copeiro, Directora del Dpto.
              Gestión Información.
    11:45  Pausa
    12:15  La utilización de Scival
              Spotlight en la Universidad
              de Oviedo.
              Dª Ma. Luisa Álvarez de
              Toledo, Jefe de Servicio
              Información Bibliogr
              Universidad de Oviedo.
    12:45  Acelere sus investigacio-
              nes Sciverse.
              Chiinga Musonda, Director
              Search & Discovery
              Product Marketing,
              Elsevier New York.
    13:15  Preguntas y  respuestas
    14:00  Almuerzo ofrecido por
    Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga
    Sala # 5 primera planta
    Av. Jose Ortega Y Gasset 201
    29006 - Málaga

    Alberto Rodríguez Zapata
    Gerente de Eventos Elsevier
    Teléfono             +3120 4853497 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +3120 4853497      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      

    RCAAP (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal)

     (Eloy Rodrigues, José Salvador e Manuela Barreto Nunes)

    apresentação por José Salvador (ao centro) no Seminário Ambiente Digital Aberto
    24 Maio, BLCS Braga

    (estes slides não foram os apresentados no seminário)

    Acesso Aberto ao conhecimento científico

    Seminário Ambiente Digital Aberto
    24 Maio 2011 

    Eloy Rodrigues apresenta Acesso Livre e os repositórios


    quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

    Seminário O Ambiente Digital Aberto: desafios e Impactos


    Dia 23 de Maio (Segunda-feira)

    09h00  – Recepção aos Participantes   
    09h30  – Sessão de Abertura:
    > Pedro Príncipe e Jacinta Maciel – Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e documentalistas (BAD)
    > Aida Alves – Biblioteca Lúcio Craveiro da Silva (BLCS)
    > Bruno Fragoso (UMIC – Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento)
    Moderador: Jacinta Maciel
    10h00 – Luísa Alvim (Câmara Municipal de Famalicão)
    Da Biblioteca Digital à Biblioteca Social
    10h30 – Pedro Príncipe (SDUM – Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho)
    Web Social e os novos ambientes de comunicação, informação e aprendizagem
    Intervalo para  café
    11h00 – Bruno Eiras  (Biblioteca Municipal de Oeiras)
    Do Homo Sapiens ao Homo Avatarus – vidas digitais no Second Life
    11h30 – Maria Manuel Borges (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra)
    O terreno dos comuns ou novos modelos de direitos de autor
    Intervalo para Almoço
     Moderador: Aida Alves
    14h30  – João Labescat (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto)
    Ambiente digital: desafio de criatividade aos direitos de autor 
    15h00 -  Francisco Andrade (Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho)
    Redes Abertas, Tecnologia, Direitos dos Cidadãos

    Intervalo para  café
    16h30 – José da Ponte (Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores)
    Os Autores no Ambiente Digital

    17H00 – Vera Castanheira (AGECOP – Associação para a Gestão de Cópia Privada)
    A Economia Criativa: o desafio do direito de autor na era digital

    Dia 24 de Maio (Terça-feira)
    Moderador: Manuela Barreto Nunes
    09h30 – Eloy Rodrigues (SDUM – Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho)
    10h00 - João Mendes Moreira (FCCN – Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional) e José Carvalho (SDUM – Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho)
    RCAAP (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal): Balanço, novidades e perspectivas.
    Intervalo para Café
    11h00  - Ricardo Saraiva  – (SDUM – Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho)
    A Universidade do Minho e o Open Access
    11h30  – Ana  Dias  (TecMinho)
    OER e Inovação pedagógica aberta
    Intervalo para Almoço
     Moderador: Isabel Costa
    14h30 - Ana Alice Baptista (DSI/UM – Departamento de Sistemas de Informação da Universidade do Minho)
    Interoperabilidade entre repositórios digitais
    15h00 - José Carlos Ramalho (Keep Solutions e Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho)
    Agregação de conteúdos e construção de redes de recursos digitais à medida
    15h30 - Luís Faria (Keep Solutions)                                               
    Desafios práticos à preservação digital: RODA e SCAPE
    17h00 – Sessão de Encerramento

    quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

    Literacia dos media | declaração de Braga

    Cerca de três centenas de pessoas reuniram-se em 25 e 26 de Março de 2011, na Universidade do Minho, em Braga, no Congresso Nacional sobre Literacia, Media e Cidadania. Oriundas dos meios educativo, mediático, universitário, das bibliotecas, de associações culturais, do campo da saúde pública e do campo político, foram convocadas por sete instituições preocupadas com o papel que têm, ou devem ter, os media e o ecossistema comunicativo na moderna formação dos cidadãos e numa cidadania mais esclarecida e participativa. Porque entendem que se torna urgente tomar medidas com vista a inscrever a literacia para os media nas prioridades da agenda pública, entendem partilhar com os seus concidadãos as principais preocupações então manifestadas e apelar à iniciativa das organizações da sociedade civil, das instituições educativas, dos media e dos decisores políticos, cientes de que os tempos que vivemos são favoráveis à busca de caminhos inovadores para o futuro colectivo.

    A paisagem mediática tem conhecido nas últimas décadas transformações extraordinárias, com impactos significativos na educação, na cultura e na economia, afectando a vida quotidiana de todos os cidadãos.
    As tecnologias digitais e as novas modalidades de comunicação em rede proporcionaram um alargamento de possibilidades. Mas os recursos tecnológicos não resolvem, por si só, os problemas das pessoas e das sociedades. O acesso generalizado e sem exclusões é desejável e necessário, mas não é mais do que um requisito e um recurso.
    Ser cidadão neste novo quadro supõe e requer uma literacia para os media que diga respeito a todas as idades, em todos os contextos, e articula-se com a necessidade de aquisição de outras literacias que o mundo globalizado e complexo cada vez mais exige. Os códigos e linguagens característicos do mundo emergente apelam a um conceito de literacia que tenha por base não apenas a leitura, a escrita e o cálculo, mas também as imagens, os sons, a informação e as redes e, mais amplamente, as formas de comunicação digital e interactiva.
    Teria consequências trágicas abordar a sociedade do século XXI com modelos de comunicação e de aprendizagem dos séculos passados. E isto vale não apenas para a escola, mas também para os media, para a vida política e, em geral, para as instituições de socialização.

    A educação para um uso crítico e criativo dos media tem sido percebida, desde a segunda metade do século XX, por organizações internacionais como a UNESCO, o Conselho da Europa e a União Europeia, como uma dimensão relevante das políticas públicas multi-sectoriais. Recebendo designações diversas, por vezes associadas a
    diferentes abordagens de uma preocupação comum, essa formação visa promover o exercício de uma cidadania participativa e de prevenir e combater os riscos de exclusão. Na sua acepção mais abrangente, propõe-se tomar os media, tanto os mais clássicos como os de nova geração, não só como recurso e apoio, mas também como objecto de estudo e oportunidade de participação.
    Em Portugal, existem, neste domínio, experiências de grande valor, ligadas à formação para a o cinema e a imagem e para a produção de meios de comunicação escolares, e, mais recentemente, também para a Internet, a publicidade, a literacia da informação, as bibliotecas e mediatecas. Contudo, o que existe é fragmentário e carente de inter-conhecimento e de um quadro mais largo de referência. Um quadro que crie horizonte às iniciativas e projectos parcelares e às iniciativas pontuais. Que proporcione recursos e incentivos. Que estabeleça comunicação entre os actores e os contextos. Que permita capitalizar as experiências e os conhecimentos adquiridos, de modo que outros se possam neles apoiar, sem terem de começar do zero.

    Na sequência dos debates entre os participantes do Congresso de Braga, e do contributo de especialistas nacionais e estrangeiros que ali se exprimiram, partilhamos os seguintes objectivos e propostas que visam contribuir para uma nova etapa da educação para os media em Portugal:
    a) Fomentar o trabalho em rede por parte de organizações e programas de acção, com a preocupação de partilhar informação, criar sinergias e permitir a aprendizagem a partir dos projectos e iniciativas;
    b) Estabelecer parcerias nos planos local, nacional e internacional, entre entidades preocupadas com a educação para os media;
    c) Promover um maior conhecimento da realidade nacional, nos seus vários níveis, nomeadamente através de projectos de investigação, incluindo a investigação-acção desenvolvida com os protagonistas das iniciativas no terreno;
    d) Estabelecer pontes entre os investigadores do campo dos media e as escolas através de sessões, produtos editoriais e outros, que possibilitem a socialização e o debate dos resultados das pesquisas.;
    e) Apostar no reforço da formação de professores, formadores e animadores, recorrendo a todas as modalidades e entidades relevantes, e compreendendo também a formação e sensibilização dos profissionais dos media;
    f) Explorar mais o entrosamento entre a literacia dos media e o currículo escolar, baseado numa abordagem actualizada do panorama mediático, incluindo os direitos e deveres dos cidadãos face aos media e às redes socais, bem como o quadro de regulação existente, e tendo especialmente em conta o mundo e a experiência mediática das crianças e dos jovens;
    g) Realizar iniciativas de âmbito nacional, de grande abrangência, que permitam suscitar a reflexão e o debate dos cidadãos e das instituições sobre os media que temos;
    h) Estudar as condições de viabilização de um Observatório sobre a Educação para os Media, concebido como trabalho em rede e com informações e resultados disponibilizados online, nomeadamente através do portal sobre Literacia Mediática (;
    i) Investir na produção de recursos para apoio à educação para os media, recorrendo à riqueza das experiências já desenvolvidas quer no país quer no estrangeiro e tirando partido, sempre que possível dos conteúdos difundidos pelos meios de comunicação;
    j) Procurar envolver novos actores em projectos, iniciativas de educação para os media, designadamente no terreno da família, pais e encarregados de educação, centros de animação comunitária, serviços de saúde pública, grupos e movimentos de jovens.

    A educação para um uso esclarecido e crítico dos media é uma dimensão autónoma da educação para a cidadania. O muito que há a fazer para ligar e tirar partido do que existe e para criar e desenvolver projectos novos depende, antes de mais, da vontade e iniciativa da sociedade civil e de múltiplos parceiros que podem ter uma acção decisiva neste domínio da literacia dos media, sem esquecer os info-excluídos. Mas é igualmente necessário que as instâncias de decisão política assumam este objectivo nos seus programas de acção, de modo a facilitar e estimular a iniciativa dos actores sociais. É para estes desafios que todos estamos convocados.

    Os Organizadores do Congresso de Braga
    Comissão Nacional da UNESCO
    Conselho Nacional da Educação
    Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social
    Gabinete para os Meios de Comunicação Social
    Ministério da Educação
    UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento - Graça Simões
    Universidade do Minho/Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade

    Abril de 2011

    segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

    Wikis em Bibliotecas: bibliografia (1)

    ¿Qué es?

    Una de las ideas más simples y más eficaces de los últimos años. El wiki es un documento compartido en la web y que puede ser editado por cualquier persona desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.

    Un wiki o una wiki (del hawaiano wiki, 'rápido') es un sitio web cuyas páginas pueden ser editadas por múltiples voluntarios a través del navegador web. Los usuarios pueden crear, modificar o borrar un mismo texto que comparten. Los textos o «páginas wiki» tienen títulos únicos. Si se escribe el título de una «página wiki» en algún lugar del wiki entre dobles corchetes (...), esta palabra se convierte en un «enlace web» a la página wiki.

    Para saber más... 
    "Guía básica de cómo usar Wikipedia." Fundacion mercator vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
    Wikipedia es la Enciclopedia más grande del mundo y está construida de manera colaborativa por miles de editores. El objetivo fundamental de Wikipedia es crear una Enciclopedia que sea fuente de información libremente disponible. Es decir, cualquier persona puede aportar a los contenidos que faltan o estén erróneos. Sin embargo, no puedes garantizar la validez absoluta de la información que encuentres ahí.

    "A Wiki for Discussing and Promoting Best Practices in Research."  vol. 49, n. (2006).  pp. 63-64.
    This article discusses a wiki designed for the presentation and discussion of ideas and responses concerning how ACM (Association for Computing Machines) conference organizers can cope with the demands of paper submissions, refereeing, and presentations, as the number of submissions increase. The ACM has joined with the IEEE to create a forum for conference organizers and program chairs. The article outlines some of the new ideas and suggestions for how to avoid past mistakes that were submitted to the wiki.

    "Wiki's little sister hits the 'shelves'." The New Scientist vol. 192, n. 2575 (2006).  pp. 29.
    Wiki's little sister hits the GÇÿshelvesGÇÖ

    "7 things you should know about... Wikipedia." EDUCAUSE vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
    Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can add to or edit. The site was launched in early 2001 and has since grown to include millions of articles in dozens of languages. Despite concerns about the quality of openly editable information, Wikipedia has become one of the most popular online resources­statistics put Wikipedia as the eighth most-visited Web site in the United States, behind sites such as Yahoo, Google, MySpace, and eBay. Article topics range from the very broad to the highly specific, and the site offers tools to organize information into various content areas­such as "academic disciplines" and "glossaries"­with numerous topic breakdowns within each category. Each article contains any number of links to other Wikipedia articles or to external resources.

    "Blogs, wikis and podcasts: the 'evaluation bypass' in action?" Health Information & Libraries Journal vol. 24, n. 4 (2007).  pp. 298-302.
    The article discusses the process of evidence-based library and information practice (EBLIP). The author states than many libraries and librarians engage in what he calls "evidence bypass," where a cutting-edge technology is adopted simply because it is new. The author advocates an evidence-based process of evaluating the adoption of technologies for libraries. The author also discusses how to apply evidence once it is gathered. The author uses a scenario using Web 2.0 technologies as an example.

    "Wikipedia En Español: Un impulso necesario." Diariocrítico del ocio vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
     Este breve tutorial no pretende más que ser un referencia sencilla y cómoda para comenzar a editar artículos. Los hay mucho más completos y a medida que te familiarices con el sistema, tú mismo buscarás cómo mejorar las páginas.

    "Physicists slam publisher over Wikipedia copyright rules." The New Scientist vol. 197, n. 2647 (2008).  pp. 6.
    Many scientific publishers prevent scientists from posting parts of their work to the online encyclopaedia, but one group of physicists want to change that

    "Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki." Library Success vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
    Welcome to Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. This wiki was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. All over the world, librarians are developing successful programs and doing innovative things with technology that no one outside of their library knows about. There are lots of great blogs out there sharing information about the profession, but there is no one place where all of this information is collected and organized. That's what we're trying to do.

    Adil, F. and S. Mathew "Analyzing bloggers data on software design patterns and applications integration; methodology and implementation." Information Management & Computer Security vol. 15, n. 2 (2007).  pp. 84-101.
    Purpose – Blogs (a term that is short for weblogs) are one mean of getting public opinions about important topics. Several techniques could be used to reveal important views and directions from the analysis of blogs posted on the internet. The paper investigates issues concerning blogs. Design/methodology/approach – The paper applies a methodology to investigate blogs on domains of software design patterns and integration solutions within information technology community. Findings – The methodology developed and implemented is an end-to-end approach to the collection, cleansing and analysis of bloggers posts. Originality/value – While the paper addresses a specific sector of bloggers, the methodology and templates used could be implemented and further improved for use with any other bloggers segment.

    Alex, M. A. "Cybernetics and systems on the web." Kybernetes vol. 35, n. 1/2 (2006).  pp. 217-219.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe grids, an important development of internet-like communication, with references to internet sources of additional information. The aim is to review developments on the internet, especially those of general cybernetic interest. Design/methodology/approach – The tenth anniversary of the World Wide Web Consortium is noted, as well as music festivals in the Lent district of Maribor, which was the venue for the recent WOSC Congress. Findings – The internet provides valuable information on each of the three topics. Practical implications – Grids are an important current development, especially but not exclusively in connection with particle physics research. Originality/value – It is hoped this is a valuable periodic review.

    Alex, M. A. "Fusion power; centralized computing." Kybernetes vol. 37, n. 1 (2008).  pp. 17-19.
    Purpose – This paper sets out to discuss a proposal for power generation by atomic fusion using the helium isotope of mass 3, obtained from the moon, and to compare it with the better-known proposed method using deuterium and tritium. It proposes to discuss a new trend by which computing power is made available "on tap" rather than in individual users' installations. Design/methodology/approach – The aim is to review developments on the internet, especially those of general cybernetic interest. Findings – The possibility of fusion power based on helium-3 should be kept in mind, but is subject to numerous difficulties. Centralized computing offers a number of benefits and is a current trend. Practical implications – Fusion power from helium-3 is a remote and uncertain possibility, and attention should not be diverted from efforts to reduce carbon emissions and global warming by other means. Large-scale users of computers might well consider subscribing to a central service. Originality/value – It is hoped that this will be a valuable periodic review.

    Al-Fadhli, M. S. W. L. L. W. i. L. R. "Web 2.0 + Library = Library 2.0 / What is Library 2.0?. Report." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
    The emerging of new programming languages for the web such as: Java and XML and the integration of it such as: asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX)has promised new transformation for more dynamic web applications and more interactive between online users. There are dramatic increases in web usage worldwide, statistics shows more than one billion online hosts out of the entire world population which is six billion, activate on the Internet. New technological advent emerged as result and commonly known by Web 2.0. This assignment will present the definitions and will demonstrate the scholar's views about Web 2.0. Also, this assignment will cover briefly the states of the Web 2.0 activities in Middle East area, specifically the Gulf Cooperation Countries. At the end the researcher will focus and explore some of the Web 2.0 activities that developed and changed the libraries environment and caused the shifting to what is currently known by the Library 2.0 (L 2.0).

    Alonso, A. and I. Ayestarán "Hacia una wikisofía del conocimiento libre en el Aleph digital." Líbero - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Faculdade Cásper Líbero vol. 12, n. 22 (2008).  pp.:
    Empleando la referencia de Borges, este artículo trata de señalar ciertos elementos de la red en cuanto a su proyección social, o, dicho de otra manera, la web 2.0. La vanguardia literaria de los años sesenta y setenta han proporcionado de esta manera muchas de las metáforas que se emplean en la red en este momento. Desde estas referencias se examina el conocimiento libre como una forma comunal. Se trata de ver cómo es imprescindible apostar fuertemente por una actitud comunalista hacia el conocimiento libre.

    Alvim, L. "Camilo 2.0 -Wiki das Personagens Camilianas." Jornadas Españolas de Documentación vol. 10, n. (2007).  pp.:
    A Casa Museu Camilo Castelo Branco é a casa do escritor português Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890), em Seide, onde viveu nos últimos anos de vida. Possui um museu e uma biblioteca / centro de documentação especializada, com mais de 3500 volumes de bibliografia activa (constituída por edições de originais, de prefácios e de traduções) e de bibliografia passiva (muito extensa e de temática abrangente, que vai dos aspectos biográficos ou bio-bibliográficos aos estudos fecundos de exegese literária); 787 obras pertencentes à biblioteca particular do escritor; cerca de 1700 cartas, de e para Camilo; cerca de 3500 recortes de imprensa de teor camiliano; uma centena de exemplares periódicos em que Camilo colaborou ou foi director. A Biblioteca tem procurado criar condições e estruturas que permitam o estudo e divulgação da vida e obra de Camilo Castelo Branco.

     Amat, C. B. "Wikipedia." El Profesional de la Información vol., n. (2007).  pp. 118-122.
    Wikipedia can be considered as a registry of tacit knowledge. From a formal point of view, it has the appearace of an alphabetical encyclopaedia. From the point of view of the information architecture, is a set ot textual data bases. From a functional point of view, a mechanism for transforming implicit individual information into public knowledge.

    Amy, B. and F. Robert "Evolving Web, Evolving Librarian." Library Hi Tech News vol. 23, n. 7 (2006).  pp. 18-21.
    Purpose – To review and discuss significant developments in the evolving Web environment and how these developments impact librarians and library services. Design/methodology/approach – The article discusses how four major information industry trends, personalization, self service, mobility, and technology have helped to create a Web environment that is transforming how users are interacting with information and how libraries must adapt. Findings – The article puts these four trends in the context of library systems and services, illustrating how the role of the librarian has evolved. Originality/value – The examination of the evolving web as it relates to librarians and library services can provide a unique perspective for librarians who are thinking about, or are in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of services to users.

    Anson, C. M. and S. K. Miller-Cochran "Contrails of Learning: Using New Technologies for Vertical Knowledge-building: The Future of Graduate Education in Computers and Writing." Computers and Composition vol. 26, n. 1 (2009).  pp. 38-48.
    Higher education is still dominated by objectivist models of learning involving experts who convey information to novices. Educational research has shown that this model is less effective than more active, constructivist approaches that help learners to build new knowledge on existing knowledge. Although to a lesser extent, the objectivist model is perpetuated in graduate education, a context where students are, ironically, assumed to be working alongside their mentors and becoming part of the culture of research in their fields. Using a recent report issued by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, The Responsive Ph.D.: Innovations in Doctoral Education (2005), we argue that emerging technologies can help to create constructivist learning environments that challenge students to participate more actively in their own education. As illustration, we consider a graduate seminar on educational technologies that uses a wiki not only to engage students in knowledge-building but to link subsequent sections of the course into an ongoing, purposeful activity that functions both within and beyond the classroom. We explore some of the challenges we faced in getting students to take control of the wiki and overcome their existing assumptions about power and authority in graduate education.

    Aramberri Miranda, J. "Archivos digitales." RedIRIS: boletín de la Red Nacional de I+D RedIRIS vol., n. 82 (2008).  pp. 142-147.
    Los investigadores de cualquier disciplina que utilicen para su trabajo documentos u objetos depositados en archivos y bibliotecas tienen a su disposición en Internet numerosos recursos que pueden facilitar su tarea. Son los archivos, hemerotecas y bibliotecas digitales, que están cambiando totalmente la forma de recuperar datos e informaciones. Utilizando los recursos que ofrece Internet, desarrollamos nuestra investigación sobre un personaje histórico y relevante entre los inventores españoles: Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1852- 1936), un precursor en materias tan próximas a las TIC como la automática, la cibernética, las calculadoras analógicas y digitales, y el telecontrol por radiofrecuencia. Después de esta experiencia mostramos, junto con algunos de los hallazgos más relevantes, los repositorios digitales de donde hemos obtenido los datos para esta investigación. Todo el resultado de este trabajo se encuentra disponible en Internet en un wiki (, que continúa desarrollándose como un sitio colaborativo.

     Arazy, O., E. Stroulia, et al. "Recognizing contributions in wikis: Authorship categories, algorithms, and visualizations." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010).  pp. 1166-1179.
    Abstract 10.1002/asi.21326.abs Wikis are designed to support collaborative editing, without focusing on individual contribution, such that it is not straightforward to determine who contributed to a specific page. However, as wikis are increasingly adopted in settings such as business, government, and education, where editors are largely driven by career goals, there is a perceived need to modify wikis so that each editor's contributions are clearly presented. In this paper we introduce an approach for assessing the contributions of wiki editors along several authorship categories, as well as a variety of information glyphs for visualizing this information. We report on three types of analysis: (a) assessing the accuracy of the algorithms, (b) estimating the understandability of the visualizations, and (c) exploring wiki editors' perceptions regarding the extent to which such an approach is likely to change their behavior. Our findings demonstrate that our proposed automated techniques can estimate fairly accurately the quantity of editors' contributions across various authorship categories, and that the visualizations we introduced can clearly convey this information to users. Moreover, our user study suggests that such tools are likely to change wiki editors' behavior. We discuss both the potential benefits and risks associated with solutions for estimating and visualizing wiki contributions.

    Arch, X. "Electronic Resources & Libraries, 2nd Annual Conference 2007: Another Perspective." Library Hi Tech News vol. 24, n. 9/10 (2007).  pp. 17-18. – The purpose of this paper is to report on the "Electronic resources and libraries" 2nd annual conference. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an overview of the presentations given at the conference. Findings Presentations include discussions on Web 2.0 technologies and how librarians view Open Access. Originality/value – The paper provides a useful review of the conference, focusing on such topics as screencasting, Open Access and scholarly communications.

    Austin, A. C., J. M. Coates, et al. "Blog, podcast, vodcast and Wiki copyright guide for Australia."  vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
    The 'Blog, Podcast, Vodcast and Wiki Copyright Guide for Australia' was developed by the Law Research Program of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) to examine and explain copyright issues which impact upon creators and users of blogs, podcasts, vodcasts and wikis in the Australian legal environment. In doing so it provides practical examples of how these issues may arise and be resolved. The Guide is a step towards: * ensuring that creators and users of these platforms are fully informed about these issues; and * providing strategies for creators and users to prevent or minimise the legal risks created by these issues.

    Bargmann, M. and S. Tremml "Library 2.0 – eine Sammelrezension. Libreas(10+11)." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
    'Library 2.0 – ein Begriff, der von Michael Casey vor zwei Jahren in seinem Weblog geprägt wurde, in Anlehnung an 'Web 2.0' – bezeichnet nicht nur die Anwendung von sozialer Software in Bibliotheken, sondern auch einen neuen Ansatz, die BenutzerInnen in die Bibliotheksarbeit mit einzubeziehen. Die Diskussion um eine so genannte 'Bibliothek 2.0' wird beileibe nicht nur in Weblogs, Wikis und Online-Communities geführt – für renommierte Bibliotheksverlage aus dem anglo-amerikanischen Raum scheint es Pflicht zu sein, auch ein Buch zu diesem Thema zu publizieren. Vier der bisher erschienenen Bände werden im Folgenden rezensiert: Casey, Michael E.; Savastinuk, Laura C.: Library 2.0. A Guide to Participatory Library Service. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2007. -- Farkas, Meredith: Social Software in Libraries. Building Collaboration, Communication, and Community Online. Medford: Information today, 2007. -- Bradley, Phil: How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library. London: Facet, 2007. -- Sauers, Michael P.: Blogging and RSS. A Librarian's Guide. Medford: Information Today, 2006.

    Bar-Ilan, J. "Web Links and Search Engine Ranking: the Case of Google and the Query 'Jew'." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 57, n. 12 (2006).  pp.:
    The World Wide Web has become one of our more important information sources, and commercial search engines are the major tools for locating information; however, it is not enough for a Web page to be indexed by the search engines-it also must rank high on relevant queries. One of the parameters involved in ranking is the number and quality of links pointing to the page, based on the assumption that links convey appreciation for a page. This article presents the results of a content analysis of the links to two top pages retrieved by Google for the query 'jew' as of July 2004: the 'jew' entry on the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, and the home page of 'Jew Watch,' a highly anti-Semitic site. The top results for the query 'jew' gained public attention in April 2004, when it was noticed that the 'Jew Watch' homepage ranked number 1. From this point on, both sides engaged in 'Googlebombing' (i.e., increasing the number of links pointing to these pages). The results of the study show that most of the links to these pages come from blogs and discussion links, and the number of links pointing to these pages in appreciation of their content is extremely small. These findings have implications for ranking algorithms based on link counts, and emphasize the huge difference between Web links and citations in the scientific community.

    Bejune, M. M. "Wikis in Libraries." Information Technology and Libraries vol. 26, n. 3 (2007).  pp.:
    Wikis in Libraries

    Bejune, M. M. "Wikis in Libraries." Information Technology & Libraries vol. 26, n. 3 (2007).  pp. 26-38.
    Wikis have recently been adopted to support a variety of collaborative activities within libraries. This article and its companion wiki, Library Wikis (, seek to document the phenomenon of wikis in libraries. This subject is considered within the framework of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). The author identified thirty-three library wikis and developed a classification schema with four categories: (1) collaboration among libraries (45.7 percent); (2) collaboration among library staff (31.4 percent); (3) collaboration among library staff and patrons (14.3 percent); and (4) collaboration among patrons (8.6 percent). Examples of library wikis are presented within the article, as is a discussion for why wikis are primarily utilized within categories I and II and not within categories III and IV. It is clear that wikis have great utility within libraries, and the author urges further application of wikis in libraries.

    Bejune, M. M. and S. E. Morris "The Development of the Virtual Notebook, a Wiki-Based Ready Reference Technology." Reference & User Services Quarterly vol. 50, n. 1 (2010).  pp. 27-34.
    Traditionally, library professionals have used a variety of ready reference technologies to assist in providing reference and user services. Technologies such as card files, vertical files, and reference notebooks are frequent components of library service desks. Ready reference technologies serve many purposes, most notably, helping staff to answer frequently asked questions and facilitating the sharing of information between library staff. This paper traces the development of the Virtual Notebook, a wiki-based ready reference technology, at Purdue University. The tool is placed within the historical context of ready reference technologies within the library profession and at Purdue. The authors present preliminary results from the implementation of the Virtual Notebook and discuss the tool's future. The manuscript is an outgrowth of a presentation at the 2008 Brick and Click Symposium at Northwest Missouri State University.

    Bell, S. "Wikis as Legitimate Research Sources." Online vol. 32, n. 6 (2008).  pp. 34-37. article offers information on wikis from a content perspective. The U.S. troops in Afghanistan are using a wiki to record and pass along this new kind of vital operational information. According to the author, libraries use wikis for staff communication and collaboration, to provide information to, and invite participation from users, and as teaching tools. A survey by Janus Boye, published in his "Wiki in the Enterprise" report, finds that wikis are now ubiquitous in many organizations. Description of the health wikis and WiserWiki is presented.

    Bell, S. "WIKIS for Reference, Enthusiasts, and Government Information." Online vol. 33, n. 1 (2009).  pp. 20-23.
    The article reviews several wiki web sites including Psychology Wiki, available at, the Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia, available at and the Encyclopedia of Earth, available at .

    Bell, S. J. "Time to Lose the Sticky and Try a Wiki." The Reference Librarian vol. 47, n. 2 (2007).  pp.:
    This article focuses on the challenges of disseminating and sharing information in reference service departments or reference libraries. Particular focus is given to the advocacy of wikis, web-based software which provides services at minimal costs and effort. An overview of wiki and how they can be applied in the field of library science is presented. Several publicly accessed wikis are evaluated as examples, such as PBWiki and LibSuccess Wiki. The article also discusses the popularity of wiki services. This article focuses on the challenges of disseminating and sharing information in reference service departments or reference libraries. Particular focus is given to the advocacy of wikis, web-based software which provides services at minimal costs and effort. An overview of wiki and how they can be applied in the field of library science is presented. Several publicly accessed wikis are evaluated as examples, such as PBWiki and LibSuccess Wiki. The article also discusses the popularity of wiki services.

    Bell, S. J. "Time to Lose the Sticky and Try a Wiki." Reference Librarian vol. 47, n. 2 (2007).  pp. 101-105.
    This article focuses on the challenges of disseminating and sharing information in reference service departments or reference libraries. Particular focus is given to the advocacy of wikis, web-based software which provides services at minimal costs and effort. An overview of wiki and how they can be applied in the field of library science is presented. Several publicly accessed wikis are evaluated as examples, such as PBWiki and LibSuccess Wiki. The article also discusses the popularity of wiki services.

    Besson, D., A. Downs, et al. "The Tobin tax and Newcomb's paradox: Financial markets viewed from the perspective of Michel Serres." Journal of Organizational Change Management vol. 19, n. 4 (2006).  pp. 529-540.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine proposals for a Tobin tax to curb currency speculation in global markets. Design/methodology/approach – Financial markets are viewed from the perspective of Michel Serres. Findings – Managing volatility is really about managing relationships that can buffer governments against risk. The resolution of a paradox is embracing the paradox. Originality/value – The work of Michel Serres has not previously been used in analyses of global currency markets. His theory of parasitical relationships offers a novel response to proposals for a Tobin tax.

    Black, E. W. "Wikipedia and academic peer review: Wikipedia as a recognised medium for scholarly publication?" Online Information Review vol. 32, n. 1 (2008).  pp. 73-88.
    The purpose of this paper is to engage in a thought experiment, exploring the use of Wikipedia or similar content-malleable systems for the review and dissemination of academic knowledge. Design/methodology/approach – By looking at other sources, the paper considers the current state of the academic peer-review process, discusses Wikipedia and reflects on dynamic content creation and management applications currently in use in academia. Findings – The traditional peer review process must be updated to match the rapid creation and diffusion of knowledge that characterises the 21st century. The Wikipedia concept is a potential model for more rapid and reliable dissemination of scholarly knowledge. The implications of such a concept would have a dramatic effect on the academic community. Originality/value – This paper promotes a radical idea for changing the methods by which academic knowledge is both constructed and disseminated.

    Bonk, C. J., M. M. Lee, et al. "The tensions of transformation in three cross-institutional wikibook projects." The Internet and Higher Education vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, n. (2009).  pp.:
    Wikis have the potential to change learning environments from traditional knowledge transmission models to knowledge transformative ones where students generate, share, and reshape knowledge. In this three-part study, graduate students created wikibooks across institutional settings. One of these projects extended to universities in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the United States, whereas the other two involved two universities in the United States. The degree of scaffolding and other support varied in each project. At the end of each study, students were surveyed about their wikibook efforts. In addition, instructors across the institutions were interviewed about the obstacles they faced as well the opportunities. Based on these results, more than two dozen cross-institutional wikibook issues are organized into five key themes: (1) instructional issues; (2) collaboration issues; (3) technology issues; (4) constructivism and sense of community issues; and (5) wikibook issues. Several recommendations are offered related to the use of wikibooks in the classroom as a transformational learning tool.

    Bordignon, F. R. A. "Wikis: Hacía un modelo comunitario de preservación y socialización del conocimiento." Simbiosis vol. 1, n.:  pp.:
    El software social está compuesto por una serie de herramientas que ayudan a formar y gestionar comunidades de usuarios o pares. Hablar de términos como folksonomias, bitácoras o blogs, sistemas de recomendación y entornos colaborativos de desarrollo es enfocar la atención en una nueva generación de software que tiene por característica la ruptura de la asimetría que caracterizó la relación anterior entre usuarios y generadores de contenidos. Las wikis son una de las primeras herramientas que pertenecen a la categoría software social. Este trabajo tiene por intención caracterizarlas y describir su estado de desarrollo, con la intención de promover su utilización en el ámbito de las bibliotecas públicas, como una herramienta que satisfaga de mejor forma las necesidades de información de los usuarios, y por otro lado, contribuya a preservar y mantener la memoria de parte de la humanidad.

    Bordignon, F. R. A. "Wikis: Hacía un modelo comunitario de preservación y socialización del conocimiento." Simbiosis vol. 4, n. 1 (2007).  pp.:
    Spanish Abstract: El software social está compuesto por una serie de herramientas que ayudan a formar y gestionar comunidades de usuarios o pares. Hablar de términos como folksonomias, bitácoras o blogs, sistemas de recomendación y entornos colaborativos de desarrollo es enfocar la atención en una nueva generación de software que tiene por característica la ruptura de la asimetría que caracterizó la relación anterior entre usuarios y generadores de contenidos.

    Bordignon, F. R. A. "Wikis: Hacía un modelo comunitario de preservación y socialización del conocimiento." Simbiosis vol. 4, n. 1 (2007).  pp.:
    Spanish Abstract: El software social está compuesto por una serie de herramientas que ayudan a formar y gestionar comunidades de usuarios o pares. Hablar de términos como folksonomias, bitácoras o blogs, sistemas de recomendación y entornos colaborativos de desarrollo es enfocar la atención en una nueva generación de software que tiene por característica la ruptura de la asimetría que caracterizó la relación anterior entre usuarios y generadores de contenidos. Las wikis son una de las primeras herramientas que pertenecen a la categoría software social. Este trabajo tiene por intención caracterizarlas y describir su estado de desarrollo, con la intención de promover su utilización en el ámbito de las bibliotecas públicas, como una herramienta que satisfaga de mejor forma las necesidades de información de los usuarios, y por otro lado, contribuya a preservar y mantener la memoria de parte de la humanidad. English Abstract: Social software consists of tools for facilitating the creation and management of communities of users or peers. Terms like folksonomies, blogs, recommender systems or collaborative development environments all lead to a new generation of software that puts an end to the old characteristic asymmetry between users and content providers. Wikis are one of the first tools included in social software. This work attempts to characterize wikis and describe their state of the art in order to promote their use in public libraries, where such tools could help users satisfy their information needs more effectively and contribute to the preservation of the memory of a part of mankind.

    Botterbusch, H. R. and P. Parker (2008). Copyright and Collaborative Spaces: Open Licensing and Wikis, Springer Science & Business Media B.V. 52: 7-9.
    The article provides a discussion of the intricacies and options connected to copyright for shared spaces which include Wikis. It is mentioned that Wiki is an online computer programming that allows users to create, edit, link and track changes to web pages. The functions of such program are provided. The article also gives attention to issues of copyright in online collaborative spaces which include the issue of copyright ownership and content liability. Licensing, the types of licenses, and guidelines on how to choose the right license are also discussed.

    Boulos, M., I. Maramba, et al. "Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education." BioMed Central vol. 6, n. 1 (2006).  pp. 41.
    BACKGROUND:We have witnessed a rapid increase in the use of Web-based 'collaborationware' in recent years. These Web 2.0 applications, particularly wikis, blogs and podcasts, have been increasingly adopted by many online health-related professional and educational services. Because of their ease of use and rapidity of deployment, they offer the opportunity for powerful information sharing and ease of collaboration. Wikis are Web sites that can be edited by anyone who has access to them. The word 'blog' is a contraction of 'Web Log' - an online Web journal that can offer a resource rich multimedia environment. Podcasts are repositories of audio and video materials that can be "pushed" to subscribers, even without user intervention. These audio and video files can be downloaded to portable media players that can be taken anywhere, providing the potential for "anytime, anywhere" learning experiences (mobile learning).DISCUSSION:Wikis, blogs and podcasts are all relatively easy to use, which partly accounts for their proliferation. The fact that there are many free and Open Source versions of these tools may also be responsible for their explosive growth. Thus it would be relatively easy to implement any or all within a Health Professions' Educational Environment. Paradoxically, some of their disadvantages also relate to their openness and ease of use. With virtually anybody able to alter, edit or otherwise contribute to the collaborative Web pages, it can be problematic to gauge the reliability and accuracy of such resources. While arguably, the very process of collaboration leads to a Darwinian type 'survival of the fittest' content within a Web page, the veracity of these resources can be assured through careful monitoring, moderation, and operation of the collaborationware in a closed and secure digital environment. Empirical research is still needed to build our pedagogic evidence base about the different aspects of these tools in the context of medical/health education.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION:If effectively deployed, wikis, blogs and podcasts could offer a way to enhance students', clinicians' and patients' learning experiences, and deepen levels of learners' engagement and collaboration within digital learning environments. Therefore, research should be conducted to determine the best ways to integrate these tools into existing e-Learning programmes for students, health professionals and patients, taking into account the different, but also overlapping, needs of these three audience classes and the opportunities of virtual collaboration between them. Of particular importance is research into novel integrative applications, to serve as the "glue" to bind the different forms of Web-based collaborationware synergistically in order to provide a coherent wholesome learning experience.

    Boxen, J. L. "Library 2.0: a review of the literature." The Reference Librarian vol. 49, n. 1 (2008).  pp. 21-34. recent years the professional literature has seen an increase in articles written about Library 2.0 implementation in academic reference departments. These articles have focused on the integration and introduction of services such as blogs, wikis, social networking Websites, RSS, and podcasting. This article reviews the content of this literature to see which articles demonstrate a qualitative or quantitative benefit to the libraries where they are used. Adapted from the source document.

    Bryant, S., A. Forte, et al. "Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia." GROUP International Conference on Supporting Group Work vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
    Traditional activities change in surprising ways when computermediated communication becomes a component of the activity system. In this descriptive study, we leverage two perspectives on social activity to understand the experiences of individuals who became active collaborators in Wikipedia, a prolific, cooperatively-authored online encyclopedia. Legitimate peripheral participation provides a lens for understanding participation in a community as an adaptable process that evolves over time. We use ideas from activity theory as a framework to describe our results. Finally, we describe how activity on the Wikipe dia stands in striking contrast to traditional publishing and suggests a new paradigm for collaborative systems.

    Buffa, M. and F. Gandon "SweetWiki: semantic web enabled technologies in Wiki." Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Wikis vol., n. (2006).  pp. 69-78.
    Wikis are social web sites enabling a potentially large number of participants to modify any page or create a new page using their web browser. As they grow, wikis suffer from a number of problems (anarchical structure, large number of pages, aging navigation paths, etc.). We believe that semantic wikis can improve navigation and search. In SweetWiki we investigate the use of semantic web technologies to support and ease the lifecycle of the wiki. The very model of wikis was declaratively described: an OWL schema captures concepts such as WikiWord, wiki page, forward and backward link, author, etc. This ontology is then exploited by an embedded semantic search engine (Corese). In addition, SweetWiki integrates a standard WYSIWYG editor (Kupu) that we extended to support semantic annotation following the 'social tagging' approach made popular by web sites such as When editing a page, the user can freely enter some keywords in an AJAX-powered textfield and an auto-completio mechanism proposes existing keywords by issuing SPARQL queries to identify existing concepts with compatible labels. Thus tagging is both easy (keyword-like) and motivating (real time display of the number of related pages) and concepts are collected as in folksonomies. To maintain and reengineer the folksonomy, we reused a web-based editor available in the underlying semantic web server to edit semantic web ontologies and annotations. Unlike in other wikis, pages are stored directly in XHTML ready to be served and semantic annotations are embedded in the pages themselves using RDF/A. If someone sends or copy a page, the annotations follow it, and if an application crawls the wiki site it can extract the metadata and reuse them.

    Buffa, M., F. Gandon, et al. "SweetWiki: A semantic wiki: Semantic Web and Web 2.0." Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web vol. 6, n. 1 (2008).  pp. 84-97.
    Everyone agrees that user interactions and social networks are among the cornerstones of GÇ£Web 2.0GÇ¥. Web 2.0 applications generally run in a web browser, propose dynamic content with rich user interfaces, offer means to easily add or edit content of the web site they belong to and present social network aspects. Well-known applications that have helped spread Web 2.0 are blogs, wikis, and image/video sharing sites; they have dramatically increased sharing and participation among web users. It is possible to build knowledge using tools that can help analyze usersGÇÖ behavior behind the scenes: what they do, what they know, what they want. Tools that help share this knowledge across a network, and that can reason on that knowledge, will lead to users who can better use the knowledge available, i.e., to smarter users. Wikipedia, a wildly successful example of web technology, has helped knowledge-sharing between people by letting individuals freely create and modify its content. But Wikipedia is designed for peopleGÇötoday's software cannot understand and reason on Wikipedia's content. In parallel, the GÇ£semantic webGÇ¥, a set of technologies that help knowledge-sharing across the web between different applications, is starting to gain attraction. Researchers have only recently started working on the concept of a GÇ£semantic wikiGÇ¥, mixing the advantages of the wiki and the technologies of the semantic web. In this paper we will present a state-of-the-art of semantic wikis, and we will introduce SweetWiki, an example of an application reconciling two trends of the future web: a semantically augmented web and a web of social applications where every user is an active provider as well as a consumer of information. SweetWiki makes heavy use of semantic web concepts and languages, and demonstrates how the use of such paradigms can improve navigation, search, and usability.

    Cabezas Mardones, C. "Leer y escribir en la web social: uso de blogs, wikis y multimedia compartida en educación." Serie Bibliotecología y Gestión de Información vol., n. 35 (2008).  pp. 1-16. literature review about the interconnection of social web/ web 2.0, education and library. Its focus is the development of reading, writing and multimedia creation skills. As a conclusion a set of good practices is identified to help the adoption of social software in an educational environment.

    Caraco, A. "Wikipédia: une encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite coopérativement." Bulletin des bibliothèques de France vol. 49, n. 6 (2004).  pp.:
    Collection encyclopédique elle-même, la bibliothèque publique est depuis toujours un lieu de consultation des encyclopédies. Wikipédia est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite coopérativement. À première vue, ce projet paraît nettement utopiste, voire critiquable. Pourtant, international et multilingue, il fonctionne et connaît une croissance rapide. Il utilise la technologie Wiki et est publié sous licence de documentation libre. D'ici quelques années, voire quelques mois, Wikipédia pourrait avoir une place importante dans les bibliothèques. Les bibliothécaires francophones pourraient l'améliorer en y contribuant.

    Carr, T., A. Morrison, et al. "Weathering wikis: Net-based learning meets political science in a South African university: Global Issues: International Perspectives on Computers and Writing." Computers and Composition vol. 24, n. 3 (2007).  pp. 266-284.
    Wikis represent flexible tools functioning as open-ended environments for collaboration while also offering process and group writing support. Here we focus on a project to innovate the use of wikis for collaborative writing within student groups in a final-year undergraduate political science course. The primary questions guiding our research were in what ways could wikis assist collaborative learning in an undergraduate course in political science and how we could support educatorsGÇÖ in the effective use of wikis? Curiously, wikis may serve as a mediating artifact for collaborative writing even among students who are reluctant to post online drafts. The paper raises questions concerning the nature and limits of lecturer and tutor power to deliver transformative educational innovations in relation to the capacity of students to embrace, comply with, or resist such innovation. In analysing the negotiation of the use of wikis in the course by and among the lecturer, tutors, and students, we draw on two principles in activity theory, which Yrj+¦ Engestr+¦m argued are central to his model of expansive learning: multi-voicedness and contradictions [Engestr+¦m, Yrj+¦. (1987). Learning by expanding: An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit; Engestr+¦m, Yrj+¦. (2001). Expansive learning at work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work 14(1), 133GÇô156.]. We add a third principle, transparency, to more fully capture what we observed.

    Charles, J. and B. David "A case study in the globalization of jobs in Ireland." International Journal of Social Economics vol. 33, n. 10 (2006).  pp. 666-676.
    Purpose – The paper sets out to identify the challenges and potential responses Ireland has related to the potential loss of jobs due to offshoring in a key Irish employment sector. The following research question is addressed. How can Irish call centers effectively respond to offshore competition? Design/methodology/approach – This case study is a based on a field research project including interview and survey data. The project was supported by The Irish Development Agency (IDA) to obtain data about the workers, management and demographic trends of the Irish call center sector. A review of literature available on the subject and observations made during the data gathering phase of a field research project run during the summer of 2004. Findings – Shows that the global market for offshoring is growing at an accelerated rate due to economic drivers, cultural perceptions and expectations of corporate managers, SMEs, and IT systems integrators. Illustrates how Ireland can turn the problems associated with offshoring into strategic advantage. Practical implications – The paper proposes responses to the threat of lost jobs in Ireland due to the forces of globalization may offer useful insights for other countries facing similar economic threats. Originality/value – Very few papers have been published related to Irish job migration. The value is the paper studies a significant Irish industry sector in terms of employment and very real issues related to the globalization of jobs via offshoring. This is important to the IDA and to economic development practitioners in other countries facing the loss of jobs to globalization and offshoring.

    Chawner, B. and P. H. Lewis "Wikiwikiwebs: New Ways to Communicate in a Web Environment." Information Technology and Libraries vol. 25, n. 1 (2006).  pp.: This paper introduces WikiWikiWeb software, also known as Wiki, for use in library and information management contexts. Wikis provide an environment for Web-based collaboration and can also be used for Web site content management. The article includes an overview of the history and development of Wiki, as well as discussing basic and advanced Wiki features. It compares three Wiki engines and describes seven case studies of real-world library and library-related Wiki applications. The paper concludes with a discussion of factors that can contribute to a successful Wiki project.

    Cho, H., M. Chen, et al. "Testing an integrative theoretical model of knowledge-sharing behavior in the context of Wikipedia." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010).  pp.: study explores how and why people participate in collaborative knowledge-building practices in the context of Wikipedia. Based on a survey of 223 Wikipedians, this study examines the relationship between motivations, internal cognitive beliefs, social-relational factors, and knowledge-sharing intentions. Results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis reveal that attitudes, knowledge self-efficacy, and a basic norm of generalized reciprocity have significant and direct relationships with knowledge-sharing intentions. Altruism (an intrinsic motivator) is positively related to attitudes toward knowledge sharing, whereas reputation (an extrinsic motivator) is not a significant predictor of attitude. The study also reveals that a social-relational factor, namely, a sense of belonging, is related to knowledge-sharing intentions indirectly through different motivational and social factors such as altruism, subjective norms, knowledge self-efficacy, and generalized reciprocity. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

    Cho, H., M. Chen, et al. "Testing an integrative theoretical model of knowledge-sharing behavior in the context of Wikipedia." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010).  pp. 1198-1212. study explores how and why people participate in collaborative knowledge-building practices in the context of Wikipedia. Based on a survey of 223 Wikipedians, this study examines the relationship between motivations, internal cognitive beliefs, social-relational factors, and knowledge-sharing intentions. Results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis reveal that attitudes, knowledge self-efficacy, and a basic norm of generalized reciprocity have significant and direct relationships with knowledge-sharing intentions. Altruism (an intrinsic motivator) is positively related to attitudes toward knowledge sharing, whereas reputation (an extrinsic motivator) is not a significant predictor of attitude. The study also reveals that a social-relational factor, namely, a sense of belonging, is related to knowledge-sharing intentions indirectly through different motivational and social factors such as altruism, subjective norms, knowledge self-efficacy, and generalized reciprocity. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

    Clare, S. "Enticing teenagers into the library." Library Review vol. 57, n. 1 (2008).  pp. 25-35.
    Purpose – Children and teenagers are the future adult users of libraries, and how they are treated in our libraries, particularly school and public libraries, can cement lifelong memories and habits in these young people. This paper aims to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach – The following paper is a review of the literature on young people's, particularly teenagers' use (or lack thereof) of libraries, the importance of library use and methods to encourage library use in young people. Findings – Despite the findings from some of the literature that teenagers are less likely to visit libraries, there were many services and programmes in libraries that aim to reverse this trend. Research limitations/implications – Some of the literature is peer-reviewed, but selected pieces were written by librarians in the field about their interactions with young people in their libraries. Although the latter cannot be generalised to all young people, they are important in providing examples of what occurs in some cases and what might be replicated in other settings. Originality/value – Encouraging young people to visit and enjoy libraries can be a rewarding experience and is important in creating the next generation of library users.

    Coakes, E. "Storing and sharing knowledge: Supporting the management of knowledge made explicit in transnational organisations." The Learning Organization vol. 13, n. 6 (2006).  pp. 579-593.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to indicate and illustrate the potential for use of different types of technologies to support knowledge process in transnational organisations. Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses a standard literature review plus illustrations from case organisations to demonstrate the potential applications and value of technology for knowledge sharing. Findings – Transnational organisations have specific issues relating to space and time, and increasingly virtuality, in their working practices. Technology can assist to alleviate these issues and can provide the organisations with ways to share and distribute knowledge throughout their processes, sites and workforces. Successful knowledge management however, continues to need a sociotechnical approach where the social aspects of knowledge creation, storage and sharing need to be considered alongside the technical. Sociotechnical theory tells us we must importantly consider people, task, process, and environment (both internal and external) when considering how best to implement technology into our organisations. Research limitations/implications – Case studies that specifically describe the work of transnationals are not common and thus the organisations used as illustrations may be atypical, however we believe this limitation is alleviated by using both a for-profit and a not-for-profit organisation to illustrate the variety of purposes to which technology can be put in transnational organisations. Originality/value – This paper has major practical implications. It is now common in the knowledge management literature to lower the value of technology for knowledge sharing and to emphasise the human aspects of knowledge sharing. This paper agrees with this perspective but illustrates how technology can be used successfully to assist in the knowledge sharing processes across time, space and virtuality.

    Concepción Báez, C. M. (2008). Wiki, intranet y repositorios documentales. (Spanish), Centro Nacional de Informacion de Ciencias Medicas. 18: 1-3.
    Costa, A. G. and A. G. Bondia (2007). Design of a Wiki-based collaborative working strategy within the context of legal sciences, Routledge. 4: 105-114.
    Within the context of information and communication technologies, the present article analyses our experience of using the Wiki tool to produce collaborative assignments in the degree programme in law at the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Rovira i Virgili University. On the basis of this experience, we analyse not only how teaching is planned to ensure that objectives are fulfilled but also how both teachers and students assess the academic activity. All of this enables us to identify the strong and weak points of this experience and to compare it with the collaborative assignments that have traditionally been used in law-related qualifications. As a result, some valuable lessons can be learned that allow us to improve our use of Wiki as a tool for drafting collaborative documents.

    Craig, H. "Periscopic media tour." Strategy & Leadership vol. 34, n. 6 (2006).  pp. 56-60.
    Purpose – Over a two-month period, the editor of this review has searched worldwide for the most interesting and useful media articles on the topic of strategic management. Design/methodology/approach – In addition to his own finds, the editor sorted through suggestions by a team of veteran top managers and senior academics. Findings – The result is a surprisingly diverse set of media articles about strategy and leadership on such topics as promoting innovation, knowledge bridging, enabling change management, capitalism in failed states, building the no-brand company, estimating the value of IT and the ignorance of crowds. Practical implications – URL links and references have been provided for the articles so that managers can easily follow up this quick scan of the media by reading the articles in full. Originality/value – Provides a snapshot of what managers are reading and a guide to trends and fresh thinking.

    Darries, F. "Wiki's for collaborative authoring." Tswane University of Technology Web 2.0 vol., n. (2010).  pp.:
    Education theories promote engaging student where they are at in the online environment. The proliferation of what is referred to as Web 2.0 tools provide such an opportunity for academic libraries. To engage students where they are in the online environment. This introduction provides an overview of the tools Wetpaint as an example of collaborative writing and development of a website. Authors in the online environment use creative commons licensing.

    David, P. W. "A Technology Sampler Platter." Library Hi Tech News vol. 23, n. 5 (2006).  pp. 25-26.
    Purpose – Aims to review some new technologies used in library environments. Design/methodology/approach – A review with descriptions of new technologies which might impact library services. Findings – With technology changing so quickly, it can be difficult to keep track of what is coming and how to apply these new technologies to services that your library can provide. Originality/value – Provides descriptions of some new technologies you can then start to identify that might support the library services in your local setting.

    Davison-Turley, W. "Blogs and RSS: Powerful Information Management Tools." Library Hi Tech News vol. 22, n. 10 (2005).  pp. 28-29.
    Purpose – An introduction to blogs and RSS. Design/methodology/approach – Describes what blogs and RSS are and what they can do Findings Blogs and RSS are a convenient and effective way to keep themselves informed, to share thoughts and ideas with each other, and to communicate with their patrons. Originality/value – This paper is useful for information management professionals who seek greater understanding of blogs and RSS implementations in libraries.

    Dearstyne, B. W. "Blogs, Mashups, & Wikis Oh, My!" Information Management Journal vol. 41, n. 4 (2007).  pp. 24-33.
    This article focuses on Web 2.0, which refers to the perceived new generation of Web-based services that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users, and explains its relevance to records and information management (RIM) professionals. It says that Web 2.0 is changing the way people work and the way records and documents are created, exchanged and used and this trend poses new challenges for RIM professionals. Examples of Web 2.0 services include MySpace, YouTube, Flickr and Second Life.

    Devgan, L., N. Powe, et al. "Wiki-Surgery? Internal validity of Wikipedia as a medical and surgical reference: Abstracts for the 62nd Annual Sessions of the Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems, The American College of Surgeons 93rd Annual Clinical Congress." Journal of the American College of Surgeons vol. 205, n. 3, Supplement 1 (2007).  pp. S76-S77.
    With the burgeoning popularity of the internet, patients are increasingly using web-based search engines to learn about their medical and surgical problems. Wikipedia® is the world's 12th most popular website and the most widely read of such sources. Despite Wikipedia®'s popularity, little is known about the accuracy of its health-related content.

    Dieterle, U. "23rd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning." Library Hi Tech News vol. 24, n. 9/10 (2007).  pp. 15-16.
    Purpose – To report on the 23rd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning held August 8-10, 2007 in Madison, WI.Design/methodology/approach – Provides an overview of the conference and reviews of specific events. Findings – Outlines the pre-conference events and four limited presentations. Originality/value – A conference report of interest to librarians, information professionals, trainers and instructional designers about issues related to distance learning, teaching and technologies.

    Dobrecky, L. P. "Hacia la library 2.0: blogs, rss y wikis." El Profesional de la Información vol. 16, n. 2 (2007).  pp.:
    The user participation is one of the principal keys in the web 2.0. The new technologies allow people not only to consume but also create and manage the content in a collaborative environment. The implementation of these new trends in the library context leads to library 2.0. Blogs, rss and wikis, are described. Also, possible applications in libraries are commented and some cases are analyzed.

    Domínguez Aroca, M. I. and S. Pérez Carrillo "Elaboración y gestión de guías temáticas mediante un sistema mixto, web institucional y wiki. La experiencia de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alcalá." Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía vol. 15, n. (2009).  pp.:
    La necesidad de promocionar los recursos electrónicos de la Biblioteca, la de desarrollar una de las acciones recogidas en su "I Plan estratégico 2008-2011" y la posibilidad que ofrecía participar en los "grupos de mejora" de la Universidad, se conjugaron para que un grupo de bibliotecarios, elaborasen la estructura de las "Guías temáticas". En esta comunicación se presenta la experiencia del proceso y el estado actual de implementación. Se informa de las dos plataformas web utilizadas, la web institucional para los recursos propios de la Biblioteca y una wiki y otras herramientas de la web social, para la gestión de los recursos de información seleccionados en Internet. El objetivo principal de estas guías es: servir de apoyo al bibliotecario en su labor informativa y formativa, apoyar al personal docente e investigador (PDI) en la búsqueda de información y potenciar el uso de los recursos electrónicos de la Biblioteca.

    Dueñas Guzmán, M. and A. Camacho Martínez "Wikipedia: ¿metáfora de la sociedad del conocimiento?" Infomediosdigital vol., n. (2008).  pp.:
    "Aunque la programación computadorizada es fácil, la cultura es difícil". Esta observación fue vertida por un estudioso de Wikipedia, la enciclopedia cibernética de libre acceso que ha ganado millones de adeptos desde su surgimiento en el 2001. A medida que ha aumentado su popularidad­ya tiene versiones en 250 idiomas y en Estados Unidos es el sitio de Internet que más se visita ­las críticas han arreciado por su política de permitir a cualquiera añadir información nueva o alterar la existente. ¿Qué ocurre con la confiabilidad de la información de un texto que pretende resumir el saber humano cuando se depende exclusivamente de centenares de autores anónimos para la adición y revisión de contenido? Más allá de contestar esta interrogante, las diversas respuestas permiten explorar características y perspectivas de la emergente sociedad del conocimiento, o sea de las dificultades del cambio cultural.

    Dworak, E. and K. Jeffery "Wiki to the rescue: creating a more dynamic intranet." Library Hi Tech vol. 27, n. 3 (2009).  pp. 403-410. purpose of this paper is to describe a project to convert a library intranet from HTML format to Wiki software and presents evidence of the success of this project. Design/methodology/approach--The authors conduct a pre- and post-survey of intranet users. Findings--Use of the intranet increases after the transition to a Wiki. Updating does not increase, but is more evenly spread among departments rather than being concentrated among technical staff. Practical implications--Wiki software is an excellent choice for a library intranet because it allows for easy editing and shared responsibility. Originality/value--There are few articles written that assess the merits of Wiki software. This article establishes an ongoing discussion of which new web technologies have the most utility in a library setting. version of the material for the full abstract.

    Eijkman, H. "Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric learning space." Campus-Wide Information Systems vol. 25, n. 2 (2008).  pp. 93-104.
      This paper aims to initiate a timely discussion about the epistemological advantages of Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric learning space in higher education. Design/methodology/approach – A philosophical analysis of the underpinning design principles of Web 2.0 social media and of conventional "foundational" and emergent "non-foundational" learning and which uses Wikipedia as a case study. Findings – For academics in higher education to take a more informed approach to the use of Web 2.0 in formal learning settings and begin to consider integrating Web 2.0's architecture of participation with a non-foundational architecture of learning, focused on acculturation into networks of practice. Practical implications – The paper argues that the continuing dominance and therefore likely application of conventional old paradigm foundational learning theory will work against the grain of, if not undermine, the powerful affordances Web 2.0 social media provides for learning focused on social interaction and collaborative knowledge construction. The paper puts the case for non-foundational learning and draws attention to the importance of aligning Web 2.0's architecture of participation with a non-foundational architecture of acculturation as the latter is better epistemologically placed to more fully realise the potential of Web 2.0 to position students on trajectories of acculturation into their new networks of practice. Originality/value – This paper exposes the epistemological dilemma Web 2.0's participatory culture poses for academics wedded to conventional ideas about the nature of knowledge and learning as is, for instance, clearly evidenced by their sceptical disposition towards or outright rejection of, Wikipedia.

    Ellie, D. and J. Keven "Wiki to the rescue: creating a more dynamic intranet." Library Hi Tech vol.  Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe a project to convert a library intranet from HTML format to Wiki software and presents evidence of the success of this project. Design/methodology/approach – The authors conduct a pre- and post-survey of intranet users. Findings – Use of the intranet increases after the transition to a Wiki. Updating does not increase, but is more evenly spread among departments rather than being concentrated among technical staff. Practical implications – Wiki software is an excellent choice for a library intranet because it allows for easy editing and shared responsibility. Originality/value – There are few articles written that assess the merits of Wiki software. This article establishes an ongoing discussion of which new web technologies have the most utility in a library setting.

    Estrutura Galega de, C. "Proposta de uso didactico da Wikipedia nas clases de lingua." Estrutura Galega de Contidos vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
     A proposta que se presenta neste documento está inicialmente pensada para a clase de Lingua Galega e Literatura da ESO, pero pode ser adaptada a outros niveis educativos e ao estudo doutros idiomas, dado que Wikipedia está dispoñible en galego, en castelán, en inglés, en francés, en alemán e en portugués, ademais de noutras linguas que non se imparten actualmente no marco do noso sistema educativo

    Fallis, D. "Toward an epistemology of <I>Wikipedia</I>." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 59, n. 10 (2008).  pp. 1662-1674.
    Wikipedia (the ldquofree online encyclopedia that anyone can editrdquo) is having a huge impact on how a great many people gather information about the world. So, it is important for epistemologists and information scientists to ask whether people are likely to acquire knowledge as a result of having access to this information source. In other words, is Wikipedia having good epistemic consequences? After surveying the various concerns that have been raised about the reliability of Wikipedia, this article argues that the epistemic consequences of people using Wikipedia as a source of information are likely to be quite good. According to several empirical studies, the reliability of Wikipedia compares favorably to the reliability of traditional encyclopedias. Furthermore, the reliability of Wikipedia compares even more favorably to the reliability of those information sources that people would be likely to use if Wikipedia did not exist (viz., Web sites that are as freely and easily accessible as Wikipedia). In addition, Wikipedia has a number of other epistemic virtues (e.g., power, speed, and fecundity) that arguably outweigh any deficiency in terms of reliability. Even so, epistemologists and information scientists should certainly be trying to identify changes (or alternatives) to Wikipedia that will bring about even better epistemic consequences. This article suggests that to improve Wikipedia, we need to clarify what our epistemic values are and to better understand why Wikipedia works as well as it does.The Economist

    Fallis, D. "Toward an epistemology of Wikipedia." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 59, n. 10 (2008).  pp.:
    Wikipedia (the 'free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit') is having a huge impact on how a great many people gather information about the world. So, it is important for epistemologists and information scientists to ask whether people are likely to acquire knowledge as a result of having access to this information source. In other words, is Wikipedia having good epistemic consequences? After surveying the various concerns that have been raised about the reliability of Wikipedia, this article argues that the epistemic consequences of people using Wikipedia as a source of information are likely to be quite good. According to several empirical studies, the reliability of Wikipedia compares favorably to the reliability of traditional encyclopedias. Furthermore, the reliability of Wikipedia compares even more favorably to the reliability of those information sources that people would be likely to use if Wikipedia did not exist (viz., Web sites that are as freely and easily accessible as Wikipedia). In addition, Wikipedia has a number of other epistemic virtues (e.g., power, speed, and fecundity) that arguably outweigh any deficiency in terms of reliability. Even so, epistemologists and information scientists should certainly be trying to identify changes (or alternatives) to Wikipedia that will bring about even better epistemic consequences. This article suggests that to improve Wikipedia, we need to clarify what our epistemic values are and to better understand why Wikipedia works as well as it does.The Economist

    Farkas, M. "Using Wikis to Create Online Communities." WebJunction vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
    A wiki allows anyone the ability to take part in the creation and editing of web content. With its simplified text-formatting rules that anyone can easily learn, it truly puts experienced web designers and web novices on equal footing. In public libraries, where the technological skills of employees can range from high to non-existent, wikis can allow everyone the ability to develop the website. The resulting website would reflect the imagination and good ideas of the entire organization, not just a select few with the requisite "tech-savvy." The possibilities for what libraries can do with wikis are endless. At their least, they are spaces for quick and easy collaborative work. At their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as an online hub of their local community.

    Farkas, M. "Using Wikis to Create Online Communities. WebJunction." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol. 16, n. (2007).  pp.:
    A wiki allows anyone the ability to take part in the creation and editing of web content. With its simplified text-formatting rules that anyone can easily learn, it truly puts experienced web designers and web novices on equal footing. In public libraries, where the technological skills of employees can range from high to non-existent, wikis can allow everyone the ability to develop the website. The resulting website would reflect the imagination and good ideas of the entire organization, not just a select few with the requisite 'tech-savvy.' The possibilities for what libraries can do with wikis are endless. At their least, they are spaces for quick and easy collaborative work. At their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as an online hub of their local community.

    Ferris, S. P. and H. Wilder "Communication Technology and the Evolution of Knowledge." Journal of Electronic Publishing vol. 9, n. 2 (2006).  pp. 1.
    The article discusses the effect of communication technology advancements in the way knowledge is shared in the information age. It states developments in communication technology which enable storage and transmission of information as well as exchange of knowledge. The controversy on Wikipedia where a false information about a subject has been posted, raises question on accuracy of information from such sources but it mentions that this kind of information source allows participation and collaboration of millions of people who uses it.

    Fiorentini, B. "I wiki n biblioteca." Biblioteche Oggi vol. 26, n. 10 (2008).  pp. 17-22.
    Copyright of Biblioteche Oggi is the property of Editrice Bibliografica SpA and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) The collaborative web is conquering libraries' world. Abroad -- especially in the United States -- Web 2.0 tools applied to the LIS are increasingly popular; librarians are increasingly confident in trusting web services. Wikis are typical web collaborative tools. In general they are used with good results, but here in Italy they are still little popular. In this paper we will try to outline the general framework, finding interesting LIS applications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Forte, A. "Social Science Research and Wikipedia. Delivered at 2006 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2006), Odense (Denmark). Presentation." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
    This presentation was held at the First Workshop on Wikipedia Research. It gives an introduction into Social Science Research for Wikipedia Researchers.

    Forte, A. and A. Bruckman "Why Do People Write for Wikipedia? Incentives to Contribute to Open-Content Publishing." Sustaining Community vol., n. (2005).  pp.:
    When people learn that we have spoken to individuals who spend up to 30 hours a week volunteering their time to research and write for an open-content encyclopedia, we often hear the same question: "Why do they do it?" The fact that this encyclopedia does not provide bylines to credit authors for their hard work makes the scenario still less fathomable. Two rounds of interviews with 22 volunteer encyclopedia writers in the fall of 2004 and spring of 2005 revealed that, in some respects, the incentive system that motivates contributions to the opencontent encyclopedia Wikipedia resembles that of the scientific community. Like scientists, contributors to Wikipedia seek to collaboratively identify and publish true facts about the world. Research on the sociology of science provides a useful touchstone for considering the incentive systems embedded in the technology and culture of online communities of collaborative authorship. In this paper we describe some of our findings in the context of Latour and Woolgar's seminal work on the incentive systems that motivate publishing scientists. We suggest that minimizing reliance on "hard coded," stratified user privileges and providing indicators of engagement in desirable activities can help support the growth of incentive

    Forte, A. and A. Bruckman "From Wikipedia to the Classroom: Exploring Online Publication and Learning." International Conference of the Learning Sciences vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
    Wikipedia represents an intriguing new publishing paradigm­can it be used to engage students in authentic collaborative writing activities? How can we design wiki publishing tools and curricula to support learning among student authors? We suggest that wiki publishing environments can create learning opportunities that address four dimensions of authenticity: personal, real world, disciplinary, and assessment. We have begun a series of design studies to investigate links between wiki publishing experiences and writing-to-learn. The results of an initial study in an undergraduate government course indicate that perceived audience plays an important role in helping students monitor the quality of writing; however, students' perception of audience on the Internet is not straightforward. This preliminary iteration resulted in several guidelines that are shaping efforts to design and implement new wiki publishing tools and curricula for students and teachers.

    Forte, A. and A. Bruckman "Constructing text: wiki as a toolkit for (collaborative?) learning." OOPSLA/ACM International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym). . vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
    Writing a book from which others can learn is itself a powerful learning experience. Based on this proposition, we have launched Science Online, a wiki to support learning in high school science classrooms through the collaborative production of an online science resource. Our approach to designing educational uses of technology is based on an approach to education called constructionism, which advocates learning by working on personally meaningful projects. Our research examines the ways that constructionism connects to collective models of knowledge production and learning such as Knowledge Building. In this paper, we explore ways that collaboration using wiki tools fits into the constructionist approach, we examine learning goals for youth growing up in a readwrite culture, and we discuss preliminary findings in an ongoing year-long study of Science Online in the classroom. Despite the radically open collaboration afforded by wiki, we observe that many factors conspired to stymie collaborative writing on the site. We expected to find cultural barriers to wiki adoption in schools. Unexpectedly, we are also finding that the design of the wiki tool itself contributed barriers to ollaborative writing in the classroom.

    Forte, A. and A. Bruckman "Scaling consensus: increasing decentralization in Wikipedia governance." Hawaiian International Conference of Systems Sciences (HICSS) vol., n. (2007).  pp.:
    How does "self-governance" happen in Wikipedia? Through in-depth interviews with eleven individuals who have held a variety of responsibilities in the English Wikipedia, we obtained rich descriptions of how various forces produce and regulate social structures on the site. Our analysis describes Wikipedia as an organization with highly refined policies, norms, and a technological architecture that supports organizational ideals of consensus building and discussion. We describe how governance in the site is becoming increasingly decentralized as the community grows and how this is predicted by theories of commons-based governance developed in offline contexts. The trend of decentralization is noticeable with respect to both content-related decision making processes and social structures that regulate user behavior

    Forte, A. and A. Bruckman "Information Literacy in the Age of Wikipedia." Symposium on Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: Opportunities for Research vol. 2, n. (2008).  pp.: Symposium on Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: Opportunities for Research
     How does "self-governance" happen in Wikipedia? Through in-depth interviews with eleven individuals who have held a variety of responsibilities in the English Wikipedia, we obtained rich descriptions of how various forces produce and regulate social structures on the site. Our analysis describes Wikipedia as an organization with highly refined policies, norms, and a technological architecture that supports organizational ideals of consensus building and discussion. We describe how governance in the site is becoming increasingly decentralized as the community grows and how this is predicted by theories of commons-based governance developed in offline contexts. The trend of decentralization is noticeable with respect to both content-related decision making processes and social structures that regulate user behavior.

    Frumkin, J. "The Wiki and the digital library." OCLC Systems & Services vol. 21, n. 1 (2005).  pp. 18-22.
    To look at how collaborative tools, such as Wikis, can be utilized in a digital library environment. Design/methodology/approach – A discussion of Wikis and postulation as to how such a tool might be used to facilitate research and collaboration in a digital library setting. Findings – Three potential applications of a digital library Wiki are discussed – the Wiki as a knowledge base tool, the Wiki as a content management tool, and the Wiki as a tool to empower interactive finding aids. Originality/value – Provides ideas for digital library developers and implementers, especially those looking for increasing collaboration and interactivity in digital libraries.

    García Aretio, L. "Wiki en contextos educativos." Uned vol., n. (2006).  pp.: 1995 W. Cunningham creó el concepto de wiki al aplicarlo al repositorio de ... y opiniones de una persona, mientras el wiki es más como una mezcla o ...

    García Arias, J. and S. Guío Mena "Wikipedia." Universidad Carlos III vol., n. (2006).  pp.:
    "Wiki", termino que se extiende por Internet a la velocidad del rayo. Todo lo wiki está de moda y se ha vuelto muy popular por su relación con el usuario. Por parte de los servicios de Internet se busca rapidez, sencillez y una mayor interacción del usuario. Y el usuario por su parte quiere participar, formar parte del producto final, opinar y dejar constancia en la red. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio tecnológico y sociológico del fenómeno "wiki" en concreto sobre el site "Wikipedia: la enciclopedia libre". La Wikipedia, ha sido quizás el resultado más beneficioso para la comunidad de Internet a partir de la ideología wiki, pues desde su inicio ha demostrado que ha sido el mejor medio para la consecución del proyecto de una enciclopedia online.

    Gilchrist, A. "Can Web 2.0 be Used Effectively Inside Organisations? . Bilgi Dünyasi 8(1):pp. 123-139." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2007).  pp.: 
    There is a common conception amongst higher and middle management that facilities that are "good for the Internet" can be transferred for application to the enterprise intranet. The latest fashion to arrive on the information scene is the Web 2.0 phenomenon, a range of tools including blogs, Wikis and RSS. This paper presents a brief overview of the Web 2.0 phenomenon and some tentative views on the relationship between Web 2.0 tools and the more formal and traditional tools used in information handling. The paper concludes that whereas Web 2.0 facilities will grow and develop on the Internet, the use of Web 2.0 facilities within the enterprise should be carefully planned as adjuncts to existing facilities, not as substitutes.

    Giles, J. "Wikipedia 2.0, with added trust." The New Scientist vol. 195, n. 2622 (2007).  pp. 28-29.
    The online encyclopedia is set to trial two systems aimed at boosting readers' confidence in its accuracy

    Gómez Hernández, J.-A. and T. Saorín Pérez "Alfabetizarse desde dentro en la Web2.0. Aprender a informarse y comunicarse en redes sociales." Educación y Biblioteca vol., n. 156 (2006).  pp. 131-137. artículo describe las posibilidades de utilizar las webquests, los blogs y las wikis como un medio de alfabetización informacional.

    Gómez, N.-D. "Wiki de Acceso Abierto en español." Seminario Internacional de Acceso Abierto vol. 1, n. (2009).  pp.:
    Presentation about Wiki Acceso Abierto that emerged as a need of the community participating in LLAAR (List Latin America about Open Access and repositories), which aims to become an information guide on Open Access in Spanish both scientific and academic. Throughout the world there are initiatives, programs and research to promote Open Access, but there was a lack of a web site in Spanish gathering and organizing this information. This is the goal of Open Access Wiki, with the support of Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina and the repository E-LIS: E-prints in Library and Information Science.

    Gómez, N.-D. "Wiki de Acceso Abierto en español."  vol., n. (2009).  pp.:
    Presentation about Wiki Acceso Abierto that emerged as a need of the community participating in LLAAR (List Latin America about Open Access and repositories), which aims to become an information guide on Open Access in Spanish both scientific and academic. Throughout the world there are initiatives, programs and research to promote Open Access, but there was a lack of a web site in Spanish gathering and organizing this information. This is the goal of Open Access Wiki, with the support of Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina and the repository E-LIS: E-prints in Library and Information Science.

    González Fdez Villavicencio, N. "Bibliotecas 2.0 en España (el camino recorrido)." Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios vol. 22, n. 86-87 (2007).  pp. 29-46.
    Situación actual de la implantación en bibliotecas españolas de las herramientas de la web social: blogs, wikis, sindicación por RSS, etiquetado social, comentarios de los usuarios… Los ejemplos (bibliotecas gallegas y vascas, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla, etc.) muestran que ya se ha recorrido un camino importante, aunque queda mucho para que la Biblioteca 2.0 sea una realidad en España.

    González Fernández-Villavicencio, N. "Bibliotecas de Nueva Generación (Biblioteca 2.0)." Educación y Biblioteca vol., n. 161 (2007).  pp. 75-89.:
    Este artículo incide en la definición de 'Biblioteca 2.0' y realiza un recorrido por las bibliotecas dentro y fuera de España, con especial atención a la biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. Este documento se centra en la aplicación de las tecnologías de la web 2.0 (web social), mensagería instantanea, compartición de medias, blogs, wikis, redes sociales, etiquetados, RSS y mashups y como las bibliotecas están ofreciendo sus servicios a través de estas herramientas para un mejor servicio al usuario.

    Gorman, G. E. "Editorial: Is the wiki concept really so wonderful?" Online Information Review vol. 29, n. 3 (2005).  pp. 225-226.
    Purpose – To provide a brief viewpoint on wikis. A wiki is a web site that allows – and encourages – users to share information by freely writing new content, adding to existing content, and editing or commenting on content. Design/methodology/approach – An opinion piece based on the author's own experiences. Findings – Reflecting the chaotic nature of the web world in which wikis exist, the reality of the situation is that they often do not operate in a positive environment. The author's experience as a wiki participant on several occasions has been far from positive. Originality/value – Provides advice to users of wikis: use with caution.

    Gorman, G. E. "A tale of information ethics and encyclopædias; or, is Wikipedia just another internet scam?" Online Information Review vol. 31, n. 3 (2007).  pp. 273-276.
    This paper seeks to look at the question of accuracy of content regarding Wikipedia and other internet encyclopædias. Design/methodology/approach – By looking at other sources, the paper considers whether the information contained within Wikipedia can be relied on to be accurate. Findings – Wikipedia poses as an encyclopædia when by no stretch of the definition can it be termed such; therefore, it should be subject to regulation. Originality/value – The paper highlights the issue that, without regulation, content cannot be relied on to be accurate.

    Guy, M. "Wiki or won't he? A tale of public sector Wikis." Ariadne vol., n. 49 (2006).  pp. np.
    In February 2006, Steven Andrew Mathieson published an article in Guardian Unlimited on public sector wikis (http: //,,1714618,00.html, where he proclaimed the rise in creation and use of wikis by UK state sector organizations. This article looks objectively at this apparent rise and considers whether the public sector really is taking to wikis with the enthusiasm suggested by Mathieson. The results of the study indicated that there is still little use of wikis among public sector organizations and some of the barriers as to why this is the case are suggested. Concludes, however, that there is little doubt that wikis hold great promise for the public sector and if registrations to the UKOLN Wiki Workshop (http: //, which was fully subscribed nearly a month in advance of the event, are any indication, then it is clear that general interest in wikis is continuing to grow. (Quotes from original text)

    Guy, M. "Wikido: exploiting the potential of wikis." Ariadne vol., n. 50 (2007).  pp. np.
    Reports on a one-day workshop, held in Birmingham, England in November 2006, which took a closer look at the potential of wikis for educational institutions. The event, dubbed Wikido, was a thought-provoking day and an interesting opportunity to explore some of the bigger-picture issues relating to wikis. Delegates seemed to be in agreement that wikis do have a part to play in education and learning, but what this part is exactly has yet to emerge fully. Adapted from the source document.