terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

Carol Brey-Casiano no 10º Congresso BAD

10º Congresso BAD | 9 Abril | 10h00

oradora convidada | Carol  Brey-Casiano
"Information Access in a Networked Society"

É actualmente directora das Bibliotecas Públicas de El Paso. Trabalha em bibliotecas públicas há quase 30 anos, tendo desempenhado as funções de directora da Thomas Branigam Memorial Library de Las Cruces (Novo México) e da Biblioteca Pública de Oak Park. Foi presidente da American Library Association (ALA), à qual ainda está ligada através do ALA Committee of Library Advocacy e da ALA Campaign for America’s Libraries Subcomittee. È membro da Texas Library Association, e pertence ao Comité Legislativo do REFORMA, a associação nacional promotora das bibliotecas e serviços de informação para latinos e falantes de língua espanhola. Possui um master em Library Science pela Universidade de Illinois.

Armando Malheiro da Silva no 10º Congresso BAD

10º Congresso BAD | 8 Abril | 9h00

 orador convidado Armando Malheiro da Silva
"Literacia da Informação e Processo Formativo: Novos modelos e desafios aos Profissionais da Informação"

Nasceu em Braga no ano de 1957. Licenciou-se em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Filosofia de Braga da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e em História pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Obteve o diploma do curso de bibliotecário-arquivista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra e, em 1999, doutorou-se em História Contemporânea na Universidade do Minho. É professor associado do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciência da Informação, do Departamento de Jornalismo e Ciências da Comunicação da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Tem repartido as suas pesquisas e publicações pela Ciência da Informação, pela História Política e das Ideologias em Portugal nos sécs. XIX-XX, pela História Social e da Família e pelos Estudos Locais. Orienta e co-orienta dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutoramento sobre temas e questões de Ciência da Informação. É responsável científico de um projecto aprovado em Maio de 2007 e financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisboa, intitulado “A literacia informacional no Espaço Europeu do Ensino Superior: estudo da situação das competências da informação em Portugal (eLi.pt)” que envolve uma equipa de cinco investigadores e uma consultora estrangeira. Tem submetido a candidatura de financiamento da FCT e aguarda resultado de avaliação um novo projecto intitulado A Comunicação cultural nos monumentos musealizados na Era da Informação: análise da mediação e interação in situ e online a partir do caso do Mosteiro de Tibães (Braga, Portugal) – MEDIATIB.PT. Publicou, pelas Edições Afrontamento, em 2002 e em co-autoria com a Prof.ª Fernanda Ribeiro, o livro Das “Ciências” Documentais à Ciência da Informação: ensaio epistemológico para um novo modelo curricular (Porto: Edições Afrontamento), em 2006 A Informação: da compreensão do fenômeno e construção do objecto científico (Porto: Edições Afrontamento; CETAC.Media) e, em 2008, também em co-autoria com Fernanda Ribeiro, Recursos de Informação: Serviços e Utilizadores (Lisboa: Universidade Aberta).

segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Daniel J. Caron no 10º Congresso BAD

10º Congresso BAD| 7 Abril | 14h00

Socialisation, regulation and technology: information above borders
orador convidado Daniel J. Caron

É bibliotecário e arquivista no Canadá. Possui um master em Economia pela Universidade de Laval e um Ph.D em Ciências Humanas Aplicadas pela Universidade de Montréal. É professor associado da École nationale d’administration publique. Serviu em várias instituições públicas canadianas (Competition Bureau Canada, National Museums of Canada Corporation, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development). Foi, de 1996 a 1999, director de Qualidade e Avaliação; depois, director-geral de Qualidade, Avaliação, Informação e Gestão de Tecnologias da Agência para o Desevolvimento Económico para a região do Quebec; em 2002, director geral dos Serviços de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos do Canadá; em 2003, director-geral dos Arquivos Nacional e mais tarde da Biblioteca e Arquivos do Canadá. Em 2009 foi escolhido como Bibliotecário e Arquivista do Canadá.

Martin Molloy no 10º Congresso BAD

10º Congresso BAD | 8 Abril |16h00

orador convidado Martin Molloy
"People and Place: the role of public information services in making the global, local"

É director de estratégia dos Serviços Culturais e Comunitários de Derbyshire County Council. Empenhado em várias áreas profissionais, é presidente da Reading Agency, membro do RNIB Advisory Group for Libraries e membro dos Advisory Comittees do departamento de Estudos de Informação da Universidade de Sheffield e de Ciência da Informação da Universidade de Loughborough. Foi presidente do CILIP – Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals e da Society of Chief Librarians, membro do Advisory Council for Libraries, do DCMS Libraries and Adult Learning Steering Group, e do Board of the Reading Agency. Em 1998 recebeu a Library Association Royal Charter Centenary Medal..

sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Bibliotecas e web 2.0: as boas práticas e os desafios

10º Congresso BAD | 8 Abril | 11h00

PAINEL: Bibliotecas e web 2.0: as boas práticas e os desafios
Coordenador: Pedro Príncipe
Carlos Pinheiro, Eloy Rodrigues, Luísa Alvim, Miguel Mimoso Correia

sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

A Web 2.0 nas comunicações do 10º Congresso BAD (3)

10º Congresso BAD | 8 Abril | 16h00
Tema 4 - Conteúdos: gestão, acessibilidade, utilização
Moderador: Manuela Barreto Nunes
Relator: Dulce Correia
Hábitos de pesquisa, presença e partilha de informação em comunidades online 
Filipe Manuel dos Santos Bento, Ana Bela de Jesus Martins, Lídia de Jesus Oliveira da Silva

Integração de elementos de contexto no processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas interactivos centrados nos utilizadores 
Paulo Jorge da Cunha Barreiro de Sousa

Uma biblioteca nas redes sociais: o caso da Biblioteca de Arte da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian no FLICKR 
Paulo Leitão

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

A Web 2.0 nas comunicações do 10º Congresso BAD (2)

10º Congresso BAD | 8 Abril | 14h00 |  
Tema 4 - Conteúdos: gestão, acessibilidade, utilização

Moderador: Luísa Alvim
Relator: Pedro Príncipe

A Revolução RSS e as Bibliotecas
Paulo Leitão

Os bibliotecários estão onde estão as pessoas:  a experiência no Second Life©
Miguel Mimoso Correia, Bruno Duarte Eiras 

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

A Web 2.0 nas comunicações do 10º Congresso BAD (1)

10º Congresso BAD | 7 Abril | 16h00
TEMA 3 - Infraestruturas: Integração, Desenvolvimento, Coordenação | Sessão 2

Moderador: Paulo Leitão
Relator: Miguel Correia   

A Web 2.0 nas Bibliotecas Universitárias Portuguesas
Helena Coelho   

As Bibliotecas 2.0 são redes de comunicação? Contributo para o estudo sobre a utilização das tecnologias da Web 2.0 nas estratégias de comunicação nas bibliotecas públicas e académicas portuguesas
Luísa Alvim, Manuela Barreto Nunes   

Portal de Descoberta: um OPAC com vida social e algo mais
Filipe Manuel dos Santos Bento, Lídia de Jesus Oliveira da Silva   

Reestruturação do sítio Web da Rede das Bibliotecas Municipais de Oeiras
Miguel Sales Baptista, António Navarro Rodrigues

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Rolf Hapel no 10º Congresso BAD

10º Congresso BAD | 1ª sessão plenária | 7 Abril | 11h30

Trabalhou como bibliotecário na Dinamarca, tornando-se director das Aarthus Public Libraries em 1994, que se têm vindo a assumir como referência mundial ao nível dos serviços de biblioteca pública, nomeadamente pela criação de serviços inovadores e pelo desenvolvimento de métodos de envolvimento dos utilizadores. Desde 2006 é director dos Serviços para Cidadãos e Bibliotecas. Participou em vários grupos de trabalho e comités. É professor honorário da Royal Danish Library School.

Vivam as bibliotecas vivas.

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

Libraries of the futur

Sian Harris 
reports back from the Online Information conference that was held in London in December

‘Some studies have found that references on Wikipedia are as good as those that users get from libraries. What does that say about our profession?’ challenged Blaise Cronin, dean and professor of information science at Indiana University, USA. He was speaking in the Libraries of the Future session at the Online Information conference in December.
Cronin noted that reference queries, reference transactions and circulation in libraries have been steadily decreasing over recent years. And libraries are progressively getting less and less of universities’ budgets, especially in the current financial crisis, he said. One of the issues that may arise from this is staffing. Libraries sometimes spend almost half their budget on staff but there can be duplication of effort, Cronin observed.
He predicted that future academic libraries are going to be zones of sanctuary and security where people can be networked and work together. He envisaged a re-conceptualised space that is a combination of coffee shop, book shop and speed dating centre, with core material and off site stores. He also predicted greater collaboration between libraries beyond the consortia deals of today. Working together across entire states or countries would help address long-tail information needs and bring economies of scale.
Libraries need to understand what users want and embrace opportunities, he argued. ‘Students want material that is virtual and personalised. We need to get material into the palm of users’ hands and get the library brand out there to compete with Google and new services like ChaCha,’ he said.
In her conference session, emerging technology information consultant Ellyssa Kroski gave examples of research libraries starting to do just that. ‘Many libraries are effectively using Twitter to communicate about things like opening times,’ she said, ‘while other libraries have developed applications that enable users to search catalogues from within Facebook.’
Text and instant messaging alerts are also popular, as are social bookmarking applications and applications for devices such as e-book readers and iPods.

Return on investment

Such new developments to libraries may bring financial advantages to research institutions too. Carol Tenopir, of University of Tennessee’s School of Information Science, presented research at the Online conference into return on investment (ROI) for institutions around the world.
‘[In the surveys], many faculty members felt they couldn’t continue their work or do grant proposals without access to e-resources,’ she said. The research revealed that faculty members include between 15 and 27 citations in each grant proposal and that between 50 and 99 per cent of these citations come from their library’s e-journal collection. That is not the full picture either: the research also revealed that for every article cited, between 18 and 40 are read. ‘If you are just looking at citation data, you are greatly underestimating the use of the library,’ added Tenopir.

Orador convidado Gerald Leitner no 10º Congresso Nacional BAD

7 Abril | Sessão plenária | 11h30

A library policy for Europe | Gerald Leitner

“Do we have a common library policy for Europe?”. From my point of view, the answer is unfortunately a clear “NO”.
What we do have are a couple of initiatives that the libraries are integrated into. Moreover, we have certain recommendations from the EU and a body of regulations concerning the work of libraries but we are far away from having a common policy concerning European libraries. We all know that the European library landscape is heterogeneous. This of course implies that citizens of different countries are not given equal and unrestricted access to information, education and cultural life.
If we believe in the idea of a unified Europe, offering equal rights and opportunities for all its citizens, we will have to initiate a discussion process on the importance of a library policy for Europe and the benefit that this will bring to the European library sector and its users.
The presentation will give an introduction to the purpose of the conference.

quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

10º Congresso Bad - Sessão Plenária

Duas excelentes conferências logo no dia 7 Abril  às 11h30

Libraries transformation for the networked society - Reinventing Services and Institutions
Rolf Hapel

A Library Policy for Europe
Gerald Leitner


Vivam as bibliotecas vivas !

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

14th European Conference on Digital Libraries

September 6-10, 2010
Glasgow, UK

The European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) is the leading European scientific forum on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues, bringing together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field. ECDL 2010, the 14th conference in this series, will be organised by the University of Glasgow. The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

·         Digital Libraries and Mobility

·         Digital Library Architectures

·         Digital Library Infrastructure

·         Digital Preservation and Curation

·         Information Mining in Digital Libraries

·         Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries

·         Interoperability of Digital Library Systems and Services

·         Knowledge Organisation Systems

·         Metadata Standards and Protocols in Digital Library Systems

·         Multilinguality in Digital Libraries

·         Multimedia Digital Libraries

·         Personal Information Management and Personal Digital Libraries

·         Personalisation in Digital Library Systems and Settings

·         Policies for Digital Library systems

·         Social Networking, Web 2.0 and Collaborative Interfaces in Digital Libraries

·         User Interfaces for Digital Libraries

·         User Studies for and Evaluation of Digital Library Systems and Applications

·         Visualisation in Digital Libraries

Important dates
Posters and demonstrations

Poster and demo submission: March 31, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 3, 2010
Submission of final version: May 24, 2010

Doctoral consortium
Paper submission: April 15, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: May 10, 2010
Submission of final abstract: May 24, 2010

Call for Posters and Demonstrations
Posters provide an excellent opportunity for presenting late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Demos showcase innovative digital libraries technology and applications, ranging from research prototypes to operational systems, allowing you to share your work directly with your colleagues in a high-visibility setting. Poster and demo submissions must be up to 4 pages in length. For details, please visit http://www.ecdl2010.org/?page_id=75.

Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers
The ECDL 2010 Doctoral Consortium (DC) serves as a forum for PhD students to share ideas about the development and use of Digital Libraries, compare approaches, discuss future research problems and receive feedback from the international Digital Library community. PhD students, whose doctoral research is related to digital libraries and is at a stage of progress where feedback from the international community might be of value, are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 10 pages describing their work. For detailed information, please see http://www.ecdl2010.org/?page_id=92.

All contributions must be written in English. They must follow the formatting guidelines of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and must be submitted via the conference submission system.

segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010

Web 3.0 promete mudar as bibliotecas

Research Information: February/March 2010
Web 3.0 promises change for libraries

Almost as soon as the term ‘Web 2.0’ was coined, the web community split into two factions. There were those who embraced the term and started debating future iterations and the meanings of ‘Web 3.0’, ‘Web 4.0’, and even ‘Web 5.0’. Meanwhile, the other group labelled the 2.0 moniker as hype.
One of the problems with the term Web 2.0 has been the lack of an explicit definition. In his seminal paper on the topic, Tim O’Reilly instead provided a list of features and technologies, such as using the web as a platform, and harnessing the wisdom of the crowd. The wide variety of features has led to arguments that Web 2.0 is vague enough to include everything on the web and as such means nothing. However, away from the details, the term ‘Web 2.0’ reflects a major shift in the way that users view the web: from a read-only web, to a read-write web.
The term ‘Web 3.0’ reflects an equally momentous change in the way we view the web. Some of the possible avenues for the future include the 3D web, the semantic web, and the real world web. All have gained a lot of interest among library and information professionals. Virtual 3D worlds such as Second Life provide new places and ways to offer information and services. An increasingly semantic web offers the opportunity for access to increasing amounts of information from disparate sources. Meanwhile the real world web offers to integrate the web with the world around us. We are yet to see which of these will capture the imagination of library stakeholders to such an extent that it will reflect a new perspective in the way they see the web.

The 3D web

The potential of a 3D web and a far richer web experience have been enabled by increases in computer processing power and higher bandwidth capabilities. Complex virtual worlds offer the opportunity for 3D virtual representations of users to interact with one another in real time and explore information and virtual objects in new ways. The potential of such virtual worlds for the provision of information services has been recognised by many information professionals.
Much of the attention in the library community has focused on Second Life, a virtual world with modelling tools and a scripting language that enables the creation of a wide variety of objects. The Alliance Virtual Library has had a presence on Second Life since 2006, housing a variety of collections, and regularly being staffed by volunteer librarians. The popularity of Second Life among the library community has even resulted in an online magazine dedicated to the use of Second Life by librarians and educators, RezLibris.
However, the widespread adoption of Second Life among the general public no longer looks as likely as it did a couple of years ago. Instead of virtual worlds making the news over the last year, far more attention has been paid to the minimalist Twitter service. Second Life suffers from the need to download software and far higher computational requirements than the ‘traditional web’. It also requires a user to master a more complex set of skills, for both the browsing and creation of content.
The 3D web will only become a realistic medium for the provision of library and information services when it becomes seamless with the rest of the web, becoming browser friendly. While steps are being made in this direction, those 3D environments that currently make use of a browser generally still require an extensive download. This might be a single user exploring a virtual space, for example, the virtual tour of The Linnean Society of London, or interacting in a multi-user environment, such as in the multi-player game QUAKE LIVE. Rather than the 3D environment running in the browser, the browser is merely the front-end for a program running in the background. Steps are being taken, however, for browser-based 3D environments, with the development of cross-platform plugin-free web standards.
Although much of the hype surrounding 3D web services has died-down, there is plenty of potential for its application in the provision of library and information services in the future. However, it is important that the technologies are used because they are the most appropriate way to convey the requisite information – not just because they are the latest glitzy web technology.

The semantic web

In comparison to the excessive hype surrounding sites like Second Life, there is relatively little widespread understanding of the semantic web – a web of information that is meaningful to computers. The specialist terminology of the semantic web has created a barrier to most people engaging with the topic. And those that do engage with the semantic web fail to get the same sense of discernable contrast that people notice with the 3D web. Whilst O’Reilly identified data as “the next Intel inside”, much of the data that is currently hosted is in information silos. Accessing the data from a specific information resource requires learning the quirks and format of each specific application programme interface (API).
Nonetheless, access to APIs has encouraged an increasing number of users to start thinking about the web of data, and there is increased interest in the possibilities of both Linked Data and microformats for the embedding of semantic information. Linked Data is about publishing and connecting related data from different websites in a way that the relationships are meaningful to computers. Microformats focus on embedding semantic attributes into web pages through the application of agreed standards (for example, marking up contact information in the hCard format).
Embracing the semantic web requires librarians and information professionals to not only move beyond the physical and virtual document, which has been the focus of much of their attention up until now. It also requires them to start thinking of interacting with the data on the web as a large information resource, rather than in individual data repositories. When discussing the potential of a semantic web to bring together previously disparate information resources in as yet unthought-of ways, it is difficult not to slip into hyperbole – assigning increasing amounts of our daily online activity to automated agents that could carry out the tasks on our behalf.

Real world web

While the incremental changes of the semantic web may not be immediately discernable, or beneficial, this is not the case with the real world web. Small-scale applications incorporating the web into the world around us can have an immediate impact. Connections between the web and the real world are not only possible through the increased sophistication of mobile phones, but also platforms that enable real-time updates from real world objects.
Mobile phones with high processing power, high-specification cameras and GPS receivers, offer a new way to provide information services. This can be a sophisticated augmented reality, overlaying a real image of the world with additional information from the web. An example is combining facial recognition software with social network profiles, or overlaying buildings with virtual signs. Another way to provide information services might be scanning simple 2D barcodes such as QR codes to make connections between the objects in the real world and the web. Although the technology for reading QR codes has been around for a number of years, and its use is widespread in Japan, it has only relatively recently started to be adopted more globally. For example, Bath University library in the UK has recently incorporated QR codes into its library catalogue. This enables users to save the author, title, and shelf number of the works they are interested in onto their mobile phone. The floor plan also includes QR code links to an MP3 audio tour.
Connections between real-world objects can also take the form of automatic updates. The streaming of data from real-world sensors attached to real-world objects has been simplified by the emergence of dedicated web services such as Pachube, microblogging services such as Twitter, and the extension of the RSS protocol with RSS Cloud and PubSubHubBub. Library services can now incorporate real-world sensors to inform customers how busy a library is or which facilities are not in use at a particular time.

Future libraries

The 3D web, the semantic web, and the real world web, will all have a role to play in the future provision of library and information services. However, it is the real world web that is most likely to change the way users see the web – thus, this is the one most worthy of the 3.0 moniker. Not only will it provide an immediately-recognisable difference in the way users view the web, but the technologies are already available. Although the technologies are available for the semantic web, it relies on widespread adoption to become useful. It doesn’t seem likely that it will create a dramatic shift in the way we view the web any time soon. The technologies necessary for a more immersive 3D web experience are not yet established, and it is not yet clear how much it will affect the way that we view the web as a whole.
The three potential visions of the web discussed here are not mutually exclusive, but instead are likely to be combined in many as yet unthought-of combinations in the future, along with other new technologies. While Web 2.0 has been surrounded by a lot of hype and argument, we can’t get away from the fact that the way we use the web, as well as the content on it, has changed, and will continue to change in the future. Those who gain the most from the web will be those at the forefront of the change, not those playing catchup.

David Stuart is an independent web analyst and consultant and honorary member of the Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton, UK

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Estudos sobre a Mulher na Ciência da Informação, nas bibliotecas, etc.

Adjabeng, A.,  "Las bibliotecas como recurso para Acrecentar y Apoyar el Desarrollo Económico para la Mujer".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/037s_trans-Adjabeng.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Discriminaión social
Resumen: Los asuntos que se centran en la mujer han asumido una dimensión más profunda. Muchas actividades se han llevado a cabo para alarmar a los gobiernos, a organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, instituciones políticas, sociales y económicas sobre los problemas de la mujer en general. Una de dichas actividades la Década para la Mujer de las Naciones Unidas 1975-1985, un periodo creado por las Naciones Unidas para crear una amplia conciencia en todo el mundo sobre los asuntos centrados en la mujer.

Adjabeng, A.,  "Libraries as a source of relevant information to support and enhance economic development for women".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/037e-Adjabeng.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Discriminaión social
Resumen: Issues concerning women have assumed a wider dimension. Many activities have been carried out to alert governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, political, social and economic and academic institutions about the problems of women in general. One of such activities was The United Nations Decade for Women 1975-1985, a period set aside by the United Nations to create a widespread awareness in the whole world on issues concerning women.

Alfaya Lamas, E., Fernández Mariño, P., and Villaverde Solar, D.,  "Análisis de datos mediante observación documental en las noticias de prensa sobre misoginia".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, No. 11, 2009, pp. 298-301 .
Descriptores: Prensa/Mujeres/Discriminación sexual
Resumen: Exponer la investigación que se lleva a cabo en el proyecto de la Universidad de A Coruña "Sexismo y androcentrismo en la prensa periódica española".: En el proyecto se investiga el papel de la mujer y las diferencias de género con el fin de conocer, difundir, y evaluar alternativas desde los posibles planteamientos históricos, artístico–literarios, económicos,
jurídicos, antropológicos, de la salud, o de cualquier otra vertiente del saber dentro de la prensa española desde 2002 hasta la actualidad. El fin de esta investigación es analizar el contenido del discurso de los medios de comunicación y su uso del lenguaje como una forma de desigualdad en el tratamiento de los hechos

Almeida, L.,  "Dos señoras-niñas transgresoras: 'Nada' de Carmen Laforet y 'Perto do Coraçao Selvagem' de Clarice Lispector".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006. http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero34/nadacora.html
Descriptores: Personajes femeninos/Mujeres/Literatura española/Literatura portuguesa
Resumen: Duas meninas consagradas na literatura de autoria feminina cumprem sessenta anos. Joana e Andrea, respectivas personagens dos romances Perto do coração selvagem de Clarice Lispector, de 1943 e Nada, de Carmen Laforet, Prêmio Nadal de 1944, cumprem, como heroínas singulares, o projeto de um romance de formação.

Arana Palacios, J.,  "De la imagen del bibliotecario y de una biblioteca imaginaria".  TK, No. 1, 1996. http://www.asnabi.com/TK_1.html
Descriptores: Imagen profesional/Bibliotecarios
Resumen: Incluso en países con una larga y fecunda tradición bibliotecaria, como Estados Unidos, se ha hecho a veces un retrato feroz de las personas que trabajan en las bibliotecas. Trabajar en una biblioteca era, en el mejor de los casos, una alternativa al matrimonio y, en  ocasiones, una clara alternativa a la clínica psiquiátrica. El retrato que hace Frank Capra de una bibliotecaria al final de «jQué bello es vivir!» es despiadado. Recordemos: al protagonista de la película, a punto de suicidarse, le dan la posibilidad de contemplar cómo hubiera sido el mundo sin él. Realmente llega a comprender que todo -su familia, sus amigos, su ciudad- habría sido peor si él no hubiera llegado a nacer. Pero la puntilla, el detalle que le hace abrazarse a la vida como a un clavo ardiendo es ver que, sin él, su adorable mujercita habría sido un solterona, amargada, mal vestida y... bibliotecaria. y por ahí no pasa. Aunque seguramente lo que el ingenuo (?) director quería dar a entender era que, en general, las mujeres son mucho más felices si no son otra cosa que madres y amas de casa. Pero eso es otra historia.

Argente i Jiménez, M. and Cabó i Cardona, A.,  "European women's thesaurus".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35-36, 2000. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001208/01/2000-35-42.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Europa/Tesauros
Resumen: Tot i que la participació de les dones en la societat i en el treball és tan antiga com la història, no ho és tant la seva valoració equiparada al llarg dels temps. I no serà fins a començaments del segle XX, amb l'obtenció de la ciutadania i el dret al vot, que el col·lectiu femení comenci a modificar els seus papers i funcions socials, incorporant-se progressivament i activa als àmbits públics d'una societat que, al llarg del segle, anirà transformant i canviant costums, valors culturals, sistemes de representació social i legislatius, propiciant en conseqüència, el reconeixement social de les dones i un millor equilibri entre homes i dones dins la societat.

Argente i Jiménez, M., Perpiñán Arias, M., and : Lora Lillo, N.,  "De com i per què biblioteca s'escriu en femení. Segona part ".  ITEM : Revista de Biblioteconomía i Documentació, Vol. 30, 2002. http://www.cobdc.org/publica/item/item30.html
Descriptores: Bibliotecas /Biblioteconomía/Mujeres
Resumen: Es descriu l'evolució social més recent del col·lectiu femení, des del seu confinament a la llar fins a la seva participació activa en la vida pública, així com les tendències actuals d'integració i igualtat d'oportunitats en tots els àmbits socials. En aquesta segona part s'estudia el paper actual de la dona en l'àmbit de la biblioteconomia. Per últim, es fa un breu apunt sobre com l'ús discriminatori del llenguatge per a obstaculitzar la visibilitat de les dones i, per tant, no fer una representació exacta de la realitat.

Argente Jimenez, M., Lora Lillo, N., and Perpiñán Arias, M.,  "De com i per què biblioteca s?escriu en femení. Segona part".  Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 2002, pp. 65-80. http://eprints.rclis.org/7281/
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Cataluña
Resumen: The paper describes the social evolution of women, from their confinement at home to their active participation in public life, and the current tendencies of integration and equality of opportunities in all social aspects. The article is divided into two parts. First we study the role of women in librarian science in Catalonia and the history of their participation in the profession. The second part explains and evaluates the reasons of the feminization of librarian tasks.

Argente Jiménez, M., Lora Lillo, N., and Perpiñán Arias, M.,  "De com i per què biblioteca s'escriu en femení. Primera part ".  ITEM : Revista de Biblioteconomía i Documentació, Vol. 29, 2001. http://www.cobdc.org/publica/item/item29.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Biblioteconomía/Feminismo/Historia de las bibliotecas
Resumen:  L'article descriu l'evolució social més recent del col·lectiu femení, des del seu confinament a la llar fins a la seva participació activa en la vida pública, així com les tendències actuals d'integració i igualtat d'oportunitats en tots els àmbits socials. L'article s'estructura en dues parts, en la primera de les quals s'estudia el paper de la dona en l'àmbit de la biblioteconomia i es fa un recorregut històric pel que ha estat la seva participació en la professió. S'expliquen i s'avaluen les causes de la feminització de les tasques bibliotecàries.

Badawi, G.,  "Making a difference in the lives of prostitutes in the midst of a Muslim Sharia State: a voyage of discovery by a female librarian in Northern Nigeria ".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/198e-Badawi.pdf
Descriptores: Países en desarrollo/Africa/Mujeres/Bibliotecarios
Resumen: For over fifty years a community of women whose lives have been violated physically mentally or financially have been settling down as prostitutes in a local village outside the predominantly Muslim state of Kano in Northern Nigeria. The community started with four prostitutes in 1957 but has now grown to be the largest community of prostitutes in Nigeria with 1831 living permanently in 126 houses, 78 lodgings accommodating couples on a nightly basis. Over 90% of the prostitutes are not educated at all and as such are  not aware of and do not use any protection against sexually transmitted diseases and as such AIDs is so common that patients death is no longer kept on records. Dead prostitutes are hurriedly buried in the local graveyard of the settlement.

Barrett, R.,  "Book Review: Homegirls: Language and Cultural Practice among Latina Youth Gangs. By Norma Mendoza-Denton. ".  Journal of English Linguistics, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2008, pp. 374-378. http://ejournals.ebsco.com/direct.asp?ArticleID=460AB6D147C32EF1B2B4
Descriptores: Inglés/Jovenes/Lenguaje/Mujeres/Género
Resumen: Book Review: Homegirls: Language and Cultural Practice among Latina Youth Gangs. By Norma Mendoza-Denton. New Directions in Ethnography. London: Blackwell, 2008. xiv + 339, index. ISBN: 063123490X. Lengua y Cultura Latina Práctica entre las pandillas juveniles

Berdigalieva, R. A. and Shaimardanova , Z. D.,  "The women of Kazakstan: the source of cultural development".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla66/papers/059-151e.htm
Descriptores: Mujeres /Países árabes/Países del Este/Cultura/Aspecto social
Resumen: The women of Kazakstan are extremely valuable political, economic and what's of interest to us cultural resource. Their role in culture and art can be defined as the transference from generation to generation of the memory of the tribe, nation, mankind on the whole. In the system of education 75% are women, in the cultural spherethere are employed more than 62% of women. They are active creators of intellectual values, carrying out the role of conductors and keepers of national tradition and memory.

Bertomeu Martínez, M. A.,  "Empujando las fronteras".  Métodos de información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1998. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001538/01/1999-28-48.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Documentación
Resumen: El papel de la mujer en el desarrollo de las Ciencias de la Información.

Bertomeu Martínez, M. A.,  "Empujando las fronteras".  Métodos de información, 1999, pp. 42-47. http://eprints.rclis.org/1538/
Descriptores: Mujeres
Resumen: The role of the women in the development of Library and Information Science.

Boix, M.,  "Mujeres en Red Solidaridad y Cooperación entre las Mujeres".  Métodos de información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1999. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001540/01/1999-28-54.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Cooperación/World wide web/Documentación
Resumen: Descripción del web 'Mujeres en Red'.

Bonella, I.,  "A century of pay inequity: is the end in sight?".  Australian Library Journal, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2002. http://www.alia.org.au/publishing/alj/52.4/full.text/bonella.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Australia/Legislación/Diferencias sexuales
Resumen: Formalised disadvantage in female remuneration began in Australia in 1907 with the Federal 'Harvester Case' decision, which set in law the differential between male and female wages. It established a basic wage for males on the basis of their 'breadwinner' status. Further decisions of this nature followed. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century women have struggled to overcome the disadvantage imposed during the earlier decades. [This paper began life as part of the requirement for a Masters Degree at Charles Sturt University, Riverina. Subsequently revised, it was submitted for consideration in the Jean Arnot Memorial Fellowship award in 2003. The author, Irene Bonella, was judged joint winner of the Fellowship in May 2003. The other successful paper was also written on the subject of pay equity].

Brun, C. L.,  "De Little Women de Louisa May Alcott aux Quatre filles du docteur March : Les traductions françaises d'un roman de formation au féminin ".  Meta, Vol. 48, No. 1-2,  2003. http://www.erudit.org/revue/meta/2003/v48/n1/006957ar.pdf
Descriptores: Literatura infantil y juvenil/Traducción/Traducción literaria/Literatura de ficción/Mujeres
Resumen: L'article examine sept traductions et adaptations françaises de Little Women de Louisa May Alcott (1868), actuellement accessibles aux jeunes lectrices en librairie ou en bibliothèque. Afin d'observer les représentations de la féminité qui y sont données à lire au lectorat francophone, l'analyse se centre sur le personnage de Jo, l'héroïne anti-conformiste qui n'hésite pas à exprimer ouvertement son refus des limitations imposées à la condition féminine. Il apparaît que la description physique et psychologique, les prises de parole et les actes du personnage ont subi, dans la plupart des versions françaises, des distorsions qui font de la Jo March française un personnage bien édulcoré.

Cachero, C.,  "Mujeres en la informática".  Métodos de Información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1999. http://www.avei.org/revista/mei28/1999-28-01.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Informática
Resumen: El papel de la mujer en el desarrollo de las Ciencias de la Información e informàtica.

Cano Mazuecos, E.,  "Centro Europeo de las Mujeres ?Mariana Pineda? : centro de documentación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2003, pp. 9-14. http://www.aab.es/pdfs/baab72/72f1.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Centros de documentación
Resumen: This article?s aim is to make known the existence of a new documentation centre in Granada, Spain, devoted to women-related topics and focusing on Mariana Pineda, a historical figure. A description of the centre is provided as well as its tasks, stock, users and policy. At the end, an organisation chart of the centre is shown.

Cano Mazuecos, E.,  "Desde la frontera".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol.  18, No. 72, 2003. http://www.aab.es/pdfs/baab72/72f1.pdf
Descriptores: Centros de documentación/Granada/Mujeres
Resumen: En este artículo queremos dar a conocer la existencia de un nuevo Centro de Documentación en Granada, en este caso dedicado al mundo de la mujer, en torno a la figura de Mariana Pineda. En él se hace una descripción del mismo, así como de sus funciones, fondos, usuarios y política en general del centro. Al final se muestra un organigrama de cómo queda constituido tal centro.

Casa Tirao, B.,  "Las bibliotecas para mujeres y las demandas del desarollo económico y social: un enfoque de género".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/036s-Casa-Tirao.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Bibliotecas/Bibliotecas especiales
Resumen: Hace algún tiempo, una información publicada en periódicos mexicanos decía que en unas próximas elecciones las mujeres de una región de Pakistán no podrían votar, por disposición expresa del jefe de la tribu. El conocimiento de la existencia de sucesos como éstos en la vida de las mujeres de diversos países del mundo y en circunstancias diversas, nos lleva necesariamente a examinar su situación en la sociedad actual en relación, entre otras cosas, con el ejercicio de los derechos de las mujeres en todas las áreas del quehacer humano. Esto lleva, necesariamente, a examinar la teoría feminista a partir de la cual se fundamentan esos derechos.

Casa Tirao, B.,  "Libraries for women and the requirements of economic and social development: a gender focus".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/036e_trans-Casa-Tirao.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Bibliotecas/Bibliotecas especiales
Resumen: Some time ago a piece of information published by Mexican newspapers told that in the upcoming elections, in one region of Pakistan, women could not vote because of the specific request made by the chief of the tribe. Knowing the existence of events like this in the life of women in different countries of the world and in varied circumstances makes it necessary for us to examine women's situation in our current society in terms of, among other things, the exercise of women's rights in all the areas of human activity. Out of necessity, this leads into examination of the feminist theory in which these rights have their basis.

Cerdá Vara, F. and Sanchis Pérez, E.,   "La Biblioteca del Institut Valencià de la dona".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 1995, pp. 41-43. http://eprints.rclis.org/2452/
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas especiales
Resumen: The Library of the Institut Valencià de la Dona (Spain) is a library of governmental function, specialized in the woman, who combines the aid to the investigation, the study and the animation to the culture. It contains an important section of studies and tests on the woman and subjects related, and a section on Literature and biographies of women.

Clausell Nácher, C.,  "Carro de las donas (Valladolid, 1542). Estudio preliminar y edición anotada ".  Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX) , 2004.
Descriptores: Traducción/Mujeres/Siglo 16
Resumen: La extensa obra del polígrafo gerundense Francesc Eiximenis OFM, apenas 20 años después de su muerte, desborda las fronteras lingüísticas de su autor a través de numerosas traducciones. El siglo XV, siglo de las reforma observante, acoge de buen grado obras como el Llibre de les dones, la Vita Christi y, sobre todo, el Llibre dels àngels. Libro de las donas es el título de la primera traducción castellana del siglo XV del LLD, anónima, y que se nos ha conservado hasta la actualidad en 7 manuscritos: cuatro códices conforman la familia lingüística castellana propiamente dicha, mientras que los tres restantes presentan un estadio lingüístico profundamente orientalizado y representan la difusión del LLD por tierras de habla no catalana de la Corona de Aragón. Es decir, la existencia de una rama orientalizante y otra marcadamente castellana viene a abundar en la idea de la amplia difusión del LLD, ya que la adaptación anónima parece extenderse, progresiva y geográficamente, desde las tierras de habla no catalana de la Corona de Aragón y sus aledaños hasta Castilla. En la edición anotada del Carro de las donas a partir se ha confrontado metódicamente cada capítulo con su equivalente catalán (a partir de la edición moderna de F. Naccarato) y los mss. A1 y B1 del Libro de las donas cuatrocentista. En el estudio preliminar se abordan cuestiones diversas: la filiación textual del Carro de las donas (manuscrito orientalizante), el ambiente espiritual de la primera mitad del XVI, el estudio de las fuentes (Vives, Venegas, Ángela de Foligno, Clicthove) y una propuesta de autoría: el P. Carmona O.F.M., morador de San Francisco de Valladolid y confesor de Adriano VI. Parte 1. http://www.tdx.cesca.es/TESIS_UAB/AVAILABLE/TDX-0608105-110729//ccn1de4.pdf - Parte 2. http://www.tdx.cesca.es/TESIS_UAB/AVAILABLE/TDX-0608105-110729//ccn2de4.pdf - Parte 3. http://www.tdx.cesca.es/TESIS_UAB/AVAILABLE/TDX-0608105-110729//cnn3de4.pdf - Parte 4. http://www.tdx.cesca.es/TESIS_UAB/AVAILABLE/TDX-0608105-110729//cnn4de4.pdf

Cruz Torrejón, R., Namuche Zavaleta, V., and Quiróz Encarnación, M.,  "Hábito lector  y actitudes hacia la salud reproductiva una muestra de estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos".  Biblios, Vol. 5 , No. 17, 2004. http://www.bibliosperu.com/sitio.shtml?apc=Aai-295&s=A&e=a
Descriptores: Habitos lectores /Estudiantes/Bibliotecas universitarias/Ciencias de la salud
Resumen: Se utilizó una encuesta de actitudes y conocimientos sobre salud reproductiva en una muestra de 180 estudiantes de pregrado (90 varones y 90 mujeres) de las Facultades  de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Ciencias Matemáticas, Ingeniería Química, Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Ciencias Sociales y Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). El objetivo fue conocer el entorno sociocultural de los estudiantes y sus actitudes al informarse sobre temas de salud reproductiva, específicamente métodos anticonceptivos. Se elaboró un cuestionario para medir las actitudes, el entorno sociocultural y el hábito de lectura. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, la mayoría de los jóvenes encuestados encuentra mayor información en los establecimientos de salud, siendo los folletos y trípticos los materiales informativos más consultados y, con relación a los métodos anticonceptivos, el condón obtuvo mayor preferencia entre los estudiantes sexualmente activos.

Cubas Ferreyra, D., Espinoza Rueckner, G., Galli Cambiaso, A., and Terrones Paredes, M.,  "Intervencion cognitivo-conductual en un grupo de pacientes mujeres ...".  Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2004.
Descriptores: Biblioterapia
Resumen: Intervencion cognitivo-conductual en un grupo de pacientes mujeres .

Cusí, F.,  "La alfabetización digital como factor de inclusión social".  La Sociedad de la Información en el siglo XXI: un requisito para el desarrollo, 2003. http://www.desarrollosi.org/PDF/Cont3aPon3.PDF
Descriptores: Brecha digital/Acceso a la información/Tecnologías de la información/Internet/Aspecto social/Exclusión social/Formación de usuarios/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: Aprender informática, ¿puede ayudar en la integración de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos?. Aquellas personas que ya sufren otros factores de exclusión como tener un bajo nivel de formación, muy pocos ingresos, residir en barrios conflictivos, ser inmigrantes o mujeres de etnias minoritarias, ¿pueden superar la brecha digital? ¿Superar la brecha digital contribuirá a su inclusión social?

Dasgupta, K.,  "Information Needs of Women: Addressing Diverse Factors in the Indian Context".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla67/papers/013-152e.pdf
Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Mujeres /India
Resumen: The information needs of women and their views on available information have hardly been studied as a research topic or as a critical issue within the information system. It is surely a pity that the need for information and access to information for women have not been taken as a serious matter in the field of library and information services. In the Indian context it is even more so because other than the academic and scientific sector where information is a scholarly commodity and the user is a serious information seeker whether a man or a women, the information need of an ordinary woman is seldom understood or appreciated. The status of women being a major subject of debate in India is dependent on several factors. However, in this paper I wish to address the diverse factors which will ultimately influence the information seeking behaviour of women.

Davies, M. M. and Bath, P. A.,  "Interpersonal sources of health and maternity information for Somali women living in the UK: Information seeking and evaluation ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2002.
http://ninetta.emeraldinsight.com/vl=6762201/cl=26/nw=1/fm=pagepdf/rpsv/cw/mcb/00220418/v58n /s3/p302
Descriptores: Fuentes de información/Ciencias de la salud/Mujeres /Africa/Países en desarrollo/Evaluación
Resumen: Although the information needs of women receiving antenatal and postnatal care are well understood, few studies have examined the use of information by minority ethnic women. This paper describes a pilot study that aimed to identify the main maternity information sources used by Somali women living in a northern city in the UK. The study described here utilised unstructured exploratory focus group and semi-structured interviews with Somali women. All discussions and interviews were audiotaped, translated and transcribed in their entirety and then analysed using a variation of the theme analysis method. Sources of information emerged as a sub-theme from the data. Women sought and used information from several interpersonal sources. Many were dependent on general practitioners and health visitors for maternity information, although participants favoured community health forums addressed by health professionals. Women also sought maternity information from friends and neighbours. Interpersonal sources as a whole were viewed as having a number of advantages. Informal sources in particular were perceived as being approachable and providing a means through which further information could be sought, while each information source was also evaluated according to specific criteria. The implications of these findings for minority ethnic women are discussed and recommendations for further research are outlined.

Desser, D.,  "Who's On-Line?: Gender Morphing in Cyberspace ".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2000. http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/desser.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Feminismo/Internet
Resumen: In this article examine women's use of gender-masked or male pseudonyms in educational settings, specifically by students in my Spring 2000 graduate seminar on 'Computers and Writing.' In order to better understand the rhetorical effectiveness of women's discursive practices on line, we need to critically examine our new 'morphing' subjectivities on line for  their potential for both women's empowerment and disempowerment..

Domingo Delgado, H.,  "El cambio cultural y el impacto movilizador hacia el uso de Internet del Programa Bibliotecas Populares.ar".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/185s-Domingo_Delgado.pdf
Descriptores: Sociedad de la información/Argentina/Bibliotecas públicas
Resumen:  Se llama Sociedad de la Información a todas aquellas Tecnologías de la Información yComunicación (TICs) que nos acercan al conocimiento sin la intermediación o mediatización de ningún otro actor. El uso de la computadora y, a través de ella, de internet es la más democratizadora de todas las tecnologías de la palabra en un sentido puro. No obstante, las TICs no son igualitarias. Se desarrollan mejor en los países más ricos, en ellos en las clases más ricas y, para profundizar más las desigualdades, se desarrollan más entre los hombres que entre las mujeres.

Dunne, J. E.,  "Information seeking and use by battered women: A 'person-in-progressive-situations' approach ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07408188
Descriptores: Mujeres /Necesidades de información/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: Although little research has specifically focused on the information behavior of battered women, many studies designed with other intentions reveal useful insights into the role of information in battered women's lives. Studying battered women's information behavior offers insights that can serve as a basis for developing strategies to meet their information needs. This article develops an expanded version of the person-in-situation model: a 'person-in-progressive-situations' model. The proposed model creates a picture of the changes in information needs, seeking, and use at various stages in the progression of abuse. The expanded model also considers three categories of barriers that constrain the battered woman's information-seeking alternatives: personal, responsive, and situational. The model reveals many implications for librarians and other information providers seeking to address the information needs of battered women and implications for further research.

Espósito, P.,  "La mujer lectora en la novela argentina de fines del siglo XIX".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006. http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero34/mujlecto.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Personajes femeninos/Novela/Literatura argentina/Literatura latinoamericana/Siglo 19/Lectura/Habitos lectores
Resumen: Verdadero emblema de la novela europea decimonónica, la mujer lectora también ha sido objeto de interés en las letras argentinas y cuenta con un breve pero valioso recorrido a lo largo de algunas novelas nacionales del siglo XIX. Su punto de arranque aparece con la protagonista de Amalia de José Mármol, en quien toma cuerpo la figura de la lectora romántica, esto es, una mujer de sensibilidad culta, custodia del hogar republicano y compañera fiel de su marido en las luchas contra la tiranía. [1] Pero a medida que la lectura femenina se expande y su presencia va constituyendo una porción cada vez más gravitante del público, tal como parece demostrarlo el auge de los semanarios ilustrados y la inclusión continua y sistemática de novelas en los folletines de los periódicos, este perfil alimentado en las convicciones estético-ideológicas del romanticismo cede terreno ante una nueva figura que deja entrever más reticencias que entusiasmos con respecto a esa nueva realidad que significa el acceso efectivo de las mujeres a la cultura letrada.

Fernández, L., Hernández, L., Gelonch, A., and Jovell, A. J.,  "Información de calidad para la población: la experiencia del Observatorio de Salud y Mujer (OBSYM).".  Jornadas de Información y Documentacion en Ciencias de la Salud , Vol. 10, 2003. http://www.jornadasbibliosalud.net/comunicaciones/cc5.rtf
Descriptores: Calidad/Ciencias de la salud/Mujeres/Información/Información a la comunidad
Resumen: Tal como desveló el Estudio sobre Salud y Mujer 2002, la población femenina no sólo está interesada en su salud, sino que dentro de nuestra sociedad son las principales 'gestoras' de salud en el ámbito familiar. Según este estudio, llevado a cabo por el Observatorio, basado en 6500 entrevistas a mujeres españolas, el 94% estaban interesadas en la salud y un 34% consideraba que la información que recibía era insuficiente. Es por ello que OBSYM responde a las necesidades informativas específicas poniendo a disposición de la población contenidos de calidad y acreditados.

Fernández, M., Zamora, H., Ortega, J. L., Utrilla, A. M., and Aguillo, I. F.,  "Género y visibilidad Web de la actividad de profesores universitarios españoles: el caso de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2009. http://redc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/redc/article/view/459
Descriptores: Género/Visibilidad/Profesores/Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Resumen:  Se ha analizado la implantación del uso de Internet entre el profesorado universitario español tomando como ejemplo la Universidad Complutense de Madrid estudiando la visibilidad del trabajo publicado, y en lo tocante al género, si los patrones observados en los estudios bibliométricos se repiten en el entorno de la Web. Se han analizado las publicaciones realizadas por 289 profesores durante el año 2006, si poseen una página web personal, y la presencia en el repositorio E-Prints de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid de al menos uno de sus trabajos. Se ha encontrado que el número de profesores universitarios que poseen página personal es muy bajo, y que son aquellos que pertenecen a las ramas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas los que más las tienen. Por otro lado son las mujeres las que menos uso hacen de este medio. También es muy reducido el depósito de trabajos en el repositorio E-Prints. En cuanto a la visibilidad no existen diferencias entre ambos sexos.

Fidishun, D.,  "Women and the Public Library: Using Technology, Using the Library.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 328-343. http://www.trans.uma.es/numeros.html
Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Mujeres/Tecnologías de la información/Estudio de usuarios/Conducta informacional
Resumen: In today's rapidly changing world of technology and information, libraries find themselves trying to understand more about their users. The results of a qualitative survey of 184 women library patrons give insight into why and how they use library and information technology and how they learned to use that technology. Women discuss what services they particularly value, including traditional services like printed books and reference, but also their appreciation and use of the Internet, including the library's Web site and databases. Trends showed that women are still the ones who bring children to the library and encourage their use of books. They also value the library as a place of solitude where they can find books or just be by themselves. Women use a variety of resources outside of the library to locate information as they make choices about how to find information in everyday life. It will be important for public libraries to discover ways to increase their role in educating women about library use, particularly electronic resources, and how to effectively locate and evaluate information from the Web and other resources so libraries can remain a vital part of lifelong learning.

Flint, K.,  "Women and Reading".  Signs, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2006, pp. 511-536. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3488317
Descriptores: Lectura/Mujeres/BookCrossing

Flotow, L. v.,  "Feminism in Translation: the Canadian Factor".  Quaderns, Vol. 13, 2006. http://ddd.uab.es/search.py?&cc=quaderns&f=issue&p=11385790n13&rg=100&sf=fpage&so=a&as=0&sc=0&ln=ca
Descriptores: Traducción/Feminismo/Mujeres
Resumen: This article starts from a strangely bilingual Canadian sound poem, «Simultaneous Translation» by Penn Kemp (1984) and traces the specifically Canadian aspects of the work done in the area of «translation and gender» from the 1980s to 2000. The social and political circumstances supporting the intense focus both on gender and on translation in Canada in those decades are explored here, and are seen as the key to understanding why primarily Canadian writers and academics developed the field.

Fraile, M. Á.,  "Historia de una Asociación de Bibliotecas de Mujeres".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001214/01/2000-35-81.pdf
Descriptores: Bibliotecarios /Asociaciones profesionales/Mujeres/Historia de las bibliotecas
Resumen: La Asociación de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres "María Moliner" tiene su ori-gen, como proyecto, en el 2º Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres realizado en Madrid en 1995; y su fundación definitiva en 1998, en el 5º Encuentro de la Red en Telde (Canarias). Desde 1994, los centros de documentación y bibliotecas de mujeres del Estado Español, tanto dependientes de organismos oficiales, de la universidad y autónomos, como promovidos por el Movimiento Feminista, nos hemos coordinado a través de la Red para colaborar mutuamente e intercambiar información y materiales. Estos centros autónomos vimos la necesidad de agruparnos específicamente, para aunar esfuerzos, mejorar nuestros servicios y realizar actividades conjuntas. La Asociación 'María Moliner'.

Fraile, M. n.,  "La asociación 'María Moliner' : historia de una asociación de bibliotecas de mujeres".  Métodos de información, 2000, pp. 81-84. http://eprints.rclis.org/1214/
Descriptores: Bibliotecas especializadas
Resumen: The Association of Libraries of Women 'Maria Moliner' has its origin, like project, in 2º Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres made in Madrid in 1995; and its definitive foundation in 1998, 5º Encuentro de la Red en Telde (Canarias).

Fraile Seco, D.,  "Mujer y cultura: la educación de las mujeres en la Edad Moderna ".  Foro de educación : pensamiento, cultura y sociedad, Vol. 4, 2005. http://www.forodeeducacion.com/numero4/008.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Educación/Edad Moderna
Resumen: En la Edad Media, marco temporal con el que comienzo este artículo, la misoginia sigue con fuerza y se instala en buena parte de la literatura (en la educación) y en el pensar popular puesto que muchos son los refranes misóginos que podríamos dar cuenta como por ejemplo: 'Mujer refranera, mujer puñetera'

Galyani Moghaddam, G.,  "Globalization and its Impacts on Womenâ_Ts Rights".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00011400/
Descriptores: Globalización/Mujeres
Resumen: Galyani Moghaddam, Golnessa (2003) Globalization and its Impacts on Womenâ_Ts Rights. In Proceedings Seminar on Globalization: Trends and Impacts, New Delhi, INDIA. Globalization is a complex economic, political, cultural, and geographic process in which all aspects of our life have been affected. Globalization is one of the most important impacts of the Internet and it is happening itself. This paper begins by defining of globalization and its various aspects. Then it goes on women's rights through human rights and addresses the proletarianization and professionalization of women in the last thirty years. At the end, the impacts of globalization on women's rights and women's responses to globalization will be discussed. The scope of the paper is global.

Gannon-Leary, P. and Parker, S.,  "The Round Table on Women's Issues snapshot project: the status of women in libraries, internationally".  IFLA journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2002. http://www.ifla.org/V/iflaj/art2801.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres /Biblioteconomía
Resumen: Reports the results of an IFLA Round Table on Women's Issues-sponsored survey on the status of women in libraries world-wide. The research was conducted via a questionnaire distributed at IFLA 2001, Boston, and followed up by e-mail. Reports on the findings in relation to women's contribution to society in the information age and the degree of respect afforded to them and to the profession generally. Questions whether there is a glass ceiling in operation in the information world, meaning that men reach higher positions sooner. Salary issues, qualifications and staff training and development issues are also examined. Highlights sectors reported on by respondents as exhibiting inequities and makes suggestions for further reading and additional research.

Gannon-Leary, P. and Parker, S.,  "La situación de las mujeres en las bibliotecas a nivel internacional".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 18, No. 70, 2003. http://www.aab.es/pdfs/baab70/70a1.PDF
Descriptores: Mujeres /Bibliotecas
Resumen: El artículo muestra los resultados de un estudio mundial sobre la posición de la mujer en las bibliotecas, realizado por la Mesa Redonda sobre Temas de la Mujer de la IFLA. La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante un cuestionario que se distribuyó durante el congreso de la IFLA 2001 en Boston y que se rellenó a través del correo electrónico. Se exponen los resultados que se refieren a la contribución de las mujeres a la sociedad en la era de la información y al grado de respeto que se muestra hacia ellas y hacia la profesión en general. Se pregunta si funciona en el mundo de la información una especie de "techo de cristal", que significaría que los hombres llegan antes a puestos más elevados. También se abordan temas relacionados con los salarios, la cualificación, así como la formación y desarrollo del personal. Se destacan algunos casos expuestos por los participantes donde se muestran situaciones de desigualdad y se sugieren lecturas e investigaciones adicionales.

Genuis, S. K.,  "Exploring the Role of Medical and Consumer Literature in the Diffusion of Information Related to Hormone Therapy for Menopausal Women".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 7, 2006 . http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc/76501873/
Descriptores: Consumo de información/Medicina/Mujeres
Resumen: Using content analysis, this study explored the role of the literature in the diffusion of new information; the influence of the literature on the innovation-decision process; and how the concept of tie strength can contribute to a greater understanding of the role of the literature in information transmission. Diffusion of innovations and strength of weak ties theories provided the framework that informed this research, and an illustrated medical case study, changing practices related to hormone therapy for menopausal women, provided context for the study. Findings suggest that published literature impacts the innovation-decision process and thus plays an integral role in the diffusion of medical innovation to physicians and consumers; that the view of literature as a bridging 'weak tie' in a multifactor communication network allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the role of published literature in information diffusion; and that medical and lay articles are not neutral channels, they function to provide information, reinforce knowledge, and produce and shape meaning.

Godayol i Nogué, M. P.,  "L'home i la dona: dues cultures, dos llenguatges, dos estils?".  Congrés Internacional sobre Traducció, No. 2, 1994. http://ddd.uab.es/pub/traduccio/Actes4.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres /Lengua/Traducción/Género
Resumen: Aquesta comunicació tracta de les diferències de gènere en el llenguatge com una forma de transferència cultural. Com va dir Toni Morrison en llegir el discurs davant de l'Acadèmia sueca: "L'idioma no és només un instrument creador de bellesa sinó que, en una dimensió més profunda, també és un instrument reivindicatiu de la llibertat i la dignitat de l'ésser humà".

Godayol i Nogué, P.,  "Helena Valentí, furia i traducció".  Quaderns, Vol. 13, 2006. http://ddd.uab.es/search.py?&cc=quaderns&f=issue&p=11385790n13&rg=100&sf=fpage&so=a&as=0&sc=0&ln=ca
Descriptores: Traductores/Mujeres/Traducción literaria/Historia de la traducción
Resumen: La filòloga i novel·lista Helena Valentí i Petit (Barcelona, 1940-1990) s'exilià de ben jove a Anglaterra, on buscà en la traducció el mitjà de vida. Entre altres autors i autores, traslladà al castellà William Blake, Marilyn French, Nicholas Guild, Najib Mahfuz, Harold Robbins, Bernice Rubens, Roger T. Taylor i Doris Lessing, de la qual traduí El quadern daurat. De retorn a Catalunya, el 1974, decidí compaginar la traducció amb la narrativa pròpia. Girà a la llengua catalana Al far i Una cambra pròpia de l'anglesa Virginia Woolf i La garden party i altres contes i Un home casat i altres crueltats de la neozelandesa Katherine Mansfield. En els anys vuitanta traslladà El factor humà de Graham Greene i Jo, Claudi de Robert Graves, i féu una breu incursió en la narrativa per a joves. Viatges indiscrets de Lisa St. Aubin, un recull de contes d'autores del segle XX, fou l'última traducció.

Godayol Nogué, P.,  " Interviewing Carol Maier: a woman in translation.".  Quaderns, Vol. 2, 1998. http://ddd.uab.es/search.py?&cc=quaderns&f=issue&p=11385790n2&rg=100&sf=fpage&so=a&as=0&sc=0&ln=ca
Descriptores: Traducción/Traductores/Feminismo/Teoría de la traducción/Visibilidad del traductor/Traducción literaria/Mujeres/Género
Resumen: Este documento es el resultado de dos entrevistas realizadas en Chicago y Norwich en los años 1995 y 1996 respectivamente. En un artículo posterior a sus traducciones al inglés de Memorias de Leticia Valle, de Rosa Chacel, y de Delirio y destino, de María Zambrano, Carol Maier apunta lo que pensó que constituiría una de las máximas más determinantes en la práctica de la traducción. Para Maier, traductora literaria, teórica y profesora de traducción, la responsabilidad de la actividad traductológica no se limita a una mera (re)escritura del texto original. El traductor o traductora deben implicarse, abandonar las distancias críticas y hacer visible lo que piensan sobre la teoría y la práctica de la traducción. Maier hace una llamada a la expansión del término 'responsabilidad' en traducción. Nos ofrece un espacio de debate, de diálogo y de reflexión para todos los que quieran pensar en las paradojas y contradicciones que surgen al (re)escribir un texto en otra lengua. En definitiva, sus afirmaciones, pensamientos y comentarios sobre las intersecciones entre el género y la traducción cumplen con los criterios de 'responsabilidad' por los que lucha tan enérgicamente.

González Davies, M.,  "Challenges for the New Century Schools for All and Narrowing Gaps through Transformation Pedagogies".  Quaderns, Vol. 13,  2006. http://ddd.uab.es/search.py?&cc=quaderns&f=issue&p=11385790n13&rg=100&sf=fpage&so=a&as=0&sc=0&ln=ca
Descriptores: Mujeres/Pedagogía/Traducción
Resumen: Have Pedagogy Studies addressed the concerns of Gender and Education? If so, how? What are the outcomes? At the turn of the twentieth century, both gender and educational values were questioned and revised. The consequences of those reflections and of the battles fought to improve conditions are beginning to be felt a hundred years later. This paper will first include an overview of the situation of women in education worldwide. Second, it will focus on the transformational pedagogical approaches that are gradually making their way into mainstream educational systems and are underpinned by the principles of democracy, dialogue, carnival, experimentation and (socio)construction, on the one hand, and by neuroscience and psychology on the other, in as much as these approaches challenge discrimination and favour bridge building, not only across genders, but also across ethnicities and social classes.

González-Muntaner, E.,  "Buscándose a sí mismas: cuatro personajes femeninos ante el espejo".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006. http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero34/buscand.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Identidad femenina/Escritoras/Novela/Literatura latinoamericana/Siglo 19/Siglo 20
Resumen: El espejo ha sido utilizado con frecuencia en la literatura como símbolo de la búsqueda de la identidad femenina. Este estudio analiza el papel que el espejo ha jugado en cuatro novelas hispanoamericanas escritas por mujeres: Blanca Sol (1889), Ifigenia (1923), La última niebla (1934) y No es tiempo para rosas rojas (1974). Aun perteneciendo a países y épocas distintas, las cuatro novelas tienen muchos elementos en común. En este trabajo se analizarán la imagen doble cada vez que una mujer se mira al espejo, imagen que en la mayoría de los casos corresponde a un hombre, así como la imagen fragmentada, el reflejo en el agua y la mirada en un espejo aún más amplio: la ventana. Las diferencias entre ellas son casi inexistentes, pues tanto en el siglo XIX como a finales del XX, la mujer sigue luchando por encontrar su propia identidad.

González Rodríguez, I.,  "Lectura e igualdad, lectura y equidad. Fomentando la igualdad a través de la lectura en la Biblioteca Municipal de Ermua".  Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, Vol. 3, 2006. http://biblioteca.larioja.org/files/LaBP.pdf
Descriptores: Lectura /Bibliotecas públicas/Derecho a la información/Igualdad
Resumen: Gracias a la fuerza del movimiento asociativo y reivindicativo de mujeres, Ermua se convirtió en 1995 en el primer pueblo de Euskadi con Departamento de Igualdad Municipal y el Primer Plan Local de Igualdad aprobado. La Biblioteca Municipal asumiendo su parte de responsabilidad en el fomento de la justicia social y la equidad, ha incorporado la perspectiva de género en su gestión, en la formación de sus usuarias y en las actividades de dinamización lectora y extensión bibliotecaria que realiza, aplicando estos planteamientos en la adquisición, estadística y evaluación de la gestión y en las actividades que se plantean, así como en las relaciones que establece con instituciones, colectivos locales, otras bibliotecas y en las herramientas que elabora.

Gordo García, M.,  "Género y libertad".  Espéculo : revista de estudios literarios, No. 19, 2002. http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero19/genero.html
Descriptores: Lengua/Género/Mujeres
Resumen: El concepto de género es el concepto clave de la teoría feminista. La idea de que lo femenino y lo masculino no son hechos naturales, sino construcciones culturales, abre de inmediato la brecha por la que la reflexión feminista empieza a resquebrajar el orden ideológico establecido de la división de los sexos. Pero puede hacerlo desde presupuestos teóricos muy diferentes y a menudo enfrentados entre sí, como demuestra la existencia de vivas polémicas en torno a diferentes aspectos de la cuestión del género. Este texto pretende destacar la importancia de las aportaciones que pueden hacer al respecto las disciplinas de la estética y la semiótica. Para ello, y por razones de estrategia expositiva, se partirá de la lectura de la obra La dominación masculina, escrita por el pensador francés Pierre Bourdieu. La cuestión que articulará el texto es la del proceso de inmersión social en un mundo ordenado androcéntricamente que implica relaciones de dominación. ¿Cómo puede el individuo resistirse o enfrentarse al orden del mundo que establece el sistema de los géneros?

Goulding, A. and Spacey, R.,  "Women and the Information Society: barriers and participation".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla68/papers/013-096e.pdf
Descriptores: Sociedad de la información/Mujeres
Resumen: The development and use of communication and information technologies, notably the Internet, have
stimulated huge changes in the organisation of work and daily life in Europe, leading to a process of transition from the "Industrial" to the "Information" society. The ultimate aim of the Information Society should be the empowerment of all its citizens through access to and use of knowledge but at present some people, including women, are more distant than others from the opportunities presented by the Information Society. Thus, although the Internet has been hailed as an emancipating and democratising force it is not gender-neutral. Evidence of a gender imbalance in the use of the Internet threatens the vision of a democratic space to which everyone has equal access and in which everyone is equal. This paper reviews the literature on the topic of women, the information society and the Internet. It also presents selected results of Masters research projects undertaken in the Department of Information Science at Loughborough University. Specifically, the paper discusses female access to the Internet and explores some of the barriers that may prevent women having the same access as men. It also examines differences in male and female Internet use. The point is made that, very often, the negative aspects of the Internet for women are emphasised but stresses that there are, in fact, positive reasons for women to use the Internet and advantages to this method of computer mediated communication for women. Finally, the concept of Cyberfeminism is discussed. It is concluded that although there are negative sides to the technology, women must engage with the Internet if they are to help shape the Information Society.

Goulding, A. and Spacey, R.,  "Women and the Information Society: barriers and participation.".  IFLA journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2003. http://www.ifla.org/V/iflaj/ij-1-2003.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres /Sociedad de la información/Discriminaión social
Resumen:  Paper presented to the Women's Issues Section of IFLA at the 68 th IFLA General Conference, held in Glasgow,Scotland, from 18–24 August 2002. Reviews the literature on the topic of women, the information society and the Internet. Also presents selected results of Masters' research projects undertaken in the Department of Information Science at Loughborough University, United Kingdom. Discusses female access to the Internet and explores some of the barriers that may prevent women having the same access as men. Examines differences in male and female Internet use. The negative aspects of the Internet for women are very often emphasized, but there are positive reasons for women to use the Internet and advantages to this method of computer-mediated communication for women. 

Harris, R., Stickney, J., Grasley, C., Hutchinson, G., Greaves, L., and Boyd, T.,  "Searching for help and information: Abused women speak out".  Library & information science research, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2001. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07408188
Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Evaluación /Mujeres
Resumen: One hundred and five women who were abused by their intimate partners described their experiences in searching for help and the outcome of their interactions with different services that comprise the formal help network in a city with an international reputation for its coordinated response to woman abuse. In the aftermath of violent incidents, the women most frequently sought protection, safe shelter, removal of their abusive partners, advice about managing their situations, a criminal charge against their partners, and medical treatment for their injuries. The women tended to use help-seeking pathways that led them first to the police or a hospital emergency department. In turn, these services often directed them toward community agencies with a specific mandate to assist abused women. The abuse-specific agencies then referred the women to a wide range of services in the community. Regardless of the type of assistance they were seeking, the women repeatedly mentioned the importance of the personal demeanor of service providers when they assessed the outcomes of their encounters with the formal help system. The findings are discussed with respect to designing community coordination mechanisms that overcome common barriers to seeking help and information.

Hawisher, G. E.,  "Accessing the Virtual Worlds of Cyberspace".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2000. http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/hawisher.html
Descriptores: Enseñanza virtual/Acceso a la información/Internet/Mujeres
Resumen:  In the text from her keynote address, Gail E. Hawisher describes the compelling relationship of 'access' to
global discourse, women's identities, and pedagogical practice. She points out that just 'viewing' the Web has little pedagogical or practical value; it is by adding the 'doing' that the Web becomes a potent medium for  integration and enhancement.

Ingold, C. and Searing, S. E.,  "Introduction: Gender Issues in Information Needs and Services.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 299-302. http://www.trans.uma.es/numeros.html
Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Mujeres/Tecnologías de la información/Estudio de usuarios/Conducta informacional/Diferencias sexuales/Necesidades de información
Resumen: The article provides an introduction to the Fall 2007 issue of 'Library Trends.'.

Inoue, M.,  "Speech without a speaking body: 'Japanese women's language' in translation: Words and Beyond: Linguistic and Semiotic Studies of Sociocultural Order".  Language & Communication, Vol. 23, No. 3-4 , 2003.
Descriptores: Ideología/Traducción/Japonés-Inglés/Género/Mujeres/Semiótica/Sociolingüística
Resumen: Central to the way in which 'women's language' is experienced in the Japanese everyday is a profound cognitive dissonance: The majority of women do not speak 'women's language' and, yet, they recognize it as their own language. This article seeks to understand how metalinguistic devices--such as reported speech and quotation--and the intertextuality that they create serve both to produce and at the same time to normalize such dissonance, and thus women's language as language ideology. To make my point, I will focus on reported speech in interlingual translation, and its role in the reproduction of the idea of women's language.

Inoue, M.,  "Speech without a speaking body: 'Japanese women's language' in translation: Words and Beyond: Linguistic and Semiotic Studies of Sociocultural Order".  Language Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 3-4, 2003, pp. 315-330. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VB6-490GP82-3/2/c308403af019ade0a517b48c77239141
Descriptores: Género/Traducción/Lenguaje hablado/Japonés/Mujeres/Japón
Resumen: Central to the way in which 'women's language' is experienced in the Japanese everyday is a profound cognitive dissonance: The majority of women do not speak 'women's language' and, yet, they recognize it as their own language. This article seeks to understand how metalinguistic devices-such as reported speech and quotation-and the intertextuality that they create serve both to produce and at the same time to normalize such dissonance, and thus women's language as language ideology. To make my point, I will focus on reported speech in interlingual translation, and its role in the reproduction of the idea of women's language.

Iwe, J. I.,  "Enhancing women's productivity in the library and information sector in Nigeria  ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2005.
Descriptores: Mujeres/Documentación/Producción científica/Africa/Países en desarrollo
Resumen: Purpose - Productivity in library and information entails efficient and timely information acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and delivery. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons why the productivity of women in library and information should be enhanced; to describe problems which militate against this; and to highlight their future prospects. Design/methodology/approach - These objectives are achieved through the descriptive survey methodology. Findings - The finding is that, in spite of the fact that the productivity of women in Nigeria has generally been regarded as low because of traditional prejudices against women and lack of data on the productivity of women in the informal sector, the productivity of women in the library and information sector has remained high and needs enhancement to encourage them to aim higher in the profession. One way of achieving this is by getting them fully involved in information technology. Another way is government's financial support of their aspirations towards training and retraining; attendance to seminar-workshops, exchange programmes in connection with sabbatical leave appointments, etc. Research limitations/implications - For further research, this paper suggests an investigation into the implications of government's investment on women librarians for the harnessing of knowledge and information for sustainable rural development in Nigeria. Practical implications - The practical implication of the paper is that with government's focus on women librarians to tap their potentials, they will become more sensitive in their professional practice and will endeavour to show-case their enhanced productivity. Originality/value - The new value is the suggestion that women librarians should be incorporated to assist in producing national data on the productivity of women in the informal sector.

Kuhl, N.,  "Women's Healthcare, Censorship, and the Library: Problems, Issues, Questions".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla67/papers/012-152e.pdf
Descriptores: Censura/Derecho a la información/Bibliotecarios/Mujeres
Resumen: In a recent issue of American Libraries, Nancy Kranich, sitting president of the American Library Association, acknowledged the critical role that librarians play in preventing censorship and ensuring that individuals have unlimited access to all manner of information. "Librarians," Kranich wrote "must act as trailblazers in promoting access to information, and serve as watchdogs in protecting the public's information rights" (Kranich 7). Nowhere is the need for "trailblazers in promoting access to information" more apparent than in the area of women's healthcare information. In the U.S. and abroad, women's access to authoritative, clear, and thorough information about reproductive health and sexuality are increasingly under attack by religious organizations, political groups, and governmental agencies. In her essay, "Censorship and Manipulation of Reproductive Health Information: An Issue of Human Rights and Women's Health," Lynn P. Freedman tells us that "in the last century, contraception and abortion have been one key site of the struggle over reproductive sexuality . . . one key to controlling access to contraception and abortion is to control information about them and their uses"(31). Though censorship of information about women's health is not a new phenomenon, it is increasingly aggressive and destructive to women and girls.

Large, A., Beheshti, J., and Rahman, T.,  "Gender differences in collaborative Web searching behavior: an elementary school study ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2001. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03064573
Descriptores: Necesidades de información/World Wide Web/Internet/Mujeres/Niños
Resumen: This paper reports the results of an empirical study into gender differences in collaborative Web searching, conducted in a grade-six classroom of a Canadian elementary school. Searches undertaken by 16 same-sex groups of two or three students (six of boys, ten of girls) for information to support a class assignment were captured on videotape. The multiple search sessions took place over several weeks. An analysis of the search sessions reveals that the groups of boys formulated queries comprising fewer keywords than the groups of girls, the boys spent less time on individual pages than the girls, the boys clicked more hypertext links per minute than the girls, and in general were more active while online. The study overall demonstrates academic, affective and behavior differences between grade-six boys and girls working in same-sex groups on a Web-based class project.

Latorre Zacarés, N.,  "Selección Bibliográfica en una Biblioteca Especializada de Mujer".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/
Descriptores: Mujeres/Fuentes de información/Bibliografía/Edición
Resumen: Sin duda, una de las tareas imprescindibles dentro de toda biblioteca especializada es la selección bibliográfica. Ésta es la labor esencial que permite tener una colección bibliográfica viva, útil y  actualizada. En nuestro caso, las bibliotecas especializadas de mujeres hemos visto como en unos pocos años se ha incrementado incesantemente los títulos del mercado que hacen referencia a nuestro ámbito. Hasta hace poco, casi todos los libros publicados sobre la mujer correspondían a colecciones de instituciones públicas (especialmente el Instituto de la Mujer de Madrid) y a alguna editorial comprometida con la causa como Icaria, Horas y horas, etc. Eran pocas las editoriales privadas de carácter generalista que editaban estudios de género y sólo acudíamos a ellas para comprar los libros de psicología, salud, maternidad, etc. Hoy ha cambiado bastante este panorama y vemos como muchas editoriales privadas no sólo publican libros sobre el tema mujer, sino que incluso destinan colecciones al mercado. También muchas organizaciones públicas o semi-públicas como ayuntamientos, universidades, sindicatos, asociaciones de mujeres, diputaciones, seminarios de investigación feminista, etc. se han incorporado al proceso de editar libros sobre nuestra especialidad. Este crecimiento de la información en torno al tema mujer, genera además una necesidad por parte del profesional de mayor control del mercado y que cada vez dedique más parte de su tiempo a saber qué es lo que se está publicando en torno a su especialidad hoy en día.

Lavín Forcada, S. and Reñé Ferrando, T.,  "Recursos para Mujeres en Internet".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000. http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001212/01/2000-35-68.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Fuentes de información/Internet
Resumen: Este artículo pretende hacer una recopilación de recursos en Internet sobre o para las mujeres. En nuestra mente cuando escribimos estas líneas está el contribuir a romper con estereotipos y mostrar que la mujer utiliza la Red como medio de comunicación y que sus intereses se extienden a todos los ámbitos. Por las especiales características de la revista Métodos de información, hemos limitado esta recopilación a cuatro tipos de recursos: los directorios y motores de búsqueda , las bibliotecas y centros de documentación e información , las listas de distribución y las revistas electrónicas.

Licea de Arenas, J., Arenas, M., González, E., and Velázquez, S.,  "La mujer docente del área de bibliotecología en México. Presencia y desarrollo profesional".  Anales de Documentación, Vol. 8, 2005. http://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/issue/view/171
Descriptores: Mujeres/México/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Las estadísticas universitarias mexicanas indican que en la bibliotecología, como en otras titulaciones, se está experimentando un proceso de feminización. En las aulas la presencia de la mujer ha ido en aumento, si bien faltan datos que revelen de qué manera se ha dado su inserción a la fuerza laboral. Por tal motivo, intentamos analizar la situación de la mujer académica, la que dedica desde dos horas hasta el tiempo completo a actividades de docencia en la licenciatura o en el posgrado en bibliotecología que se imparte en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se encuestaron 21 bibliotecólogas de origen, es decir, se excluyeron aquellas que llegaron a la docencia en bibliotecología con otra formación. Se obtuvo información sobre su nacionalidad, edad, estado civil, título o grado alcanzados, distinciones recibidas, puesto que ocupan, antigüedad docente, incluyendo la dedicación a la misma, y dificultades encontradas a lo largo de su vida profesional. Concluimos que las mujeres encuestadas han desempeñado un papel relevante en el desarrollo del campo, sin embargo, también han sido víctimas de prejuicios sociales.

Licea de Arenas, J., Sandoval, M., and Arenas, M.,  "La investigación agrícola en México. Un estudio bibliométrico con enfoque de genero".  Anales de Documentación, Vol. 6, 2003. http://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/issue/view/151
Descriptores: Agricultura/México/Investigación/Producción científica
Resumen:  Hasta fechas recientes las mujeres aspirantes al ingreso a la educación superior en México tenían que sortear gran número de escollos. Sin embargo, el crecimiento de la población y cambios de actitud hacia las mujeres han contribuido a la expansión de la matrícula universitaria. Existe, empero, una gran falta de datos estadísticos y poco o nada se sabe acerca de las dificultades que las mujeres experimentan en su carrera científica. Por tanto, se realizó un análisis del desempeño de las científicas en el campo de la investigación agrícola en virtud de que México, como la mayoría de las naciones aspira a la satisfacción de las necesidades alimenticias de su población

Lloyd, R.,  "Nineteenth-Century Women Seeking Expression: Translations from the French".  Liverpool Online Series, No. 1, 2000. http://www.liv.ac.uk/www/french/LOS/Women.pdf
Descriptores: Literatura/Siglo 19/Traducción/Francés/Mujeres /Lengua
Resumen: Nineteenth-Century Women Seeking Expression: Translations from the French

Louie, K.,  "Mujeres, Dido, un válium y el informe Kinsey: La evolución del feminismo en la poesía de Rosario Castellanos".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006. http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/numero34/castella.html
Descriptores: Mujeres/Conducta/Feminismo/Poesía/Literatura mexicana/Siglo 20/Sexo
Resumen: Los estudios feministas empiezan a surgir durante el siglo XIX y el principio del siglo XX debido a la necesidad de las mujeres de elevar su papel en las sociedades patriarcales y eliminar su posición oprimida. Las teorías feministas están divididas en dos etapas; la primera y la segunda ola. La primera ola es la teoría que pone énfasis en la reformación de lo social, político y económico (Selden 206). La segunda ola, que se desarrolla en los sesenta, por otra parte, continúa con la primera, pero pone énfasis también en la sexualidad no como una fuerza de opresión, sino que como algo para celebrar (Selden 211). La literatura feminista básicamente cabe en una o en las dos teorías. La poesía de Rosario Castellanos no es una excepción sino que es una representación de la literatura donde se ven los aspectos de las dos olas.

Mabawonku, I.,  "The Information Environment of Women in Nigeria's Public Service".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2006.
Descriptores: Mujeres/Necesidades de información/Países en desarrollo/Africa/Nigeria
Resumen: Purpose - Women constitute a significant proportion of the Nigerian public servants. They have varied job related information needs and possess some information seeking behaviour. The study aimed to identify their job-related information needs and assess the existing office information environment. Design/methodology/approach - The survey method, using questionnaire and observation techniques were used in collecting data from 158 women in the top cadre of the federal and three selected state ministries and parastatals. Findings - The study found that most of the information needs were related to governance, education, religion, family and domestic matters. Only one-third of the respondents regarded information on women as very relevant to job performance. Newspapers, magazines, newsletters, colleagues, and conversations were the main sources of information. Although electronic sources, especially the internet were not widely available, the respondents were enthusiastic to use them. They also perceived positive relationship between good information environment and job performance. Research limitations/implications - A limitation of the study is the small sample considering that there are 36 states in Nigeria. Also, a study of all public servants, male and female, would have been better. The paper recommends an improvement to the information environment of the government establishments. Originality/value - As not many studies have been done on women in public service and their information needs and use, the findings of this study will be useful-to government and other decision makers in providing facilities and for infrastructural development to increase productivity of women and all public servants.

Maloney, Y. and Alfaro, S.,  "El papel de las Bibliotecas Tradicionales en la Adquisición de Habilidades de las Mujeres con baja Representación".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/001s_trans-Maloney_Alfaro.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Formación de usuarios
Resumen: El acceso a la información y a la tecnología es una herramienta necesaria para el desarrollo de los individuos, comunidades y sociedades como conjunto. Para la mujer en particular, el acceso a la información sin restricciones es necesario, no sólo para la adquisición de habilidades, sino también para su fortalecimiento como individuos. En una creciente sociedad de preparación técnica e informática, las mujeres que vuelven como fuerza de trabajo, mujeres pobres y mujeres en países en vías de desarrollo tienen que ser provistas con la oportunidad de obtener las habilidades necesarias para ser capaces de utilizar herramientas que aseguren su puesto de trabajo, así como instrumentos que mejoren su calidad de vida.

Maloney, Y. and Alfaro, S.,  "The Role of Traditional Libraries in the Skills Acquisition of Underrepresented Women".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/001e-Maloney_Alfaro.pdf
Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Formación de usuarios
Resumen: Access to information and technology is a necessary tool for the advancement of individuals, communities and societies as a whole. For women in particular, unrestricted access to information is necessary not only for the acquisition of skills, but for their empowerment as individuals. In an increasingly technical, computer literate society, women returning to the workforce, poor women, and women in developing countries must be afforded the opportunity to obtain the skills necessary to use these tools to secure employment as well as improve their lives. In her speech at the World Bank and IMF Joint Library Meeting, Dr. Joan Challinor makes the point.

Marcella, R.,  "The need for European Union information amongst women in the United Kingdom: results of a survey ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2001. http://gottardo.emeraldinsight.com/vl=28898553/cl=27/nw=1/fm=docpdf/rpsv/cw/mcb/00220418/v57n4/s2/p492
Descriptores: Mujeres /Encuestas/Cuestionario/Unión Europea
Resumen: This paper describes the results of an exploratory survey by questionnaire distributed via a variety of information agencies, designed to investigate women's information needs and patterns of information-seeking behaviour in relation to the European Union. The results explore women's attitudes to information and its value to them in a range of different life contexts, as well as their use of information agencies and of information and communications technologies. The results show that women value information highly and that they search for and use a wide range of categories of information in relation to education and their professional and personal life. Findings also suggest that respondents tend to predict high levels of future use of European information, in particular in relation to democratic participation and self development. Women were conscious of barriers to information access and suggested a range of measures that might improve access. They were generally positive about participating in training in the use of electronic networks and about the likelihood of their using networks to access information about the European Union.

Marcella, R.,  "Women on the Web: A critical appraisal of a sample reflecting the range and content of women's sites on the Internet, with particular reference to the support of women's interaction and participation".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2002. http://dandini.emeraldinsight.com/vl=17606147/cl=21/nw=1/fm=html/rpsv/cw/mcb/00220418/v58n1/s5/p79
Descriptores: Mujeres /Internet/Fuentes de información
Resumen: This paper investigates the availability of women's sites on the Internet in the light of the research that has been conducted into women, communications and technology. The paper draws upon a systematic evaluation of ten women's sites, covering a range of sectors including general sites, business, health and technology. The evaluation reveals that such sites offer useful sources of information on a range of subjects of potential interest to women and that they are stable and accessible resources. The sites tend to be freely accessible and apparently reputable, with little evidence of commercialism. However, there are concerns about the lack of security on the sites and a poor provision of the kind of information that is necessary to measure their authority and reliability. While all sites offer some form of interactivity, they tend to offer in each case only a small proportion of the interactive functions that might be enabled and demonstrate little awareness of the significance of these in helping women to network effectively.

Marton, C.,  "Environmental scan on women's health information resources in Ontario, Canada".  Information Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002. http://informationr.net/ir/7-1/paper116.html
Descriptores: Mujeres /Fuentes de información/Canadá/Necesidades de información
Resumen: This paper describes the development of an environmental scanning system by a group of academics and health librarians for the purpose of conducting a consumer scan on women's health information resources on behalf of Ontario Women's Health Council, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The focus of this paper is on the use of database technology in information acquisition for environmental scanning.

Mason, K. M. and Zanish-Belcher, T.,  "Raising the Archival Consciousness: How Women's Archives

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